Tornwaldt囊肿,Tornwaldt cyst
1)Tornwaldt cystTornwaldt囊肿
1.Appearance of Tornwaldt cyst in low field magnetic resonance imagingTornwaldt囊肿的低场MRI表现

1.Appearance of Tornwaldt cyst in low field magnetic resonance imagingTornwaldt囊肿的低场MRI表现
2.calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum阴囊钙化性皮脂腺囊肿
3.aspiration of intracranial cystic tumor颅内囊肿性肿瘤吸引术
4.chocolate cyst of ovary卵巢内膜囊肿;卵巢巧克力囊肿;卵巢子宫内膜囊肿
5.congenital bronchogenic cyst of lung先天性肺支气管性囊肿
6.excision of cyst of Bartholin's gland前庭大腺囊肿切除术
7.cyst of lateral aberrant thyroid外侧迷走甲状腺囊肿
8.He has had painless swelling in his scrotum.他的阴囊有不痛的肿大。
9.Gartner's duct cyst of vagina阴道卵巢冠纵管囊肿
10.a common cyst of the skin; filled with fatty matter (sebum) that is secreted by a sebaceous gland that has been blocked.一种常见的皮肤囊肿。
11.nonfilarial chylocele of tunica vaginalis非丝虫性鞘膜乳糜囊肿
12.cyst-jejunum loop anastomosis囊肿空肠肠袢式吻合术
13.trachobronchial cyst of mediastinum纵隔气管支气管囊肿
14.perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens穿掘脓肿性毛囊周炎
15.congenital hydrocele of spermatic cord先天性精索鞘膜水囊肿
16.epidermal inclusion cyst of ovary卵巢表面上皮包涵囊肿
17.She had an operation to remove a cyst.她做了囊肿切除手术。
18.From 1978 to 1984, fourteen cases of fronto-ethmoidal mucocele (5 frontal, 3 eth moidal and 6 fronto-ethmoidal) were collected.报告额、筛窦粘液囊肿14例(额窦囊肿5例,筛窦囊肿3例、额-筛窦囊肿6例)。

1.Abnormal expression of aquaporin-5 in salivary gland cyst patient;水通道蛋白AQP5在唾液腺囊肿中的异常表达
2.Analysis of curative effect of ultrasoundguided Interventional therapy of abdominal cysts;超声介入治疗腹腔囊肿的疗效分析
3.Bronchogenic cyst and thyroglossal duct cyst;支气管源性囊肿与甲状腺舌骨导管囊肿各1例
1.Objective To assess the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cystic lesions of the neck.结果88例颈部囊性病变中,甲状舌管囊肿38例(43。
2.CT Manifestation of Cystic Lymphangioma in Mesentery;结果:单房囊肿3例,多房囊肿4例,囊壁菲薄、光滑,有分隔2例,7例均衡度均匀。
1.CT guided interventional therapy in renal and heptic cysts;CT引导下介入治疗肝肾囊肿85例分析
2.Clinical application of mini-laparoscopic in adnexa uteri cysts;微型腹腔镜治疗附件囊肿的临床研究
3.MR diagnosis of intraspinal enterogenous cysts;椎管内肠源性囊肿的MRI诊断
5)nasopharyngeal cyst咽囊囊肿
6)cystis vesiculae seminalis精囊囊肿
1.Objective:To investigate the treatment of cystis vesiculae seminalis induced by the obstruction of the distal end of the ejaculatory duct.目的:进一步探讨由于射精管梗阻引起的精囊囊肿的治疗。
