上气道形态,Upper airway form
1)Upper airway form上气道形态
1.Upper airway form and hyoid position of the adults with different vertical facial types;不同垂直骨面型成年患者上气道形态和舌骨位置差异的研究

1.The Sleeping-Respiration and Morphology Study of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome;OSAS患者的睡眠呼吸及颅面上气道形态学研究
2.Effects of maxillary protraction on craniofacial structures and upper airway dimensions in skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusions上颌前牵引对骨性Ⅲ类错患者上气道形态的影响
3.Upper airway forms of the adults with classⅡsagittal facial type矢状Ⅱ类不同垂直骨面型成人上气道形态的测量分析
4.Difference of upper airway variety with respiration in the sufferer of OSAHS and normal adult阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者及正常成人呼吸运动周期中上气道形态变化的研究
5.Update in OSAHS and Upper Airway Structure and FunctionOSAHS患者上气道及周围组织形态与功能改变的研究进展
6.The changes of sagittal upper airway dimensions of patients with Angle Ⅲ malocclusion following maxillary protraction前方牵引矫治乳牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错上气道矢状形态变化的研究
7.Transformation of Taoist Organization in view of Louguan Sect;从楼观道看道教在组织形态上的转型
8.Morphological observation of mucosa ciliary of bulla and upper respiratory tract in mice小鼠中耳及气道黏膜纤毛的形态学观察
9.Postoperative Characteristics of Structure and Airflow Field in Nasopharyngeal Airway of Children with Adenoidectomy腺样体肥大患儿术后鼻咽部气道形态和气流流场的变化特征
10.piped vapour supply system管道气态气体供应系统
11.Speciation and distribution of sulfur in size-fractionated particulate matters in industrial district of Shanghai上海工业区大气颗粒物中硫的化学形态和分布
12.Analysis on Consistency between Rail Transit Network and Urban Morphology in Fractal Dimension轨道交通网络与城市形态在分形上的一致性分析
13.Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.物质以三种形态存在: 固态、 液态和气态。
14.My soul walks with me, form of forms.我的灵魂和我一道走,形态的形态。
15.In each case, a gradual change in temperature or other physical condition pushed a key driver of climate toward an invisible threshold.每次事件中,气温或其他物理状态的逐渐转变,会将关键的气候驱动因子推向一道无形的门槛。
16.In addition, there was a significant increase in measures of upper airway patency, such as forced midinspiratory flow.另外,上呼吸道开放状态明显增多,比如用力吸气中期流速增强。
17.PIV experiment of steady flow within the human upper respiratory tract人体上呼吸道内稳态气流运动特性的PIV初步试验研究
18."You saw people were moving about, because qigong has been influenced a great deal by animal movements."你见到人们在运动,因为气功在很大程度上受动物活动形态影响。

Airway morphology气道形态
3)upper airway shape上呼吸道形态
4)moral metaphysical theory道德形上
5)Upper airway上气道
1.Study on effect of snore guard to upper airway structure of normal occlusion people by magnetic resonance imaging;阻鼾器对无鼾正常年轻人上气道形态影响的磁共振研究
2.Changes of upper airway volume and around its structure in patients with obstructive apnea / hypopnea syndrome who were treated effectively with the oral appliances;治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征有效的口腔矫治器戴入后上气道及周围结构的变化
3.Changes on frame of upper airway cephelometric in Angles Ⅱ~1 Malocclusion with mouth-breathing;伴口呼吸安氏Ⅱ~1错上气道结构特征的研究
6)Upper and lower airway上下气道

道-道间寻道时间道-道间寻道时间(single track seek):指磁头从一磁道移动至另一磁道的时间,单位为毫秒(ms)。