咽异物,pharyngeal foreign body
1)pharyngeal foreign body咽异物
1.Objective:To explore the diagnostic and management method and to decrease the rate of missed diagnosis of the pharyngeal foreign body.目的:探讨咽异物的诊断治疗方法,降低漏诊率。
2)Foreign body sensation of pharynx咽异物症
3)Abnormal sensation of throat咽异物感
4)Paraesthesia pharynges咽部异物感
5)Pharyngeal paraesthesia咽异感症
1.Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of a combined therapy with Liver-Coursing Throat-Disinhibiting Mixture (LCTDM) and acupuncture on the cases with Pharyngeal paraesthesia and the effect of this therapy on hemorrheology of these cases.目的观察疏肝利咽合剂加针刺治疗咽异感症的疗效及对患者血液流变学的影响。
2.To investigate the clinical manifestations and etiology of pharyngeal paraesthesia.研究咽异感症的临床特征及病因。

1.Treatment of Anxious and Depressive Disorders in Patients with Globus Pharyngeus咽异感症合并焦虑和抑郁患者的治疗
2.Diagnostic value of the thyroid color doppler ultrasound for globus hystericus甲状腺彩色多普勒超声检查在咽异感症中的诊断价值
3.Application Medicine of Ameliorating Neurotransmitter and Biopsychosocial Medical Model to Treat Abnormal Sensation of Thrat of 300 Cases in Clinic改善神经递质的药物联合生物—心理—社会医学模式对300例咽异感症患者的临床应用
4.Objective: To analyse and explore the causes and pathogenesis of abnormal sensation of pharynx.目的:探讨咽部异常感觉症的病因和发病机理。
5.abnormal patency of eustachian tube咽鼓管异常开放(症)
6.Confirmation of patulous eustachian tube syndrome by Tubo tymanoaerodynamic graphy咽鼓管-鼓室气流动态法对咽鼓管异常开放症的诊断价值
7.Result:Two cases(4 ears) showed abnormal patency of eustachian tube, the patients' symptoms were lightly.结果:咽鼓管异常开放2例(4耳),患者症状较轻。
8.Treatment of Abnormal Patency of Eustachian Tube with Shunt Operation of the Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle Tendon腭帆张肌松解术治疗咽鼓管异常开放症
9.Nonacoustic Stimulating Wavy curve on Patients With Eustachian Tube Patency咽鼓管异常开放症非声刺激的声顺曲线变化
10.Survivin-specific SiRNA Enhancing Radiosensitivity of Transplanted Tumor of Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaSurvivin特异性SiRNA提高鼻咽癌移植瘤放射敏感性
11.Clinical Analysis on Pathological Changes of Thyroid Gland Onset with Abnormal Sensation of Pharynx in 4 Cases甲状腺疾病以咽异常感觉为首发4例临床分析
12.So she took large amount of heat-clearing and fire-purging drugs. The symptoms were relieved after taking the drugs but reoccurred if she stopped taking them.忽感咽喉疼痛,饮漱难下,遂用大量清热泻火之药,症状得以缓和,但药停即发。
13.Association between Cervical Curvature and Cervical Sympathetic Symptoms颈椎曲度异常与颈交感症状间的相关性
14.Research on differentially expressed genes in primary and relapsed nasopharyngeal carcinoma by DNA microarray初发鼻咽癌与复发鼻咽癌差异表达基因的研究
15.C1inical Diagnosis of 41 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients with Ear Symptoms as Initial Appearance41例以耳部症状为首发症状鼻咽癌的临床诊断
16.Objective To improve the symptom of chronic hypertrophy pharyngitis.目的为改善慢性肥厚性咽炎的症状。
17.Discussion of Therapeutic Methods for Pharyngeal Dryness Based on the Taiyang Disease Piece of Treatise on Febrile Diseaeses从《伤寒论》太阳病篇谈咽干症的治法
18.The accumulation of unswallowed saliva in the pharynx causes the sensation of choking.不能咽下的唾液积聚在咽部引起窒息感。

Foreign body sensation of pharynx咽异物症
3)Abnormal sensation of throat咽异物感
4)Paraesthesia pharynges咽部异物感
5)Pharyngeal paraesthesia咽异感症
1.Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of a combined therapy with Liver-Coursing Throat-Disinhibiting Mixture (LCTDM) and acupuncture on the cases with Pharyngeal paraesthesia and the effect of this therapy on hemorrheology of these cases.目的观察疏肝利咽合剂加针刺治疗咽异感症的疗效及对患者血液流变学的影响。
2.To investigate the clinical manifestations and etiology of pharyngeal paraesthesia.研究咽异感症的临床特征及病因。
6)tongue thrust异常吞咽
1.A study of relationship between tongue thrust and perioral muscle pressure;异常吞咽与口周力相关性的研究

气管、支气管异物气管、支气管异物foreign balies in the trachea and bronchi 多见于学龄前儿童,以婴幼儿多见。临床常分两类:①内生性:较少见,如破溃的支气管淋巴结和各种炎症所致的肉芽、假膜、分泌物和干痂等。②外界性:甚多见,种类繁多,可分固体性、液体性,临床所见如瓜子、花生、黄豆、栗子、玻璃球、图钉、发卡等。异物进入气管后,因气管黏膜受刺激而引起剧烈呛咳,继以呕吐及呼吸困难,片刻后症状缓解或逐渐减轻。一般气管异物有以下3个典型症状:①气喘哮鸣:因空气经过异物阻塞处而发生,于张口呼吸时听得更清楚。②气管拍击音:异物随呼出气流撞击声门下发生,以咳嗽时更为显著,异物固定不动时无此音。③气管撞击感:发生原理同气管拍击音,触诊气管可有撞击感。异物停于一侧支气管,患儿咳嗽、呼吸困难及喘鸣症状减轻,称无症状期。此期仅有轻度咳嗽及喘鸣,以后因异物堵塞和并发炎症,产生肺气肿或肺不张等支气管阻塞病状。异物历时较长者,炎症加重则全身中毒症状明显。异物进入气管或支气管,自然咳出的可能性只有1%~10%,因此应设法送医院将异物取出。若因取出异物致喉部损伤而引发喉水肿时,术后应给予1~2天的抗生素及肾上腺皮质激素治疗,严重者可适当延长用药时间。喉梗阻严重者应行气管切开术。误吸入液体物质时,应及时刺激咳嗽或经鼻腔将导管放入气管吸引,必要时也可作直接喉镜或支气管镜吸引。