下鼻道,Inferior meatus
1)Inferior meatus下鼻道
2)Windowing of Inferior Nasal Meatus(WINM)下鼻道开窗
1.Objective: To investigate the operative therapeutic effects of Windowing of Inferior Nasal Meatus(WINM) instead of traditional radical cure operation of genyantrum diseases in the treatment of chronic genyantritis(CG).目的:探讨下鼻道开窗术替代传统的上颌窦根治术治疗慢性上颌窦炎的手术方法及治疗效果。
3)nasal meatuses鼻道
1.\ Methods\ The size and shape of conchae, nasal meatuses and the structures of the lateral wall in middle nasal meatus were observed and measured on 67 sides of the sagittal head specimens and the distances from anterior nasal spine to other anatomic parts were also measured.方法选用67侧正中矢状切的头部标本,观测各鼻甲、鼻道及中鼻道外侧壁结构的形态和大小,并测量前鼻棘至各解剖部位的距离。

1.The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages.鼻咽软腭上部的咽和鼻道相连的部分
2.Treatment of Anterior Nasosinusitis by Rhino Sinus Compound Operation under Intranasal Rhinoscope鼻内窥镜下窦口鼻道复合体手术治疗前组付鼻窦炎
3.Anatomic Variations of the Ostiomeatal Complex and Their Association with Chronic Rhinosinusitis: CT Evaluation.;窦口鼻道复合体的解剖变异及其与慢性鼻—鼻窦炎相关性的CT评价
4.The Observation of the Ostiomeatal Complex Mucosal Pathological Morphology in Chronic Rhinosinusitis;慢性鼻—鼻窦炎患者窦口鼻道复合体黏膜病理形态学观察
5.meanwhile the secretion culture was performed for aerobic bacteria from the middle meatus.同时对中鼻道分泌物进行需氧菌培养。
6.Both your nasal passage are blocked by polyp-like tissues.你的两个鼻道都被息肉状组织所堵塞。
7.Either of the sinuses in the bones of the upper jaw, opening into the nasal cavity.鼻窦上颚骨里通向鼻腔的窦道之一
8.Doctors know how to stop the issue of blood from the nose.大夫知道如何止住鼻血。
9.the pungent flavor of garlic;大蒜强烈刺鼻的味道;
10.Nasal valve is the narrowest part of the nose and it is angled upward at about 45.56±5.59o to the plane of the nostril.鼻阈为气道最狭窄处,与前鼻孔的角度为45.56±5.59o
11.The effect of submucosal diathermy to the inferior turbinates on nasal airway resistance下鼻甲粘膜下凝固术对鼻气道阻力的影响
13.Distribution of nasal airway resistance in normal and pathologic nasal cavity正常和病理状态下鼻气道阻力在鼻腔中的分布
14.The treatment of recurrence of nasolacrimal duct obstruction after endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy with intranasal endoscopy泪囊鼻腔吻合术后复发泪道阻塞的鼻内镜治疗
15.Nasolacrimal duct dilating with mitomycin C for nasolacrimal duct obstruction经鼻泪道扩张联合丝裂霉素C治疗鼻泪管阻塞
16.External auditory canal cholesteatoma is a rare disease entity.外耳道珍珠瘤为耳鼻喉临床少见病例。
17.You know, the one with the big nose .你知道,那个鼻子很大的姑娘。
18.Mrs. Sun turned up her nose and sniffed."Mr. Fang!孙太太鼻孔朝天,出冷气道:“方先生!

Windowing of Inferior Nasal Meatus(WINM)下鼻道开窗
1.Objective: To investigate the operative therapeutic effects of Windowing of Inferior Nasal Meatus(WINM) instead of traditional radical cure operation of genyantrum diseases in the treatment of chronic genyantritis(CG).目的:探讨下鼻道开窗术替代传统的上颌窦根治术治疗慢性上颌窦炎的手术方法及治疗效果。
3)nasal meatuses鼻道
1.\ Methods\ The size and shape of conchae, nasal meatuses and the structures of the lateral wall in middle nasal meatus were observed and measured on 67 sides of the sagittal head specimens and the distances from anterior nasal spine to other anatomic parts were also measured.方法选用67侧正中矢状切的头部标本,观测各鼻甲、鼻道及中鼻道外侧壁结构的形态和大小,并测量前鼻棘至各解剖部位的距离。
4)droopy nasal ala下垂鼻翼
1.Objective To disscuss the surgical procedures of repairing the broad nostril and droopy nasal ala.目的:探讨宽大鼻孔、下垂鼻翼的整复方法。
5)nasal alar ptosis鼻翼下垂
1.Correction of nasal alar ptosis with nasal alar fold incision;鼻翼沟切口矫正鼻翼下垂
6)inferior turbinate下鼻甲
1.Clinical effects of partial resection and submucous plasty on hypertrophic inferior turbinate;粘膜下成形术治疗下鼻甲肥大的临床效果探讨
2.Endoscopy combination with plasm radiofrequency to treat deflection of nasal septum with hypertrophic inferior turbinate;鼻内镜联合等离子射频微创治疗鼻中隔偏曲并下鼻甲肥大
3.Inferior turbinate functional anaplasty under sinus endoscope;鼻内窥镜下功能性下鼻甲成形术

鼻道鼻道 鼻道   人体解剖部位名称。见《医学入门》,也即鼻隧。详见该条。