1.China s Traditional Culture and Yang Hangsheng s Character;中国传统文化与阳翰笙品格

1.He has no [lacks] moral fiber.他没有 [缺乏] 品格
2.His character is stained by vice.恶行玷污了他的品格
3.My qualities. Be creative.吹嘘一下你的品格
4.standardized goods [articles, products]标准规格 [化] 产品
5.Strict Nonconformity Product Control, Exaltation the Actual Material Quantity of Product;严格不合格品控制,提高产品实物质量
6.Defective product(samples)contain product(samples) of poor quality and qualitied product contain treated product.不合格品包括劣质品,合格品包括处理品。(这里的不合格品指的是样品还是产品?
8.It also involves the varieties and specifications of products.这也包括品种、规格在内。
9.The request and specification manual for the product产品需求和规格说明。
10.Can you show me the form and your products, please?可否出示表格及货品呢?
11.calculated cost for a given unit of a product.单位产品的计算价格。
12.Import Licence (Textiles) Form 7进口证(纺织品)表格七
13.Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to is import.不合格的药品禁止进口。
14.the quality of strictly conforming to law.严格遵守法律的品质。
15.to increase the variety, specification and quantity of the goods增加品种规格的产量
16.prices, samples, delivery dates and so forth.价格、样品、交货期等等。
17.Food price soar during the cold weather.这个冬季食品价格猛涨。
18.There has been a fall in the price of food.食品的价格有所下跌。

1.Creativity is the necessary quality of journal editing.创造性是学报编辑必具的品格
2.So it is to show cultural intension and cultural quality,and to spread culture and remould culture is one of its main tasks.电视报道是一种文化现象、文化行为 ,理应具有文化内涵和文化品格
1.On intellectuals personality of modern newspapermen;略论近代报人的知识分子品格
2.The counselors in university shoulder holy responsibility for developing useful members of society and it is their primary task to guide students to develop into good personality and to educate them how to how to conduct themselves.高校辅导员肩负着培养社会栋梁之才的神圣职责,引导大学生养成良好的品格,教会学生如何做人,是其首要的任务。
3.Furthermore,their personality and capability are important in their demonstrations and realization of their progress,and two important comprising elements,and two basic yardsticks .其中,品格和能力对共产党员先进性的发挥和实现具有至关重要的决定作用,是共产党员先进性的两个构成要素,也是检验党员先进性的两个基本尺度。
1.Compared with traditionally political constitution,the civil constitution,which insists on the idea of "Constitution comes from people s life,and goes back to people s life",has unique characters.市民宪法坚持"宪法从人民生活中来,到人民生活中去"的理念,与传统政治宪法比较而言,具有独特的品格
2.With the post-classical and distant hybridization, modernity in China presents its unique characters in post-classical lang.中国现代性的独特品格表现在它是一种后古典远缘杂种文化。
5)quality and style品格
1.The quality and style of the urban forestry is some explanation to the urban forestry,and it is something to use.城市森林的品格是对城市森林是什么以及有什么用的阐释。

品格品格  L品格I品格是指借款人的诚实守信或‘还款意愿”。主要考查借款人是否具有清偿债务的意愿以及是否能够严格履行合同条件。如果历史记录表明,借款者都是如约承担责任,那么,一般来说,借款者都会设法偿还贷款。在较小的辖区范围内,银行家和申请者之间可能有私人联系。如果不是这样,就必须严格审查借款人过去的信用关系。因为问题的关键是借款人的正直守信,所以关于品德的所有参考价值的资料都是有用的。与借款者面对面进行交谈,对于评价其品德,有特别重要的作用。