砧镫关节,Indudostapedial joint
1)Indudostapedial joint砧镫关节

1.infective ankylosis of incudostapedial joint感染性砧镫关节强硬
2.When the incus was to be destroied,but malleus handle and stapes arch presented,the malleus to stapes assembly which employed a sculptured were used,fitted incus prosthesis between the handle of the malleus and the head of the stapes.酌情剪除锤骨头 ,取出砧骨体 ,然后行镫骨头上加高或锤骨长柄、镫骨头连接术。
3.The effect of the crimping of the piston to the long process of the incus on sound transmission in the middle ear of the temporal bone model镫骨赝附体与砧骨长脚之间连接状态对声音传导的影响
4.Applied Anatomy of the Inner Ear Relating to the Operation of Stapes and Saccuocentesis与镫骨手术和球囊穿刺术有关的内耳应用解剖
5.The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud, usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm.雷雨云砧,雷暴云砧雷云上部通常与雷暴的发展有关系的膨胀部分
6.Effect of Interaction between Rootstock and Scion on Cold Resistance of Grafted Eggplant砧穗互作与茄子嫁接苗抗冷性的关系
7.stirrup leatherph.1. 马镫皮带
8.Research on in Vitro Propagation of Virus-Free Dwarf Cherry Rootstock;脱毒樱桃矮化砧木组培快繁关键技术研究
9.The height of stapes was measured with the oblique MPR.在镫骨斜位MPR图像上测量镫骨的高度。
10.④deal with stapedial muscle tendon and suprastructure of stapes with CO 2 laser.④以CO2 激光行镫骨底板开窗、处理镫骨肌腱及镫骨上结构。
11.chopping block [ board ]俎, 砧板, 肉墩
12.surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear.切除中耳部镫骨的手术。
13.partial stapedectom镫骨足板部分切除术
14.He put his feet into the stirrups.他把脚套在马镫里。
15.3D CT can vividly demonstrate the shape and spatial relationships of malleus and incus.三维 CT能生动地显示锤骨、砧骨的立体形态及空间关系 .
16.Study on Endogenous Polyamines Metabolism and Some Related Physio-biochemical Indexes during Dormant Period in Pear Rootstocks;梨砧木休眠过程中多胺代谢及相关生理生化指标的研究
17.A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Phenolics in Root Exudate of Different Apple Rootstocks and Resistance to Replant Disease苹果砧木根系分泌物中酚类物质与连作障碍抗性关系的初步研究
18.The highness of stapes was (3.3 ±0.4) mm in the abnormal group.在镫骨斜位MPR图像上,测量镫骨高度为(33±04)mm。

articulatio incudomallearis砧锤关节
1.Preparation and clinical application of Teflon-wire piston and stapes height measurer;活塞型人工镫骨及镫骨高度测量器的制备与应用
2.Modeling and Biomechanical Analysis of the Stapes, Cochlea and Organ of Corti镫骨、耳蜗及其Corti器的建模与生物力学研究
3.Objective To investigate the best parameters of scanning in showing the normal stapes with multidetector CT(MDCT).目的探讨多排螺旋CT(MDCT)显示镫骨精细结构的最佳扫描及成像参数组合。
