控制通气,controlled ventilation
1)controlled ventilation控制通气

1.Pressure-controlled versus volume-controlled ventilation during one-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery压力控制通气与容量控制通气在胸科手术单肺通气中的比较
2.Comparison of pressure controlled with volume controlled ventilation in lung protective strategy during aged patient's one-lung anesthesia压力和容量控制通气在老年单肺麻醉肺保护通气策略中的比较
3.The Significance of Volume Controlled Ventilation Assisted with Autoflow on Model Lung;模拟肺研究容量控制通气辅用自动变流的意义
4.general electric satellite orbit control通用电气卫星轨道控制
5.exhaust by-pass valve control wire switch排气旁通阀控制线转环
6.Numerical Simulation for Ventilated Supercavitation Cotrol通气超空泡形态控制方法的数值模拟
7.Controlled Atmospheres for Quenching and Carburizing of General Machine Parts通用机械零件淬火及渗碳用控制气氛
8.Control factors of pCO_2 and CO_2 degassing fluxes from the Yellow River in autumn秋季黄河pCO_2控制因素及水-气界面通量
9.Control Simulation Trial on the Coal Ventilation Fuel Gas Turbine System煤矿通风气燃气轮机系统控制试验仿真
10.Universal Microfludic Pneumatic Micropump Control System Design通用微流控气动微泵驱动控制系统设计
11.Peritoneal Ventilation with Pure Oxygen Improves Hypoxaemia of Rabbits Induced By Mechanical Controlled Hypoventilation腹膜腔纯氧通气改善肺控制性低通气家兔的低氧血症
12.Effect of endotracheal tube cuffs on the tracheal mucosal morphology undergoing Mechanical Ventilation机械通气气管套囊控制指标对家兔气管黏膜的影响
13.Channel Coupling Analysis and Decoupling Control for Missile with Lateral Thrust/Aerodynamic Compound Control直接力/气动力复合控制导弹通道耦合特性分析及其解耦控制
14.General specification of central control equipments for electrical parts in power stations and substationsGB11920-1989电站电气部分集中控制装置通用技术条件
15.The dual control mode is one of the three new mechanical ventilation modes.双重控制模式是机械通气的三大新模式之一。
16.Study of the Ventilation System and Fire Smoke Control in Zhegu Road Tunnel;鹧鸪山公路隧道通风系统及火灾烟气控制研究
17.Optimal Research on Pneumatic Control and On-site Communication of the Detonator Loading Line;雷管装填线气动控制和现场通讯的优化研究
18.Experimental Study of the Effect of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation on Diaphragm of Rat;控制性机械通气对大鼠膈肌影响的实验研究

breather valve通气控制阀
3)controlled mandatory ventlation控制强制性通气
4)Volume controlled ventilation容量控制通气
1.Comparison of pressure controlled with volume controlled ventilation in lung protective strategy during aged patient's one-lung anesthesia压力和容量控制通气在老年单肺麻醉肺保护通气策略中的比较
2.The patients received mechanical ventilation immediately after admission and were randomly divided into two groups:pressure controlled ventilation( PCV) group (n = 20) and volume controlled ventilation(VCV) group(w =20).方法比较体外循环术后患者压力控制通气(PCV)组和容量控制通气(VCV)组治疗前、治疗后2h和6h气道峰压、平均气道压的大小,同时比较两种模式对血气分析、血液动力学指标的影响。
3.Objective: To investigate the effects of d if ferent inspiratory flow waveforms, that is, constant, decelerating, and sinusoid al in volume controlled ventilation on pulmonary physiology of patients with chr onic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD).目的 :比较分析容量控制通气中减速波、恒速波 (方形波 )及正弦波 3种吸气流速波型对慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)患者肺生理如呼吸力学及气体交换的影响。
5)Pressure controlled ventilation压力控制通气
1.Objective To study the therapeutic effects of pressure controlled ventilation on post car-diotomy patients with cardiopulmonary bypass.目的探讨压力控制通气模式在体外循环术后患者的临床应用价值。
2.Objective To investigate the significance and effect of pressure controlled ventilation(PCV) as well as volume controlled ventilation(VCV) on respiratory mechanics and arterial blood gas analysis in aged patients underwent thoracic surgery.目的比较老年开胸手术单肺通气中压力控制通气(PCV)和容量控制通气(VCV)模式对呼吸力学和动脉血气的影响。
6)Pressure control ventilation压力控制通气
1.Objective: To assess the effects on respiratory mechanics and oxygenation in treatment of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) by pressure control ventilation (PCV) and volume control ventilation (VCV).目的:探讨压力控制通气 (PCV )和容量控制通气 (VCV )对呼吸力学和氧合作用的影响。

反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control  于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。