蝶窦囊肿,sphenoid sinus cyst
1)sphenoid sinus cyst蝶窦囊肿
1.Treatment for sphenoid sinus cyst under nasal endoscope;鼻内镜下治疗蝶窦囊肿12例
2)Sphenoid sinus mucocele/surg蝶窦粘液囊肿/外科学

1.From 1978 to 1984, fourteen cases of fronto-ethmoidal mucocele (5 frontal, 3 eth moidal and 6 fronto-ethmoidal) were collected.报告额、筛窦粘液囊肿14例(额窦囊肿5例,筛窦囊肿3例、额-筛窦囊肿6例)。
2.X-ray and CT Findings in Mucoceles of Frontal and Ethmoid Sinuses额、筛窦粘液囊肿的x线和CT诊断
3.Giant mucocele of right orbit and ethmoid sinus:a case report右眼眶筛窦巨大黏液囊肿一例报告
4.Results Of 15 mucoceles, 9 were found in ethmoid sinuses, 6 in frontal sinuses.结果 9个粘液囊肿发生于筛窦, 6个粘液囊肿发生于额窦。
5.Therapeutic effect of endoscopic sinus surgery on cyst of nasal sinus(20 cases report)鼻内镜鼻窦囊肿手术20例临床分析
7.Clinical Study of Maxillary Sinus Cystectomy Through Its Anterior Wall with Nasal Endoscope鼻内镜下经上颌窦前壁锁孔入路摘除上颌窦囊肿的临床研究
8.Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess.筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。
9.Analysis of 28 Cases of Maxillary Sinus Mucosal Cysts through Endoscopic Surgery;鼻内镜手术治疗上颌窦粘膜囊肿28例分析
10.Nasal sinus mucoceles after hypophysectomy垂体瘤切除术后鼻窦黏液囊肿形成临床分析
11.Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor of Ethmoid Sinuses: Case Report and Review of Literature;筛窦促纤维增生性小圆细胞肿瘤1例并文献复习
12.Endoscopic Anatomy Study on the Transethmoidal Sinus Approach for Resection of Anterior Skull Base Tumor内窥镜下经鼻筛窦入路切除前颅底肿瘤的应用解剖学研究
13.Application of Fibrolaryngoscope in Nasal Endoscopic Maxillary Sinus Cystectomy纤维喉镜在鼻内镜下上颌窦囊肿摘除术中的应用
14.All patients complicated paranasal sinus to a greater or lesser decree. Part of patients had maxillary sinus cyst and anatomical variation such as straight middle turbinate, etc.全部合并不同程度鼻窦炎,部分见以直形中鼻甲为主的解剖变异及上颌窦囊肿。
15.External ethmoidectomy is a method of choice for malignant lesions.恶性肿瘤以手术加放疗治疗,鼻外筛窦径路是治疗此类恶性肿瘤的优选术式。
16.of 10 cases sited ethmoid and antrum was Ⅱ grade;Ⅱ级(限于筛窦、上颌窦内侧上部)10例;
17.①Location: major lesions were found in frontal sinus and ethmoid sinus(34?41).①发生部位:主要位于额窦、筛窦,占83%(34?41)。
18.In all cases, the isolated space-occupying lesions in sphenoid sinus were verified by CT scan, and biopsies were made under nasal endoscopy before operation.恶性肿瘤4例,包括蝶窦低分化鳞癌2例,腺样囊性癌1例,内翻性乳头状瘤恶变1例。

Sphenoid sinus mucocele/surg蝶窦粘液囊肿/外科学
4)sinus mucocele鼻窦囊肿
5)maxillary sinus cyst上颌窦囊肿
1.Maxillary sinus cyst removed by endoscopic sinus surgery;鼻内镜下上颌窦囊肿的手术治疗
2.Maxillary sinus cyst removed by endoscopic sinus surgery in intranasal antrostomy;鼻窦窥镜上颌窦鼻内开窗上颌窦囊肿切除
3.Objective To discuss transnasal endoscopic resection of maxillary sinus cyst through three different paths.目的探讨鼻内镜下三种不同径路切除上颌窦囊肿的体会。
6)frontal and ethmoidal sinus mucocele额筛窦囊肿
1.[Objective] To discuss the effect of endoscopic sinus surgery and intubation for frontal and ethmoidal sinus mucoceles.目的探讨鼻内镜下手术置管治疗额筛窦囊肿的疗效。

甲氨蝶呤 ,甲氨蝶呤 ,氨甲蝶呤,米佐屈脱,威力氨甲蝶呤,氨蝶呤,氨克生药物名称:美素生英文名:Methotrexate别名:氨甲叶酸;甲氨蝶呤 ,甲氨蝶呤 ,氨甲蝶呤,米佐屈脱,威力氨甲蝶呤,氨蝶呤,氨克生适应症: 急性白血病,乳腺癌,绒毛膜上皮癌及恶性葡萄胎,头颈部肿瘤,骨肉瘤,白血病脑膜脊髓浸润,肺癌,生殖系统肿瘤,肝癌,顽固性普通牛皮癣,自体免疫病。 用量用法: 个体化剂量。见[ 甲氨蝶呤].禁忌: 孕妇,哺乳妇女,严重肝肾功能损害,传染病,血液系统疾病如骨髓再生不良、贫血。 不良反应: 骨髓抑制,胃肠道反应,脱发及其它皮肤粘膜改变,肝肾功能损害,肺毒性和神经毒性反应,生殖功能减弱。 注意事项: 患有感染、消化性溃疡、溃疡性结肠炎的患者以及幼年和老年病人慎用。 药物相互作用: 可与叶酸、水杨酸盐、保泰松、苯妥英、巴比妥类、磺胺类、皮质类固醇激素、四环素、氯霉素、对氨基苯甲酸、丙磺舒发生相互作用。 规格: 注射液 50mgx 1瓶。500mgx 1瓶。1gx1瓶。 类别:其他抗肿瘤药及辅助治疗药