嗓音外科,Voice surgery
1)Voice surgery嗓音外科
1.Prevention and Cure of Common Complications in 48 Patients with Reinke’s Edema Treated by Phonomicrosurgery目的探讨嗓音显微外科手术治疗任克氏水肿术中技术要点及其术中、术后并发症的防治方法。

1.Prevention and cure of common anesthetic complications of phonomicrosurgery:a report of 452 cases嗓音显微外科手术常见麻醉并发症452例分析
2.operation laser knife used for microsurgical work显微外科手术激光刀
3.The Observation of the Voice Recovery from the Removal of Vocal Cord Polyp by Laryngomicrosurgery单侧声带息肉患者喉显微手术后嗓音特征的动态观察
4.neuro-navigational syste脑外科立体定位导航显微镜手术系统
5.A Relative Parameters Study of Anatomic Structure of Temporal Bone for Otic Microsurgery;耳显微外科手术相关结构的解剖测量
6.Analysis of Micro-neurosurgical Treatment for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy颈椎病神经外科显微手术治疗的研究
8.Design and Study on the Master Manipulator of the Microsurgery Robot System;显微外科手术机器人系统主操作手设计与研究
9.Study and Development on the Microgripper System of the Microsurgery Robot;显微外科手术机器人手指系统的研究与开发
10.Retrospective Study on the Effectiveness of Root-end Surgery Performed with Traditional and Ultrasonic Instruments传统根尖外科手术与显微根尖外科手术的效果评价
11.The Study on the Microsurgical Anatomy of Far Lateral Approach of Posterior Cranial Fossa;后颅窝远外侧手术入路的显微外科解剖研究
12.Advances in Microsurgery Techonology in the Cosmetology and Plastic Surgical Operation显微外科技术在整形美容手术中的应用进展
13.Intraoperative Sonography-guided Microsurgery for Resection of Intracranial Lesions术中超声引导在显微神经外科手术中的应用
14.ophthalmic microsurgery instrument kit眼科显微手术器械包
15.aural microsurgery instruments set耳科显微手术器械包
16.Application of facial nerve monitor in otology micro-surgery神经完整性监护仪在耳显微外科手术中的应用
17.Objective To put forward anatomy parameter about the cavernous sinus for microneurosurgery.目的为海绵窦显微外科手术提供解剖学参数。
18.Microsurgical anatomy study on acoustic neurinoma operation preserving facial nerve听神经瘤手术保留面神经的显微外科解剖

1.Prevention and Cure of Common Complications in 48 Patients with Reinke’s Edema Treated by Phonomicrosurgery目的探讨嗓音显微外科手术治疗任克氏水肿术中技术要点及其术中、术后并发症的防治方法。
1.Features and Clinical Application of Acoustic Parameters in Voice;计算机嗓音测试参数的特点及临床意义
2.Comparision of Voice Acoustic Measure and Electroglottograph;嗓音声学分析和电声门图的比较研究
3.Comparison of Objective Parameters of the Voice According to the Sex;不同性别嗓音客观检测参数的对比分析
4)voice quality嗓音音质
1.Research of the effect of cochlear implant and hearing aid on voice quality of hearing impaired children人工耳蜗与助听器对听障儿童嗓音音质的影响研究
5)Voice disorders嗓音病
1.63 teachers with voice disorders and 24 healthy teachers were included in this study.本文的目的在于揭示不正确的呼吸方法是造成发音异常的一个重要原因,63名有嗓音病的教师和24名健康教师参加了此项研究。
6)vocal sound misuse嗓音误用
