垂直半规管,Vertical semicircular canal
1)Vertical semicircular canal垂直半规管

1.nertical Semicircular Canal Function Test in Fighterpilots军事飞行员垂直半规管功能的检测与研究
2.Therapeutic Effect of the Canalith Reposition on Vertical Semicircular Canal Benign Paroxysmal Postural Vertigo手法复位治疗垂直半规管性良性阵发性变位性眩晕的疗效分析
3.vertical mos transistor垂直型金属氧化物半导体晶体管
4.We will standardize the relationship between local departments directly under central government organs and local governments.规范垂直管理部门和地方政府的关系。
5.vertical metal oxide semiconductor垂直金属氧化物半导体
6.Riser cables-Sectional specification垂直布线电缆分规范
7.vertical channel fet垂直沟道场效应晶体管
8.transistor vertical deflection circuit晶体管垂直偏转电路
9.vertical judder垂直位移;垂直投影的不稳定性;(显象管上图象)垂直位置不稳定
10.The human brain be divided vertically down the middle into two hemisphere人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球
11.vertical double diffused mos垂直双扩散金属氧化物半导体结构
12.The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres.人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球。
13.Resection range of dog hemi-vertical larynx by semiconductor laser半导体激光切除犬垂直半喉的极限范围
14.semicircular canal【解】(耳的)半规管
15.A device, such as a plumb line, used in marking the vertical from a given point.垂规,铅垂线一种装置,如铅垂线,用于从给定点标记竖直方向
16.Something vertical, as a line, plane, or circle.垂直物垂直的东西,比如垂直线,垂直面或垂直圆
17.Unable to apply same size rules vertically无法在垂直方向应用相同大小规则
18.Riser cables-Blank detail specification垂直布线电缆空白详细规范

vertical half-space垂直半空间
1.Dynamic analysis for scattering of SH-wave by circular cavities near bimaterial interfaces in a vertical half-spaceSH波入射时垂直半空间中双相介质界面附近圆孔的动力分析
3)vertical pipeline垂直管道
1.Based on the research results of experts,sets out from momentum,and analyses the momentum change of liquid and solids,and puts forward calculation models of settling slurry velocity distribution and friction loss in vertical pipeline.在前人研究的基础上,从动量角度出发,研究液体及固体颗粒速度的变化,推导出浆体垂直管道速度分布和摩阻损失的求解模型。
4)vertical tube垂直列管
1.Heat transfer for the liquid with low boiling-point in the vertical tube;垂直列管内低沸点物料的沸腾传热
5)vertical pipe垂直管
1.Study on spiral flow in vertical pipe using the particle image velocimetry基于粒子图像测速技术的垂直管螺旋流研究
2.Taking the object of transporting carbon black,analyzed the transportation pressure losing of level pipe、vertical pipe and bend pipe of the pneumatic transportation pipe line,gained the pres-sure losing formula of the three sorts of pipe line.对以炭黑为输送对象的气力输送管道中水平管、垂直管和弯管的输送压力损失分别进行了分析,得到了炭黑在这3种输送管道中的压力损失计算公式。
3.Hydraulic hoist of solid coarse particles in the vertical pipe is used in oil extraction, chemical engineering, ocean mining, coal mining and silt cleanup and so on.固体粗颗粒物料的垂直管水力提升常见于石油开采、化工反应、深海采矿、水力采煤、河湖清淤等工程场合。
6)vertical management垂直管理
1.Many people think the state environmental protection agency should strengthen the administration through vertical management.我国环境状况的恶化在很大程度上与各地放松环境管制有关,因此很多人主张国家环保总局应该对各地的环境部门实行垂直管理以加强对地方环境执法的监督。
2.The essay dealt with the methods and effect of vertical nursing management,explored the way for the nursing department to implement the vertical management on staff members,money and property,and then made the nursing department a managerial department with the integrity of power and its responsibility as well as the relatively prope.为了适应医疗管理模式的转变,提高护理管理效率,我院实施了护理垂直管理。
3.To solve these problems,corresponding measures can be taken by the NPC Standing Committee,for instance,the establishment of an audit committee,the vertical management of local audit organs,and improvement of the personnel system of auditing organs and the audit announcement system,and perfection of the audit accountability system.针对所存在的问题,可以通过采取一系列的措施来加以完善,如在人大常委会设立审计委员会、地方审计机关实行垂直管理、改进审计机关的人事制度、完善审计公告制度、健全审计后的问责制度等。

半规管    半规管  ductus semicirculares  半规管(duetus semicireulares)内耳的一部分,位于前庭的后方。半规管分为骨半规管和膜半规管。骨半规管由三个互相垂直的半环形的骨性管组成分别为前骨半规管、后骨半规管和外骨半规管。每个骨半规管有两个骨脚,一个有膨大部的骨脚称壶腹骨脚,其膨大的部位称骨壶腹;另一个无膨大部的骨脚称单骨脚。前骨半规管和后骨半规管的单骨脚合成一个总骨脚。故三个骨半规管只有五个骨脚。膜半规管位于骨半规管内,形状与骨半规管相似,共有瓦个脚(_三个壶腹脚、一个单脚、一个总脚)。〕在骨壶腹内,膜半规管有类似的膨大,称为膜壶腹。膜壶腹的壁上一侧翁膜增厚突起,称壶腹蜡。它与半规管的长轴相垂直,有毛细胞分布,为感觉仁皮细胞,表面覆以帽状胶样物质称终帽,在毛细胞的底部分布着前庭神经末梢。壶腹峭是位觉器,能感受头部旋转变速运动的刺激。当头部作旋转变速运动时,膜半规管内的内淋巴流动方‘向和速度会发生改变,这种变化会刺激壶腹峭,使其兴奋、发放神经冲动,经前庭神经传至脑,产生位置感觉 (李世昌撰杨立能审)