蹄蝠,Hipposiderid bats
1)Hipposiderid bats蹄蝠
1.The relationship between echolocation calls and bodily form of four species of Hipposiderid bats;4种蹄蝠回声定位声波特征与体型的相关性

1.The Study in Ecology, Morphology, Structure of Cochlea and Hearing Function of Hipposideros Pratti Pratti Thomas, Rhinolophus Rouxi Sinicus Andersen and Miniopterus Schreibersi Chinensis Thomas;普氏蹄蝠、鲁氏菊头蝠、长翼蝠的生态、形态、及耳蜗结构和听觉功能的研究
2.The Geographic Variation among the Echolocation Calls of Hipposideros Armiger in Different Locations大蹄蝠不同种群回声定位声波地理差异研究
3.Isolation of Microsatellite Loci from Pratt's Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros Pratti) and Cross-species Amplification普氏蹄蝠(Hipposideros pratti)微卫星位点的筛选及交叉种扩增
4.Isolation of Microsatellite Markers and Analysis of Population Genetics in Hipposideros Armiger大蹄蝠的微卫星标记筛选及其种群遗传学研究
5.A summary and some different views on taxonomy of Hipposideridae in China are offered in the paper.【中英文摘要】针对国内外关于中国蹄蝠科的分类问题进行概述。
6.The relationships between ABR audiogram,cochlear morphology and physical parameters in four species of Hipposiderid bats四种蹄蝠ABR听力图特点与耳蜗形态及体型的相关性
7.Spectrum Characteristics of Echolocation Call and Frequency Tuning of Inferior Collicular Neurons in Hipposideros armiger大蹄蝠回声定位信号特征与下丘神经元频率调谐
8.bat having a horseshoe-shaped leaf on the nose.鼻翼呈马蹄形的蝙蝠。
9.Some Horseshoe bats can detect differences as slight as 0. 0001 KHz.一些马蹄铁形蝙蝠能探测到细微至0.0001千赫的差别。
10.any of numerous bats of northwest Africa or Philippines or Australia having a horseshoe-shaped leaf on the nose.分布在非洲西北部或菲律宾或澳大利亚的多种鼻翼呈马蹄形的蝙蝠。
11.No, no,@ said the bat.“不,不,”蝙蝠说。
12.As they were talking, Bat said,他们闲着,蝙蝠说:
13.Pig's or sheep's foot, esp as food猪蹄,羊蹄(尤指作食物的)
14.Ride who will, the mare are shoes .谁想把马骑,蹄铁镶马蹄。
15.The horny part of a horse's hoof.蹄槽马蹄的角状部分
16.The paw of an animal's foreleg.前蹄动物前腿上的蹄
17.A hoofed mammal of the order Perissodactyla.奇蹄目的带蹄哺乳动物
18.Batman Forever新蝙蝠侠不败之迷/蝙蝠侠不败之谜

Coelops frithi无尾蹄蝠
1.Characteristics and Analysis of Echolocation Calls by Coelops frithi;无尾蹄蝠的回声定位声波特征及分析
3)Hipposideros armiger大蹄蝠
1.Spectrum Characteristics of Echolocation Call and Frequency Tuning of Inferior Collicular Neurons in Hipposideros armiger蹄蝠回声定位信号特征与下丘神经元频率调谐
2.Hipposideros armiger (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) mainly distributes in South and South-east.大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)隶属小蝙蝠亚目(Microchiroptera)蹄蝠科(Hipposideridae)蹄蝠属(Hipposideros),主要分布于我国南部和东南部,现已被世界自然保护联盟IUCN(IUCN)受威胁物种红色名录列为低危(LR)种。
1.A Summary on Taxonomy of Hipposideridae in China;中国蹄蝠科的分类现状与展望
5)Hipposideros Ammiger大马蹄蝠
6)Hipposideros pratti普氏蹄蝠
1.In this study we isolated 16 microsatellite loci from Hipposideros pratti by using a genomic enriched library for AC dinucleotide repeats,and tested the polymorphism on a population from Sichuan Province,China.本文采用微卫星序列富集法构建了普氏蹄蝠的(AC)二碱基重复的基因组富集文库,从中先后筛选到16个微卫星位点标记,并利用这些微卫星位点对来自四川地区的一个自然种群(96个个体)进行多态性分析,分型结果显示有4个位点显示为单态位点,3个位点的分型结果无法正确判读,均舍去。

蹄蝠(图) 蹄蝠   蹄蝠科是个与菊头蝠科非常相似的科,现多被并入菊头蝠科,成为仅次于蝙蝠科、狐蝠科和叶口蝠科的第四大科。蹄蝠科分布于旧大陆热带、亚热带地区,体型从微小到较大。蹄蝠和菊头蝠一样有马蹄形的鼻叶,但是鼻叶上没有菊头蝠那样复杂的结构,耳朵大小中等,和菊头蝠一样没有耳屏。蹄蝠食多种多样的昆虫,常在洞穴中结成大群。有些蹄蝠适应在人类的生活居住地区活动,数量非常多,能捕食大量害虫。