竞技体育,competitive sports
1)competitive sports竞技体育
1.Analysis of feasibility of competitive sports in coordinate development of higher learning institutions;竞技体育结合高校协调发展的可行性分析
2.On the harmonious development between competitive sports and nationwide body-building in Gansu Province;甘肃省竞技体育与全民健身运动的协调发展
3.The embodiment of scientization with competitive sports;论竞技体育科学化的丰富表现

1.Discussion and Analysis on "Sport";“竞技体育”与“竞技运动”之辨析
2.Excellent scores were won for the athletic sports.竞技体育成绩优异。
3.Effects on Modern Scientific Technology Development to the Athletics Sports现代体育科技发展对竞技体育的影响
4.Interactive-Development Relation between State Competitive Sport and Competitive Sport in Institutions of Higher Learning;我国竞技体育与高校竞技体育互动发展之关系
5.Challenge faced in athletics sports of our country and reserve personnel training of athletics sports;论我国竞技体育竞技体育后备人才培养
6.Study on Competitions Project Management of Military Sports Training Unit;军事竞技体育大队竞赛项目管理研究
7.The Philosophical Explanation about "The Fair Competition" of the Athletic Sports;对竞技体育“公平竞争”的哲学阐释
8.On the Utilization of Sports Competition Information in Athletics Sports;浅析体育竞争情报在竞技体育中的应用
9.Fresh achievements were made in amateur and competitive sports.群众体育和竞技体育运动取得新成绩。
10.Deng Xiaoping Sports Thoughts and Contemporary China Athletics Sports;邓小平体育思想与当代中国竞技体育
11.Research on the Model of How Sports Information Serves Competitive Sports;体育信息为竞技体育服务的模式研究
12.Athletics is an Important Part in School PE;竞技体育是学校体育的重要组成部分
13.Effect of Sport Moral Risk on Development of Competitive Sports;体育道德风险对竞技体育发展的影响
14.Influence on Competitive Sports by the Reform of Japan Sports System;日本体育制度改革对竞技体育的影响
15.Re-considerations on relationship between competitive sports and mass sports;对竞技体育与群众体育关系的再认识
16.Talk on leading athletics into the physical education;浅谈体育教学中竞技体育项目的运用
17.The Relationship Between the Traditional Minority. Nationality Sports and the Modern Athletic Sports;民族传统体育与现代竞技体育的关系

1.Anti-doping——the eternal topic of sports;反兴奋剂——竞技体育永恒的话题
2.Influence on sports by the TV sports;电视体育对竞技体育的影响
3.On the situation and developing strategies of Korea-Yanbian reserve sports talents cultivation;延边朝鲜族竞技体育后备人才培养现状及发展对策
3)Athletic sports竞技体育
1.Review of athletic sports since the founding of Hainan Province;建省后海南省竞技体育述评
2.Relations between "the direct and the indirect thought" and athletic sports tactic change;孙子奇正思想与竞技体育战术的变化
3.Correlation analysis on the revenvue and expenditure situation of urban residents and athletic sports;我国城镇居民收支状况与竞技体育的相关分析研究
4)competitive sport竞技体育
1.Contemplation of issues about understanding the theory of the science of competitive sport and the theory of the science of sports training;关于竞技体育学与运动训练学理论认识问题的思考
2.Psychological expatiation on competitive sports tragedies;竞技体育悲剧心理学阐释
5)Athletics sports竞技体育
1.To athletics sports In order to be comparable Taking the Practice Query;对竞技体育中“以赛带练”的质疑
2.The current situation and the development countermeasure study of Reserve talents of athletics sports in Gansu;甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养发展对策研究
3.The training and sustainable development of Gansu athletics sports reserve talents;甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养及可持续发展
1.How to Revitalize a "Streamlined" Athletics Training System——Thoughts on Building a New Type of Athletics Talents Chain如何盘活“一条龙”竞技体育训练体制——对构建新型竞技体育人才链的思考
2.Our athletics system frame has experienced the stages of nurturing,creating,attempting to innovate and diversifying to innovate.我国竞技体育制度框架经历了孕育与初创阶段、尝试性创新阶段、多元化创新阶段。
3.The paper analyzes the ethical questions we meet,and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions,and have great significance of the healthy and continuous development of tournament athletics.随着21世纪的到来,竞技体育运动事业在全球范围内蓬勃发展,但繁荣的背后却隐藏着伦理危机。

体育竞技行业  体育产业的一部分,是以出售门票进行体育竞赛为核心的行业。不同于体育产业中为以健身(在中国大陆称为“全民健身”)等目的服务的行业,体育竞技行业主要满足其消费者欣赏体育竞赛的需求。体育竞技行业有其自身不同于其他各行业的特殊性。体育竞技行业不同于其他各行业的特殊性主要体现在,其他各行业的经营者大都有独占市场的动机和冲动,都希望构并或挤垮竞争者,恨不得整个行业只有它一个经营者,需要当局和行业组织者以反托拉斯法等法律规则加以调整,限制独占市场的行为,唯有体育竞技行业,其行业组织者希望自己组织的赛事能独占市场,但行业内的各经营者却没有独占市场的欲望。这是因为,体育竞技是需要对手的,体育竞技行业假如只剩一个经营者,这个经营者也就难以为继,体育竞技行业的经营者只能寻求多赢而不敢独吞。对体育竞技行业,一般可不采取反托拉斯政策,相反,在中国大陆的实践中,一个地域的运动队及其比赛成绩一直被误以为代表该地域的形象,地方当局往往倾向于鼓励当地体育竞技行业中同类竞技项目的经营者适度集中,似乎以该地域体育竞技行业中同类竞技项目有两家经营者为其理想,既可开展所谓“德比”,又保持每个经营者的竞技实力。如先前的足球大省广东在足球职业化10年后已少有顶级足球俱乐部,上海就有人将这一现象归咎于职业化初期市场活跃的广东省一下子出现了太多的足球俱乐部分散了实力,因而极力主张上海的足球俱乐部集中力量。