五官科,otolaryngologic department
1)otolaryngologic department五官科
1.Control system design of comprehensive treatment apparatus for otolaryngologic department;五官科综合治疗设备的控制系统设计

1.Reforming of Facial Features Sciences Teaching in Clinical of Higher Vocational Colleges should Based on the Characteristics of the Subjects;临床高职五官科教学改革应以学科特点为基础
2.Current State Of E.N.T Doctors in Commune Hospitals and the Training Countermeasures;乡镇卫生院五官科医师现状与培训对策
3.On Teaching Reform of Otorhinolaryngology In Medical Cosmetology in Vocational and Technical College谈高职医疗美容技术专业五官科学教学改革
4.(5) Confiscate bureaucrat-capital;(五)没收官僚资本;
5.The judge pronounced a sentence of five years on him.法官宣判他五年徒刑。
6.small features, very fair;五官纤丽,非常漂亮。
7.the close - set cast of her features.她的十分紧凑的五官
8.She has finely chiseled features.她的五官轮廓分明。
9.(of sb's features)move violently;twitch(指人的五官)抽动,扭曲
10.subjective(sensible) failure deciding主观(五官)判断故障
11.the quality of having regular well-defined features (especially of a man).五官端正(尤其指男人)。
12.He's a man of regular features.他是个五官端正的人。
13.He had a tall, handsome figure, a good set of features.他身体高大, 五官端正。
14.This week diplomats at the United Nations were working on the fifth draft of a Security Council resolution on the future of Kosovo.本周,在联合国的外交官员们正忙于安全理事会关于科索沃未来的决议的第五个草案。
15."Any commander who holds back his forces," Hitler shouted to General Koller; who had remained behind to represent the Air Force, "will forfeit his life in five hours.“凡是按兵不动的指挥官,”希特勒向留下来代表空军的科勒将军喊道,“都要在五小时内处决。
16.chief liaison officer, Kuwait驻科威特首席联络官
17.an academy for training police officers.培养警官的专科学校。
18.Army Senior Specialist Staff Officers陆军高级专科参谋官

The science of five senses五官科学
1.The science of five senses PBL teaching practice and research五官科学PBL教学的实践与研究
3)Five sense organs五官科手术
4)diagnostic set for fivesenses五官科检查器械
5)Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学
6)ENT operating room五官科手术室
1.Objective To improve the management level of ENT operating room,provide favorable material condition and external environment for achievement of several kinds of simple ENT surgery.结果采用流程化管理病房五官科手术室,有效配合医生实施了1280例手术,没有出现任何医疗差错事故和医患纠纷,杜绝了交叉感染,同时使手术室管理步入了正规化、高效化的轨道。
