频率选择特性,frequency selective characteristic
1)frequency selective characteristic频率选择特性
1.This paper comprehensively summarize several common auditory filters on definitions, amplitude frequency response, nonlinear of the simulation of human basilar membrane, frequency selective characteristic and filtering characteristic; Meanwhile, both advantage and disadvantage were compared.本文系统地综述了几种常见的听觉滤波器,包括它们的定义、幅频曲线,以及各自在模拟基底膜的非线性、频率选择特性及滤波特性上的优缺点。

1.Finite Element Method Analysis for Frequency Selective Characteristics of Dielectric Periodic Structures with Arbitrary Profiles任意形状介质周期结构频率选择特性的有限元法分析
2.FDTD Method Applied to Analyzing Frequency Selective Surfaces;基于FDTD方法的频率选择表面特性分析
3.Electromagnetic analysis of finite periodic frequency selective surfaces有限周期频率选择面的电磁特性分析
4.A miniaturized frequency selective surface with excellent center frequency stability高频率稳定性的小型化频率选择表面
5.Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Rotated Frequency Selective Structure;单元可旋转的频率选择表面电磁散射特性研究
6.Using MoM to Analyze the Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristic of Frequency Selective Surfaces;采用矩量法分析频率选择表面的电磁散射特性
7.Regularity for the effect of environmental factor on the transmission properties of frequency selective surfaces环境因素对频率选择表面传输特性的影响规律
8.Effect of salt fog test on transmission properties of frequency selective surfaces盐雾环境对频率选择表面传输特性的影响
9.Transmission Characteristics of a Convoluted Frequency Selective Surface一种旋绕型频率选择表面的传输特性分析
10.Research on Statistical Properties for Frequency-nonselective Channels in Mobile Fading Channels;移动衰落信道中非频率选择性信道统计特性的分析与研究
11.The Performance Analysis of STBC-OFDM System over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels;频率选择性信道下STBC-OFDM系统性能研究
12.Absorbing Properties of Frequency Selective Surface with Random Distributed Resistance Patches随机分布电阻贴片构成的频率选择表面吸波特性研究
13.Absorbing Properties of Frequency Selective Surface with Random Distributed Patches随机分布贴片构成频率选择表面的吸波特性研究
14.The superficial layers are often frequency selective to transmission.表层传播一般都有频率选择性。
15.New BLAST Scheme under Frequency-selective Fading Channel频率选择性衰落信道下的BLAST新方案
16.A novel element of frequency selective surface with stable performance一种性能稳定的新单元频率选择表面
17.A Kalman-PDA equalization for multiuser FIR MIMO channel频率选择性MIMO信道Kalman-PDA软判决均衡
18.Frequency selection anti-jamming technique频率选择抗干扰技术

frequency selectivity频率选择性
1.Mechanism underlying the frequency selectivity of central auditory neurons: near-CF or off-CF?;听中枢神经元频率选择性形成的机制:near-CF还是off-CF?(英文)
1.<Abstrcat>With respect to the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) architecture under the frequency-selective fading environment,this paper introduces the Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS) operation into each transmit-antenna branch so as to make the frequency-selective fading channel vectorizable. 针对频率选择性衰落多输入多输出(Multiple InputMultiple Output,MIMO)结构,提出在各发射天线通道引入直接序列扩频(Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum,DSSS)操作以便实现信道的矢量化,然后提出了一种标签延迟发射分集方法和相应的实现频率选择性衰落无线信道估计的盲方法。
2.Frequency-selective frequency hopping(FH) cosite dinterference is a typical long impulse response interfe-rence.跳频同址干扰具有频率选择性,是典型的长脉冲响应干扰。
4)frequency selective频率选择性
1.Space-frequency block coding technique over frequency selective correlated channels;在频率选择性相关信道中的空频分组编码技术
2.The simulation of the rake reception under the frequency selective slow fading channels indicates that it is effective to counteract the multipath fading.仿真实现了频率选择性慢衰落信道下的一种Rake接收技术,结果表明用他来减小多径衰落是有效的。
5)spectrum-selectivity characteristic频谱选择特性
6)frequency-selective fading频率选择性衰落
1.Iterative interference cancellation based on decoding algorithm of space-time block coding in frequency-selective fading;频率选择性衰落下一种基于迭代干扰抵消的空时分组码译码算法
2.A blind adaptive decorrelating Rake receiver for CDMA communications over frequency-selective fading channels;一种频率选择性衰落信道下的盲自适应去相关Rake接收机
3.A data block transmission technology of Alamouti′s space-time block codes with two transmit antennas and one receive antenna in single-carrier system was proposed over frequency-selective fading channels.研究了频率选择性衰落信道中采用2个发送天线1个接收天线的单载波Alamouti空时分组编码数据块传输技术。

频率计量(见时间频率计量)频率计量(见时间频率计量)frequency metrology: see time and frequency metrology  口n IQ liliang顷率频率计皿(f比quency metrolo盯) 计t。见时闰