声带突切除,vocal process rection
1)vocal process rection声带突切除

1.CO_2 laser tenotomy and vocal process resection for treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysisCO_2激光杓状软骨声带突切除与肌腱切断治疗双侧声带外展麻痹
2.Direct Largngoscopic Surgery for Polyps of Vocal Cord with Endoscope-assisted内镜辅助支撑喉镜下声带息肉切除术
3.Comparison between Mitomycin C and Chitosan for Prevention of Anterior Glottic Steno after CO_2 Laser Cordectomy in Dogs丝裂霉素和几丁糖预防CO_2激光声带切除术后声带粘连的比较
4.Clinical application of video laryngoscope treatment of vocal cord disease under Proseal laryngeal mask airway经喉罩电子喉镜声带病变切除术的应用
5.Nursing for patients with great vocal cord polyp resection under high-frequency electronic laryngoscope电子喉镜下高频电切除巨大声带息肉的护理
6.The Clinical Observation of KTP Laser Cordectomy;KTP激光声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌临床与病理学研究
7.Lumbar disc herniation treated with ligamentum flavum preserved microendoscopic discectomy显微内窥镜下椎间盘切除术保留黄韧带治疗腰椎间盘突出症
8.Endoscopic Diomed-25 laser arytenoidectomy in treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysis支撑喉镜下半导体激光杓状软骨切除治疗双侧声带麻痹
9.Modified Senate Baizhu Powder on the Vocal Cords white spot Treatment after Excision加味参苓白术散对声带白斑切除术后的疗效观察
10.Unilateral Submucosal Arytenoidectomy and Lateral Cordopexy under Self-Retaining Laryngoscope for the Treatment of Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis单侧杓状软骨黏膜下次全切除并同侧声带外移治疗双侧声带外展麻痹
11.Segmental resections of trachea and carina with plastic procedures were performed on 6 cases,sleeve resectiOns of mainbronchi with plastic procedures were performed on 47cases.气管袖状切除及隆突切除成形6例,主支气管袖状切除及肺叶切除成形47例。
12.To adopt nasal endoscopic combined supporting laryngoscope to operate under monitor in 168 cases.方法:对168例声带息肉采用鼻内窥镜联合支撑喉镜,在监视器下手术切除。
13.Reconstruction of Carina and Bronchus For Lung Cancer in 12 Patients隆突、支气管成形肺切除术12例报告
14.The role of Analogy in the Study of Styloidectome;类比推理在研制茎突切除钳中的应用
15.Observation of Phacoemulsification and Trabeculectomy白内障超声乳化吸除联合小梁切除术疗效观察
16.The management of glaucoma with phacoemulsification,trabeculectomy and intraocular lens implantation白内障超声乳化吸除联合小梁切除术临床观察
17.This statement is meant to dispose of all possible doubts.这项声明旨在排除一切可能的疑虑。
18.All is quiet in the classroom, except the humming of the flies.教室中除了苍蝇的嗡嗡声,一切静寂。

1.Long-term Therapeutic Effectiveness on Early Phase Glottic Cancer by Laser Cordectomy;支撑喉镜下激光声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌的远期疗效
2.The Clinical Observation of KTP Laser Cordectomy;KTP激光声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌临床与病理学研究
3)surgery of vocal cord polyp声带息肉切除术
4)partial cordectomy声带部分切除术
5)Spinous process resection棘突切除
6)yoke resection隆突切除

声带声带vocal fold;plicavocalis  又称“声皱襞”。系喉内具有震动发音的组织结构。为声韧带及肌肉,覆盖黏膜后而成。两侧声带间的裂隙为声门裂。声带可因过劳、水肿、发炎影响其功能,发生音哑。