肌骨膜瓣,Musculo-periosteal flap
1)Musculo-periosteal flap肌骨膜瓣
1.Musculo-periosteal flap to obliterate the mastoid cavity,conchaplasty and synchronal tympanoplasty;肌骨膜瓣填塞乳突腔、耳甲腔成形并一期鼓室成形术

1.The Application of Mastoid Obliteration with Conchoplasty and Pastauricular Musulo-Perilsteal-Bone Flap in Mastoid Cavity耳甲腔成形及肌骨膜瓣在乳突术腔中的应用
2.Study of using postaural bipedicle musculoperiosteal flap in mastoid obliteration耳后双蒂肌骨膜瓣在大乳突腔填塞中的应用
3.Comparison of the Clinic Results of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head Treated by Muscle-pedicle Bone Grafting Using Tensor Fascia Lata and Satorius Muscle;阔筋膜张肌肌骨瓣及缝匠肌肌骨瓣治疗股骨头缺血性坏死疗效比较
4.Treatment of Transferring Sternocleidomastoid Myoperiosteal Periosteum to Treating Subglottic Laryngotracheal Stenosis a Study on Anatomy and Clinical Application胸锁乳突肌锁骨骨膜瓣治疗声门下喉气管狭窄
5.The Anatomical Study of the Periosteal Flap Composed of Submental Artery and Anterovent of Digastric Muscle;颏下动脉二腹肌前腹下颌骨骨膜瓣解剖学研究
6.Study of Application of Blood Supply of Pedicled Iliac Bone Flaps with Sartorius, with Tensor Fasciae Latae and with Both of Them;缝匠肌、阔筋膜张肌肌蒂骼骨瓣血液供应的应用研究
7.Bi-pedicle muscular flap were used to reconstruct the larynx.残喉创面修复用双蒂肌软骨膜瓣重建喉功能。
8.Expression of BMP-2 with Combined Use of Spongy Bone Particle and Bone Marrow in Repairing Long Bone Defects;探讨在复合肌肉骨膜瓣联合移植修复长段骨缺损中BMP-2的表达
9.In situ turnover sternohyoid fasciomuscular flap in the reconstruction of laryngeal defects after partial laryngectomies原位翻转胸骨舌骨肌筋膜瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损的疗效分析
11.Two cases were repaired with tensor facia latae, 3 with mucosoperichondrium of nasal septum and EC otocerebral glue and 1 with TJ bone cement.修补采用额肌瓣2例,阔筋膜和肌肉一例,EC耳胶和鼻中隔粘骨膜3例,TJ骨水泥1例。
12.Submucous Implantation with Pedicel Auto-flap of Cheek Muscle for Atrophic Rhinitis带蒂颊肌瓣鼻腔粘骨膜下植入术治疗萎缩性鼻炎
13.Applied anatomy and experimental study of esophagoplasty with osteoperio-intercostal muscle flap in dog犬肋骨膜肌瓣食管成型术的应用解剖及实验研究
14.The Empirical Study of Using the Mixed Mode Whole Ribs Pleura and Intercostal Muscle Pedicle Skin Flap Valve Ring to Rebuild the Trachea in Dogs犬复合型带蒂全肋骨胸膜肌瓣环再造气管的实验研究
15.Repair of Donor Site Tissue Defect for Fibular Osteomyocutaneous Flap by Osteofascial Compartment Syndrome腓骨肌皮瓣供区发生小腿筋膜间室综合征组织缺损的修复
16.Reconstruction of laryngotracheal defect using the musculo-periosteum flap of the sternocleidomastoideus with clavicular periosteum带蒂胸锁乳突肌锁骨膜瓣在喉气管缺损修复中的应用
17.the dura mater membranes was reconstructed with frontal bone periosteum flap, nasal septa membrane-cartilage flap and nosepiece membrane flap.额部骨膜瓣、鼻中隔黏软骨膜瓣、鼻甲黏膜瓣修补硬脑膜 ;
18.Periosteofascial membrane's clinical use in tibial shaft fractures胫骨干骨折部胫前页状筋膜骨膜瓣的临床应用

bi-pedicle muscular flap双蒂肌软骨膜瓣
1.Ter application of bi-pedicle muscular flap after partial laryngectomy;双蒂肌软骨膜瓣在喉部分切除术创面修复中的应用
3)pedicled myoperiosteal flap带蒂肌骨膜瓣
4)Infrahyoid myofascia flap舌骨下肌筋膜瓣
5)Pronator quadratus myoperiosteal flap旋前方肌骨膜瓣
6)Postauricular musculo-periosteal-bone flap带蒂肌筋膜骨瓣

骨膜性骨化性肌炎骨膜性骨化性肌炎periosteal myositis ossificans 系在骨膜邻近的肌肉内形成新骨。多见于股骨和脊椎。全髋关节置换术后时有发生。为了防止术后这类异位骨化,在全髋关节置换术后可进行深部X线照射。骨块已形成者X线照射无效。