1.Analysis on status and influence factors of tobacco sales to minors;烟草商店向未成年人售烟情况及影响因素分析
2.Performance, cause and remedy on minors’ bad conduct;未成年人不良行为的表现 成因及矫正
3.Discussion on public libraries and ideological and ethical construction of minors;浅谈公共图书馆与未成年人思想道德建设

1.A minor under the supervision of a guardian.未成年人在保护人监护下的未成年人
2.The parents of a minor shall be his guardians.未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。
3.The legal guardian of a minor and of the minor's property.监员人未成年人未成年人财产的合法监护人
4.Strengthen comprehensive management of public security,the prevention and reduction of juvenile delinquency;未成年人侵害未成年人犯罪的特点、成因和对策
5.Article16 The parents of a minor shall be his guardians.第十六条未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。
6.Heredis substitutio pupillaris未成年人的继承替代
7.legal custody of child对未成年人的合法监护
8.Inter-American Convention on the Repatriation of Minors美洲未成年人遣返公约
9.No tobacco sales to minors禁止售烟给未成年人
10.guilty of a minor misdeed.指有罪行的未成年人
11.Environment Education: The Foundation of Healthy Growth for Juvenile;环境育人:未成年人健康成长的根基
12.a young person (especially a young man or boy).未成年人(尤指青年或男孩)。
13.Study on Adducing Proof of Juvenile Testimonial Evidence--In the Perspective of Minor Victim and Witeness;未成年人言词证据举证研究——以未成年被害人、证人为切入点
14.Civil Protection to the Minors--From the Angle of the Minors Suffering Infringement Tort论未成年人的民法保护——以未成年人遭受人身侵害为视角
15.It is forbidden for employers to employ persons under the age of sixteen.禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人
16.The guardian act negligently towards his ward.监护人未等待他对未成年人应负的监护责任。
17.Moral Education and Juvenile Cultivation of Good Habits;道德教育与未成年人良好习惯的养成
18.The Study of the Contributing Factors and Countermeasures of Minor s Violence Crime;未成年人暴力犯罪的成因及对策探析

1.General Situation and Characteristic of Psychology Depression Issue among the Minors in America and Russia;美、俄未成年人心理抑郁问题概况及特点
2.Ethic review in clinical research: children and minors;儿童与未成年人临床试验的伦理审查
3.A Study of the Risk Factors of the Force Crimes among the Minority in Beijing and Nanjing;北京、南京两地未成年人暴力犯罪的危险因素探讨
1.A Discussion on Developing the Public Library Service to the Juvenile;公共图书馆开展未成年人服务工作探析
2.Bring Books to the Users:An Introduction to the“Suzhou Ambulant Book Caravan for the Juvenile”;把图书送到读者身边——记“苏州市未成年人流动图书大篷车”
3.Realization of the Core Value of Libraries in the Moral Education construction of Juvenile;图书馆在未成年人思想道德教育建设中核心价值的实现
1.The criminal psychology development juveniles and the replying measure;未成年人犯罪心理的发展及应对措施
2.The reasons why juveniles are crazy about network under the angle of social ecology;社会生态视角下未成年人网络痴迷的成因
3.The Role Analysis of Juveniles Watching Erotic Scene in Movies;未成年人在电影性爱场面观看中的角色分析
5)the minor未成年人
1.Questioning the Appropriateness of the Fine Punishment on the Minor;质疑未成年人罚金刑之适用
2.In our country,there exist defects in the minor criminal litigation system.呈上升趋势的未成年人犯罪是社会失控的表现之一,已成为东西方国家目前共同面临的社会问题。
3.It discusses the necessity and feasibility of reforming the pre-trial procedure and actualizing long-distance testifying of the minor.以未成年被害人、证人为切入点,研究了未成年人言词证据举证中的保障如实陈述原则、迅速原则、人文关怀原则。
6)young person未成年人
1.The actual effect of family education of young person in the minority areas;少数民族地区未成年人家庭道德教育思考
2.Nowadays,the criminal problem about young person becomes more and more serious,the prevention and decrease of the problem has already been an urgent social topics.当前未成年人犯罪问题日益突出,预防和减少未成年人犯罪已是一个迫在眉睫的社会课题。
3.Nowadays young person s crime is becoming a social public indignation all over the world.当前,未成年人犯罪已经成为国际社会普遍关注的严重社会问题,在我国的刑事案件和犯罪人数量上同样也占据相当大的比例。

未成年人纠纷未成年人纠纷  未成年人致人损害纠纷是指未成年人因侵权行为致人损害导致的纠纷。这种纠纷争议的焦点为监护人是否尽到了应有的监护职责。 未成年人依据《未成年人保护法》第2条规定:“本法所称未成年人是指未满18周岁的公民。”因此,未成年人是指从出生之日起至未满18周岁的全体公民。未成年人,以其年龄阶段为标准,可划分为婴儿、幼儿、儿童、少年、青年。 未成年人,尚未达到法定年龄,不具有或不完全具有民事行为能力,不能独立承担民事责任,因未成年人致人损害带来的纠纷,应由未成年人的监护人承担赔偿责任。 在这学校、幼儿园特定场所内,未成年人致人损害时,以这些特定场所是否尽到了监护责任来确定赔偿责任的承担。其他情况下,未成年人致人损害的,有明确的监护人时,由监护人承担民事责任;监护人不明确的,由顺序在前的有监护能力的人承担民事责任。