1.On integration of truth and goodness in the science activity;科学活动中与善的价值融合
2.On Davison′s theory of truth and meaning;关于戴维森的与意义理论的思考
3.On the "Truth" of Zheng Banqiao s Poems;“气、意、趣”——试论郑板桥诗中的“

1.real silk, gold, pearls, etc丝、 金、 正的珍珠
2.Really? That's unbelievable.的?难以相信。
3.wow, it's packed. /it is crowded.哇,人多,拥挤。
4.Epsilon emulationEpsilon仿
5.On the "Truth" of Zheng Banqiao s Poems;“气、意、趣”——试论郑板桥诗中的“
6.She actually did it! Well, I never!她的做了!没想到!
7.Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship.烈火见金,患难见情。
8.The truest politeness comes from sincerity正的殷勤出于
9.of or relating to the hypodermis.属于皮,或与皮有关。
10.Not fat, really, really... just well-built.不胖,的,的……但很结实。
11.By George, if she didn't."的,我是大吃一惊。”
12.Such people are shameless!这些人无耻,不要脸!
13.The new employees are really naive, are not they ?新进人员,不是吗?
14.A true friend should tell the truth.正的朋友应该说话。
15.My god, this place is enormous. What luxury!天哪,这地方大,豪华!
16.rational proper fraction有理分式, 有理分数
17."And so he was," murmured Caderousse.“这是的,这是
18.More shame for you, mother, I was going to say.我要这样说,妈,可耻。

1.Miller s works mainly reflect the true life in French rural areas.画家根据自己的观察与体验,撷取最普通的劳动及生活场景来表现人性中善的一面,歌颂了劳动的美、亲情的及对宗教的虔诚,由情感人,因情而
2."Historical Records Biography of General Li" is really organic perfect combination with the true,the good and the beautiful.李将军列传》是、善、美有机完美的结合。
3)the true真
1.On the Unified and Dialectic View of the True, the Good and the Beautiful in the Scientific Concept of Development;论科学发展观是善美辩证统一的发展观
2.Labour is the essence of human which means that human being is the animal that pursues the true,the good and the beautiful.劳动之所以能够把人从动物中提升出来,在于善美因素于劳动中的积淀。
3.A socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics is the result of the development of China s socialist modernization in the stage featuring the realm of the true, the good and the beautiful .中国特色社会主义政治文明是社会主义现代化建设走向善美境界阶段的产物。
1.In the aesthetic viewpoint of Jia bao-yu,real and elegant had composed of the core and common standard of his appreciation of woman.贾宝玉所生活的大观园里,美女如云,虽然她们容貌不同,性情有别,但在贾宝玉的审美观中,与雅构成了他女子审美的正核心与共同标准。
2.Under this situation,the Liaozhai poem was affected by the Song poem\'s deeply,and Pu Songling\'s poetic thought emphasized "reality".在这种背景下,聊斋诗受宋诗的影响更大,带有宋诗艺术色彩的""是蒲松龄的诗学思想。
3.It is very important and urgent to accurately grasp the philosophical source,the history of development,and the intension and extension of"virtual",especially to exactly understand the relation between virtual and imitative,possible,actual and real."虚拟"(virtual)是当前网络哲学、人工智能哲学等领域一个涉及面广且十分重要的概念,对其哲学渊源、历史发展及其内涵与外延的准确把握,尤其是对虚拟与其它相关哲学概念如模仿、可能、现实、实等概念之间关系的恰当理解显得尤为重要与迫切。
5)the truth真
1.Separately speaking,the truth is the base of the intrinsic requirements of the readers;the good is the core;and the beauti.许多研究者对于读者需求问题的发现和描述主要着眼于现象,难免使之琐屑和散乱,这就需要我们再从本质上加以深刻、简洁而有序的概括和厘定,即让这些具有共同性和联系性的现象都分别在本质属性上得到属于类的明确昭示:“”是读者本质需求的基石,“善”是读者本质需求的核心,“美”是读者本质需求的极致。
2.Any rhetorical activity must follow the principle of the truth,the goodness and the beauty in order to reach the best publicizing result and prevent from the worst publicizing result.、善、美是人类衡量实践活动的标尺,修辞是达成最佳传播效果的优美化手段。
3.Song Xiren s Introduction to Life Philosophy elucidates life from the life philosophy of the truth, the good, and the beautiful.宋希仁先生所著的《人生哲学导论》立足于人生的善美的哲学阐发 ,从人生的寿律、人生的阶段、人生的实存、人生的理想、人生的道路、人生的价值、人生的纯朴、人生的崇高、人生的不朽等方面向人们展示出人生的、善、美 ,启迪人们对、善、美的追求。
6)vaccum distillation真空真馏

《痘疹真传奇书》《痘疹真传奇书》 《痘疹真传奇书》   痘疹专著。又名《仙传痘疹奇书》。二卷。明·高我冈撰。刊于1598年。上卷治痘;下卷治疹。作者根据治痘以气血为主,治疹以清火滋水为主的理论,对痘和疹的证治作了简要的辨析和记述,并附痘疹图说及针法治疗图等。现存多种清刻本。