中耳乳突手术,mastoidectomy of otitis media
1)mastoidectomy of otitis media中耳乳突手术

1.Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery for Chronic Secretory Otitis Media中耳乳突手术治疗慢性分泌性中耳炎
2.In November 1992, we encoun-tered a 35-year-old woman patient with otogenic meningitis.脑膜或脑组织脱垂至中耳或乳突部位极为少见,多为中耳手术后造成骨缺损而导致。
3.The incidence of facial nerve dehiscence at mastoidectomy and its risk factors中耳乳突术中面神经裸露及相关因素分析
4.The application in reconstructive operation of external ear with the fascial flap in mostoid area乳突筋膜皮瓣在临床外耳再造术中的应用
5.The Application of Mastoid Obliteration with Conchoplasty and Pastauricular Musulo-Perilsteal-Bone Flap in Mastoid Cavity耳甲腔成形及肌骨膜瓣在乳突术腔中的应用
6.Application of diversiform periost postauricular composite flaps in mastoid obliteration operations耳后筋膜-骨膜瓣在乳突充填术中的应用
7.Analysis of causes & factors of delayed facial nerve paralysis induced by mastoidectomy of otitis media中耳乳突术后迟发性面瘫相关因素分析
8.The rebuild auricle with Medpor on expanded skin flap of the mastoid process area耳后乳突区皮肤扩张法在全耳廓再造术中的应用
9.The Basic Research and Clinical Treatment of the Recurrence Otorrhea after Open Mastoid Surgery;开放式乳突手术后复发性耳漏的基础研究和临床治疗
10.The Randomized Control Trial in Patients with Post-mastoidectomy Managed by the Aid of Otoendoscopes and by Routine Method;中耳乳突改良根治术后耳内窥镜下换药与常规换药干耳疗效的随机对照研究
11.Preoperative MSCT Evaluation of the Facial Nerve Canal with Curved Planar Reformation in Cholestoma Otitis面神经管MSCT曲面重建在胆脂瘤型中耳乳突炎术前评价中的价值
12.Observation of curative effect of cholesteatoma otitis media in 187 patients treated by radical mastoidectomy and synchronal tympanoplasty胆脂瘤型中耳炎乳突根治加同期鼓室成形术187例疗效观察
13.Low-flow Sevoflurane Inhalation Anaesthesia in Radical Mastoidectomy低流量七氟醚吸入在乳突根治手术中的应用
14.Botryoid Sarcoma of the Middle Ear and Mastoid. A Report of 3 Cases中耳乳突葡萄簇状肉瘤(附例3报告)
15.X-ray plain film and CT diagnosis on chronic middle ear mastoiditis慢性中耳乳突炎的X线平片与CT诊断
16.Surgical repair or reconstruction of the middle ear.中耳整复术中耳的手术修复或重造
17.surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear.切除中耳部镫骨的手术。
18.Application of operation skills in decreasing dry ear time after modified radical mastoidectomy缩短开放式乳突根治术后干耳时间的探讨

1.The effect and characteristic of mastoidectomy in children;儿童乳突手术的特点和疗效分析
3)Otitis media中耳乳突炎
1.Microbiology and drug sensitivity analysis of chronic suppurative otitis media;慢性化脓性中耳乳突炎的微生物学及药敏分析
2.Role of HRCT in diagnosis of chronic otitis media with mastoiditis;慢性中耳乳突炎的HRCT诊断价值
4)middle ear surgery中耳手术
1.Prophylactic effects of a combination of droperidol and dexamethasone on nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery;联合应用氟哌利多和地塞米松预防中耳手术后恶心呕吐的临床评价
2.Objective To avoid hurting facial nerve in middle ear surgery.目的为避免中耳手术中对面神经的损伤。
5)tuberculosis of middle ear and mastoid中耳乳突结核
6)otitis media classification中耳乳突病变
