耳道,Ear canal
1)Ear canal耳道
1.Intermittent overpressure of 20cmH 2 O was delivered to the external ear canal of guinea pigs.建立豚鼠外耳道间断加压模型 ,用常规火棉胶切片及免疫组化SP法研究外耳道 2 0cmH2 O间断加压对豚鼠膜迷路积水及耳蜗管外侧壁心钠素 (ANP)表达的影响。

1.The projection of skin-covered cartilage in front of the meatus of the external ear.耳屏在外耳耳道前面的有皮肤覆盖的软骨突起
2.External auditory canal cholesteatoma is a rare disease entity.外耳道珍珠瘤为耳鼻喉临床少见病例。
3.Any of the hairs growing at the entrance to the meatus of the external ear.长在通向外耳耳道入口处的毛发
4.The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.有些人的耳道的腺体分泌的耳蜡过多。
5.resia of osseous auditory meatus先天性骨性耳道闭锁
6.Furuncles of the auditory canal should be allowed to resolve.应能使耳道疖消退。
7.D. Inspect canal for buildup of cerumen. If canal is clear, ask how often client usually cleans ears.检查耳道有无耳垢。如耳道干净,询问受检者通常清理时间。
8.An inflammation or infection of the ear and auditory canal, especially in dogs and cats.动物的中耳发炎耳和耳道的发炎或感染,尤指在狗或猫的感染
9."Otitis externa is dermatitis, usually Bacterial, of the auditory canal and sometimes the external ear."外耳炎是外耳道(有时亦包括外耳)的皮肤炎,通常是细菌感染。
10.The process of Ear Candling involves the use of a hollow candle with the narrow end held gently onto the edge of the ear.耳烛治疗是以燃烧耳烛,达到真空效果,吸出耳道内的废物。
11.Conclusion:one stage otoplasty is effective for treatment of the congenital malformations of the external and middle ear.结论 : 期整复术是治疗外耳、中耳畸形和外耳道闭锁并存的有效方法。
12.Levofloxacin eardrops versus ofloxacin eardrops in treating otitis media or otitis externa左氧氟沙星与氧氟沙星滴耳液治疗中耳炎、外耳道炎的比较
13.Surgical Treatment of Congenital Atresia of External Auditory Meatus(Analysis of 13 ears)先天性外耳道闭锁的外科治疗(附13耳分析)
15.RADIOTHERAPY OF CARCINOMA OF EXTERNAL AND MIDDLE EAR--Analysis on 42 Patients外耳道及中耳癌的放射治疗——附42例临床分析
16.Gauze packing for treatment of hemorrhage of external auditory canal following brain trauma外耳道填塞油纱条治疗颅脑外伤后外耳道大出血
17.The study on the en bloc resection of the external auditory canal to treat external auditory canal carcinoma in the early stage外耳道完整切除术治疗早期外耳道癌的临床研究
18.The fluid in the space between the membranous and bony labyrinths of the inner ear.外淋巴在内耳道粘膜与骨之间的液体

auditory canal (outer ear)外耳道(外耳)
3)artifical meatus auditorius人工耳道
1.According to the structural property of actual meatus auditorius,We develop an objective method of artifical meatus auditorius to measure sound insulation performance of earplug.根据真人耳道的结构特性 ,研制了一种客观测量耳塞隔声性能的方法———“人工耳道”法 ,并与测量耳塞隔声性能的主观阈值法进行了比较 ,结果表明 :用“人工耳道”法测量耳塞的隔声性能比主观阈值法具有更好的通用性 ,能方便地对线性或非线性耳塞进行隔声测量和频谱测量 ,且离散度小 ,重复率高 ,比较准确地反映了实际情况下耳塞的单一隔声性能。
4)Internal auditory canal内耳道
1.A study on identification of the internal auditory canal in middle fossa surgery;经颅中窝入路内耳道的定位研究
2.[Objective] To evaluate the application of endoscope in acoustic neuroma resection in internal auditory canal(IAC).目的探讨内镜技术在切除内耳道(IAC)内听神经鞘瘤术中的价值。
3.Microsurgical anatomy of internal auditory canal (IAC) and cerebellopontine angl e that were related to suboccipital retrosigmoid approach were studied to put fo rward anatomic parameters for the operation of acoustic neuromas.对桥脑小脑角和内耳道的骨性结构、神经及血管进行解剖测量 ,明确了听神经瘤手术时面神经、位听神经周围结构的位置关系并进行量化。
5)external auditory canal外耳道
1.Treatment of external auditory canal cholesteatoma with surgical method;用手术方法治疗外耳道胆脂瘤
2.Diagonsis and treatment of ceruminous adenoid cystic carcinoma of external auditory canal耳道腺样囊性癌的诊断及治疗
6)internal acoustic meatus suprameatal内耳道上

外耳道狭窄或闭锁外耳道狭窄或闭锁stricture or atresia of external auditory meatus 外耳道因先天性或疾病所致的病理变化。完全性闭锁,多见于先天性耳郭畸形或缺失;不完全闭锁,常局限于外耳道口部位,多为重度瘢痕挛缩的结果。瘢痕性狭窄或闭锁的治疗方法:切除瘢痕,松解挛缩,以恢复原有口径,并切取中厚皮片,用内嵌植皮法修复创面。