听觉监测,hearing monitoring
1)hearing monitoring听觉监测
1.Objective To evaluate the hearing function after internal auditory artery occlusion and the effective-ness of intraoperative hearing monitoring.DCAP、DPOAE能有效、持续地监控内耳血供阻断,是耳神经外科手术中实用的听觉监测手段。

1.The clerk can then use his sense of hearing to monitor the success of his inputs while he keeps his eyes on the document.用户在视线停留在原始文档的同时,可以用听觉监测自己的输入是否成功。
2.Clinical Study on Fetal Hearing Monitored by Extrauterine Acoustic Stimulation宫外声刺激监测胎儿听觉的临床研究
3.Role of Auditory Evoked Potential Index and Bispectral Index with the Depth of Sedation Induced by Isoflurane Inhalation in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy;脑电双频指数和听觉诱发电位指数监测的应用比较
4.Clinical observation of anesthesia Depth Monitoring under the Control of Auditory Evoked Potential Index听觉诱发电位指数调控下麻醉深度监测临床观察
5.Analysis of Clinical Application of Intraoperative Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Monitoring to Acoustic Neuroma Microsurgical Resection Operations听神经瘤显微切除手术中脑干听觉诱发电位实时监测的临床应用分析
6.Wepman Test of Auditory Discrimination韦普曼听觉辨别测验
7.d and monitor statio遥测跟踪指令和监听站
8.Monitoring the depth of remifentanil anesthesia with auditory evoked potential index in painless hysteroscopy听觉诱发电位指数监测在无痛宫腔镜术中瑞芬太尼麻醉深度的评价
9.a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]
10.An instrument for measuring hearing activity for pure tones of normally audible frequencies.听度计,听力计对正常可听单音频的听觉能力测定仪
11.Traffic parameters vision real-time detection based on virtual detection line基于虚拟监测线的交通参数视觉实时监测
12.Temporal Perception and Auditory Perception Measuring Instrument Based on Embedded System基于嵌入式系统的听觉与时间知觉测试仪
13.Evaluation of the Hearing Loss in Medicolegal Expertise with Auditory Combination Tests;听力测试组合在听觉障碍鉴定中的应用
14.Test andy study of auditory event-related potential P300 in patients with epilepsy癫?患者听觉事件相关电位的检测报告
15.An Analysis of Auditory Reaction Time Among 1156 Students in Shenyang;沈阳市1156名学生听觉反应时测定分析
16.Perceiving of Tone in Whispered Chinese Based on Auditory Model基于听觉模型的汉语耳语音声调检测
17.A graphic record of hearing ability for various sound frequencies that is used to measure hearing loss.听力图对各种音频听觉能力的图表记录,用于测量听力损伤
18.The Application of LSAs Passive Listening in OSPF Monitoring;被动监听LSAs技术在OSPF网络监测中的应用方法

Intraoperative hearing monitoring听觉监护
3)auditory direction finding听觉测向
4)Monitor detection监听检测

脑干听觉诱发电位脑干听觉诱发电位brain stem auditory evoked potentials,BAEP  检查听神经及脑干情况。正常情况下,当有声音刺激时,脑干的神经细胞产生一定的电位变化,利用计算机技术,通过头皮电极记录下来。检查不受年龄限制,不需小儿配合,无损伤,可在睡眠中进行,适应于包括新生儿在内的各年龄小儿。脑干听觉诱发电位在小儿神经系统疾病中主要应用于:①早期诊断新生儿、婴幼儿听力障碍;②了解听路损害的部位为周围性(听神经或耳蜗神经核)损害或中枢性(脑干)损害。可辅助诊断神经系统器质性疾病。若病变集中于大脑半球,未波及脑干时,则脑干听觉诱发电位无变化;③通过连续监测,了解脑内病理过程的发展与转归。