病变机理,serious troubles mechanism
1)serious troubles mechanism病变机理
1.Review on theories and technologies in analyzing serious troubles mechanism and ensuring safety of hydraulic engineerings;综论水工程病变机理与安全保障分析理论和技术

1.The Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Macrovascular Disease and the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus;2型糖尿病大血管病变机理和糖尿病治疗
2.The Research of the Mechanism & Method of the Treatment with Laser for Vascular Diseases;激光用于治疗血管病变机理和方法的研究
3.The article is to summarize the progress of the researches on the mechanism of the diabetic neuropathy in recent years.本文就近年来糖尿病性神经病变机理的研究及进展作一综述。
4.Pathogenesis of Diabetic Vasculopathy in Traditional Chinese Medicine糖尿病血管病变的中医病机理论诠释
5.Pathogenic Mechanism of Disease-Associated Cx31 Mutants;Cx31疾病相关突变致病机理研究
6.Study on the Molecular Immune Mechanism of Diabetic Angiopathy;糖尿病血管病变的分子免疫机理研究
7.Pathogenesis and histopathologic changes of renal fibrosis in chronic allograft nephropathy慢性移植肾肾病纤维化发病机制及病理学变化
8.The Experimental Study on the Pathological Pathogenesis of Vascular Anomalies and the Treatment with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound;血管病变的病理机理及HIFU治疗的实验研究
9.Study on Syndrome of Yin-deficiency from Multi-Models of Yin-deficiency;从多个阴虚病变模型研究阴虚证机理
10.A Study on the Pathological Changes of the Skeletal Muscle Microvessels and Their Pathogenesis in DM/PMDM/PM肌肉微血管病变研究及机理探讨
11.Regularity of Pathologic Changes and Pathogenesis of Kikuchi-Fujimoto Lymphadenitis;Kikuchi淋巴结炎病理变化规律与发病机制研究
12.GuiLong-Pellet for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Mechanism Study;归龙丸方治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的机理研究
13.Mechanisms of Cell Death and Its Resistance in Rice Lesion Mimic Mutant spl5水稻类病变突变体spl5细胞坏死机理及其抗病性的研究
14.Role of Enzyme-catalyzed Glycosylation in Diabetic Retinopathy;酶促糖基化反应参与糖尿病性视网膜病变发病机理的初步研究
15.Pathology:Medical specialty dealing with causes of disease and structural and functional changes in abnormal conditions.病理学: 处理疾病的成因与异常症状的构造及机能变化的医学专科。
16.The Investigation of Pathological Changes and Pathogenesis of the Pregnancy Toxemia of Sheep;小尾寒羊妊娠毒血症病理变化与发病机理的研究
17.Experimental Study on the Mechanism of the Changes in the Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Rats Detrusor Function;糖尿病大鼠逼尿肌功能改变机理的实验研究
18.The Research on Mechanism of Incidence and Potential Malignancy of Oral Lichen Planus;口腔扁平苔藓发病及其恶变机理的探讨

pathology and disease mechanism病理病机
4)Pathological change病理改变
1.Activation of microglia and pathological changes in chronically hypoperfused brain of rats;大鼠慢性脑灌注不足脑内小胶质细胞活化和脑的病理改变
2.The pathological changes of each group s retinas were observed under optical and electron microscopes.方法1500 W氙灯光源下作12:12h的明暗循环光照射制作SD雌性大鼠视网膜光损伤模型,分为正常对照组、单纯模型对照组、高、中、低剂量实验组、维生素E对照组,光、电镜观察各组视网膜病理改变情况。
3.RESULTS The chief pathological changes were the necrosis of histocyte.目的 研究骨折愈合过程中病理改变与血流量变化规律 ,并探讨其间的关系 。
5)pathological change病理变化
1.Pathological changes in liver, kidney and spleen in mice exposed to formaldehyde;甲醛染毒小鼠肝脏、肾脏、脾脏的病理变化
2.Relationship between urine α1-MG, NAG and renal tubule interstitial pathological change;尿α_1-MG和尿NAG与肾小管间质病理变化的关系
3.Experimental study on the pathological changes of dog s brain after craniocerebral firearm injuries in a hot and humid environment;高温高湿环境颅脑火器伤脑组织病理变化研究
6)pathological changes病理改变
1.Pathological changes of ureter like engorgement in ureteral debouch, hyperaemia, hydropsia, anabrosis, and haemorrhage on mucous membrane of .目的:探讨输尿管结石继发性病理改变对气压弹道碎石的影响。
2.Objective To study the correlation between TCM syndrome type and liver tissue pathological changes in patients with chronic hepatitis B(CHB)in order to provide evidence for syndrome differentiation.目的探讨慢性乙型肝炎(简称乙肝)中医证型和肝组织病理改变的关系,为中医辨证提供依据。
3.Objective To study the effect of IFN-γon pathological changes of legionnaire pn-eumophila pneumonia sergroup 1 in guinea pigs.目的观察IFN-γ对豚鼠1型嗜肺军团菌肺炎病理改变的影响。

癌前病变治疗癌前病变治疗 目前已确定可以发展为妇科恶性肿瘤的癌前病变有:子宫颈上皮非典型增生,近几年来将其归入上皮内瘤样病变(CIN),子宫内膜非典型性增生,及腺瘤样增生,外阴白斑等。①宫颈非典型增生:它具有可逆性及进展性,故应积极治疗:可选用电凝治疗、冷冻治疗、激光治疗,微波治疗,干扰素栓及应用维生素甲类化合物等;②子宫内膜癌前病变:为腺瘤型增生过长及非典型增生过长,可采用内分泌治疗,应用大剂量孕激素治疗,对40岁以上无生育要求者可做子宫全切除术;③外阴癌癌前病变:目前认为外阴白斑及外阴上皮非典型增生为癌前病变,应取活体组织送病理确诊后,采用局部病灶切除术;④阴道癌癌前病变:有阴道腺病及阴道上皮非典型增生,应行病灶局部切除术。所有癌前病变于治疗后,都应定期随访复查,因仍有可能复发或发展成癌。