1.Analysis on Psychological Explanation of Superstition among College Students;大学生迷信的心理原因分析
2.Philosophical Considerations on the Existence of Religion and Superstition;对宗教与迷信存在的哲学思考
3.People s ignorance,superstition in bodybuilding in China and social control;我国健身群体中的愚昧、迷信现象与社会控制

1.He is prone to idleness [superstition].他好偷懒 [迷信] 。
2.Feudalistic and superstitious content;封建、迷信内容的;
3.Frightened or intimidated by superstition.(因迷信而)恐惧被迷信吓倒或胆怯的
4.credulous superstition因轻信而产生的迷信
5.Atheism is better than superstition, Faith must be guided by wisdom.无信与迷信二者,宁愿“无信”;也不要“迷信”,信必须智信。
6.the trammels of routine, convention, superstition常规、 惯例、 迷信的束缚.
7.superstitious beliefs, ideas, practices迷信的说法、 想法、 做法.
8.We must explode superstitions.我们必须破除迷信
9.Do away with all fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind破除迷信,解放思想。
10.Do away with superstitions and emancipate the mind.破除迷信, 解放思想。
11.away with superstition and emancipate the mind!破除迷信,解放思想!
12.He holds that ignorance leads to superstition.他认为无知会导致迷信
13.Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstition超自然,鬼神与迷信
14.Make an idol of sth.崇拜[迷信]某人[某物]
15.He thinks it smacks of superstition.他认为这带有迷信色彩。
16.Old on the Popular Superstitutions of the Highlands of Scotland咏苏格兰高地民间迷信
17.Superstition is rife among the savage tribes.迷信盛行于蛮族之间。
18.He was enslaved to superstition.他成为迷信的奴隶。

believe in superstition相信迷信
3)superstitious belief迷信信念
4)paranormal belief迷信心理
1.This paper summarizes the researches in the last thirty years on college students’ paranormal belief, including the definition, psychology mechanism, and influencing factors.在全面总结近三十年来国内外相关研究成果的基础上,对大学生迷信心理的形成及其影响因素做了深入探讨。
2.Recently, more and more college students have been believing the paranormal phenomenon, paranormal belief has become an important influencing factor of College Students mental health.研究者从不同的角度研究了大学生迷信心理倾向的特点以及影响因素,但由于受多方面因素的限制,一直以来,诸多研究得出的结论并不一致,甚至互相矛盾。
3.In this study, using the " adolescents’paranormal belief survey" by self and the "Group Embedded Figure Test" to investigate the superstitious characteristics and the relationship with the cognitive style of the junior high school, high school students and college students.本研究考察了青少年迷信心理的特点及其与认知方式的关系,研究使用了自编《青少年迷信状况调查》问卷和《团体镶嵌图形测验》,以初中生、高中生和大学生为被试实施迷信调查和认知方式测验,分析和总结了吉林市地区青少年迷信参与状况的特点,并探讨了认知方式对迷信心理的影响,得出结论如下:(1)青少年迷信的认知方式差异不显著,认知方式对青少年迷信心理的影响力很小。
5)Fair superstition公平迷信
6)feudal superstition封建迷信
1.In the scientific discourse of the press during the past century, the confrontation between science and feudal superstition, pseudo - science serves as the fundamental clue and becomes the Century s Rivalry.在百年报刊科学话语中,科学与封建迷信、伪科学的交锋是一条基本线索,成为“世纪的角逐”。
2.During the construction of socialistic new villages, people always confuse religion with feudal superstition.在农村中,人们往往把宗教与封建迷信联系在一起。
3.Feudal superstition tends to spread in the countryside under self - governance by village residents.在村民自治条件下,一些农村封建迷信大有抬头蔓延的趋势,农村封建迷信泛滥的原因有历史的遗留、农村基层组织权威的下降、经济分散化、精神文明建设滞后、社会大环境的影响。
