1.Development And Countermeasure of Timeshare Estate;分时度假房产的发展与对策
2.Regulations and Measures of Timeshare Exploitation in China;论我国分时度假开发的规范及措施
3.Problems in and Countermeasures for Present Domestic Timeshare;当前国内分时度假面临的问题及对策

1.Time share: a Useful Method for Resort Hotels in Off-season;分时度假——我国度假宾馆淡季经营的福音
2.A Study on the Comparison between Chinese and American Timesharing Marketing;中美分时度假产品市场营销比较研究
3.Problems in and Countermeasures for Present Domestic Timeshare;当前国内分时度假面临的问题及对策
4.the Concept, Process of Development and Product Design of Timeshare Industry;分时度假的概念、发展及其产品设计
5.Investigation and analysis of the development of timeshare in tourist restaurants;我国旅游饭店业分时度假发展态势分析
6.Analysis of Honesty Crisis in Sales Market for Going-on-Holiday-in-Different-Times in China;对我国分时度假销售市场诚信危机的分析
7.Related to domestic coastal area, timesharing started later in Hubei.相对国内沿海地区,湖北分时度假起步较晚。
8.Obstacles and Countermeasures of Developing "Timeshare" Market Encountered in China;中国“分时度假”市场发展遭遇的障碍及企业对策
9.Analysis on EU s Regulation of Timeshare and Relevant Products;欧盟对分时度假及相关产品的法律规制
10.On the Problems and Countermeasures of Time-Sharing Vacation under Chinese localization;论分时度假在中国本土化面临的问题与对策
11.On the Restrictive Factors in Developing Time-sharing Holiday in China and the Revelation;我国发展分时度假的制约因素及其启示
12.On the Present Situation and Development Strategies of Timesharing in China;论分时度假在我国的现状及其发展对策
13.Risk Identification of Timeshare Project Based on Life Cycle;基于生命周期的分时度假项目风险识别
14.The Development of Time-Share Vacation in China and Research into the Concerning Problems;分时度假在我国的发展及相关问题研究
15.On Problems of China s Time-sharing Holiday & Their Solutions;我国分时度假业存在的问题及发展对策
16.The New Prospect of Tourist Hotel Industry──Time sharing and exchange system;旅游饭店业拓展新领域──分时度假及其交换系统
17.Arrangement in which a holiday home is owned jointly by several people who agree to use it each at different times of the year几人分时使用度假住房的方法
18.On National Holiday Resort Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Passenger Flow--A Case Study of Meizhou Island湄洲岛国家旅游度假区客流时空分布研究

1.On the analysis and proposal to the actuality of timesharing in Hubei;湖北分时度假现状分析与对策研究
2.A Studay on Innovation and Application of Timesharing Vacation;分时度假本土化创新及应用研究
3)time-sharing vacation分时度假
1.Based on the developing tendency of time-sharing vacation, this paper analyzes the market environment to introduce time-sharing vacation and discusses the development of landscape real estate and problems in its development such as financing, sales, market risks and countermeasures.根据分时度假的发展趋势,分析了重庆市引入分时度假的市场环境,论述了景观房产开发的市场前景及景观房产开发中的融资、销售、市场风险及其对策等诸多问题。
2.Nowadays,time-sharing vacation has been the tourist product that grows fastest in America.20世纪60年代,分时度假起源于欧洲;70年代,传入美国并得到迅速发展。
4)timeshare house分时度假房
5)vacation village分时度假村
1.From tourism angle of view, vacation village for timeshare can be located not only in central cities, but in remote scenic areas.单从旅游的角度上讲,分时度假村可以选择于中心城市,也可以选择于相对边远的风景名胜地。
6)timeshare industry分时度假业
1.Meanwhile, timeshare industry now is the fastest-growing segment in tourism sector.分时度假起源于上世纪60年代的欧洲,经过数十年的发展,已经成为一种风靡全球的休闲度假方式,同时,分时度假业也是全球旅游业中最具成长性的细分行业。
