Semont手法,Semont maneuver
1)Semont maneuverSemont手法
1.Methods Epley maneuver, Barbecue rotation and Semont maneuver were applied to twelve cases of BPPV.方法应用Epley手法、Barbecue翻滚法和Semont手法对12例BPPV患者进行治疗。
2)modified Semont maneuver改良Semont法
1.Three-dimensional anatomical position of rotatory center in cervical rotatory and local manipulation;颈椎定点旋转手法“点”的三维空间解剖位置的研究
2.The examples on the manipulation of "three steps and three postures and nine practices" that professor Song Guijie treats the prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc;宋贵杰教授治疗腰椎间盘突出症“三步三位九法”手法举要
3.Observation on the Curative Effect and Mechanism Analysis of Radix Paeoniae and Pawpaw Decoction (Shaoyao Mugua Tang) Combined with Manipulation for Cervical Vertigo;芍药木瓜汤配合手法治疗颈性眩晕的疗效观察与机理分析

1.jackboot tactics军事镇压手法, 粗暴手段
2.public relations exerciseph.1. 公关手法,公关手段
3.Having a light, delicate touch.手巧的、手法高明的
4.Illusionism in art.魔术手法艺术上的错觉艺术手法
5.Comparing with Techniques of Chinese Tuinal Medicine on Spine and Westem Medicine中医脊柱手法与西医手法的对比研究
6.Stirring up mud is the politician's favorite method of destroying his enemy.政客打垮对手的常用手法是揭人丑闻。
7.a wrestling hold in which the arms are pressed against the opponent's windpipe.在对手气管上施加压力的摔跤手法
8.On Rhetoric Means and Pragmatic Priciples in the Short Message Service from a Cellphone;浅析手机短信的修辞手法和语用原则
9.Manual Traction Reduction with Instrumented Reduction For the Treatment of Lumbar Spondylolisthesis腰椎滑脱手术中手法牵引复位的意义
10.modus operandi search and identification by computer犯罪手法计算机分析
11.The act or a stroke of daubing.涂抹涂抹的行为或手法
12.[sing]manner or style of workmanship,performance,etc(技艺、表演等的)手法,风格
13.Promote economic, development and Build a legal system at the same time一手抓建设,一手抓法制
14.By this I mean that we must promote economic development and at the same time build a legal system.所谓两手,即一手抓建设,一手抓法制。
15.When necessary, however, we shall resort to administrative or legal measures.必要时采取一些行政手段和法律手段。
16.We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制
17.Discussion on Natural Sign Language and Grammar Sign Language;试论自然手语和文法手语的几个问题
18.A Fast Sign Word Recognition Technique for Chinese Sign Language;中国手语手势词识别的一种快速方法

modified Semont maneuver改良Semont法
1.Three-dimensional anatomical position of rotatory center in cervical rotatory and local manipulation;颈椎定点旋转手法“点”的三维空间解剖位置的研究
2.The examples on the manipulation of "three steps and three postures and nine practices" that professor Song Guijie treats the prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc;宋贵杰教授治疗腰椎间盘突出症“三步三位九法”手法举要
3.Observation on the Curative Effect and Mechanism Analysis of Radix Paeoniae and Pawpaw Decoction (Shaoyao Mugua Tang) Combined with Manipulation for Cervical Vertigo;芍药木瓜汤配合手法治疗颈性眩晕的疗效观察与机理分析
1.Clinical Study of Hallux Valgus Treated by Minimal Incision and Manipulations;小切口手法治疗外翻临床研究──附535例(986足)研究报告
2.The lumbar physiological-curvature(the distances from the lumbar vertebra to the arch vertex) changes were measured by Seze s method on LIDH cases before and after the treatment by great massage manipulative reduction and by conventional manipulations plus lumbar traction,and the therapeutic effects of the two methods wer.采用Seze方法测量大推拿手法复位及常规手法加腰牵方法治疗前后患者腰椎生理曲度(腰椎弓顶距离)的变化并对疗效进行对比观察。
6)maneuver[英][m?'nu:v?][美][m?'nuv?, -'nju-]手法
1.Thirty cases with cervical-gastric syndrome treated by electric needles and maneuver;电针加手法治疗颈胃综合症30例
2.Treating chest cartilage tissue contusion with maneuver and camphor ointment;手法+樟脑膏治疗胸部软组织挫伤
3.Liquid medicine fomentation,infrared radiation,special maneuver with lotion,local sealing have obvious clinical effects.采用药水热透、红外线灯照射、药水作介质的特殊手法、局部封闭等综合治疗方法 ,临床疗效十分显著。
