1.A Study of Demographic Characteristics of Offenders and Victims in Robbery: A Case of TZ City in Pearl Dealt River Area;抢劫犯罪人与被害人的人口特征比较研究——以珠江三角洲TZ市为例
2.On the Improvement of Aggravated Robbery;论抢劫罪加重情节的完善

1.A robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint.抢劫抢劫者,尤指带枪抢劫
2."bandit:a robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint."抢劫者:抢劫者,尤指带枪抢劫者。
3.Don' t move this is a stick-up !不许动--这是抢劫!
4.A predatory attack; a raid.抢劫,掠夺掠夺性攻击,抢劫,袭击
5.those committing several robberies or robbing large amounts of money or other properties;多次抢劫或者抢劫数额巨大的
6.Her charm of manner made her popular.一些抢劫抢劫了一名出纳并逃走了。
7.To rove and raid in search of booty.劫掠为了寻找劫掠品四处流浪和抢劫
8.He has been mugged more than once.他不止一次被人抢劫过。
9.The looters is give heavy jail sentence.抢劫犯被判监禁的重刑。
10.Knock over a truckload of merchandise拦路抢劫一卡车货物
11.several reported muggings报道的几起行凶抢劫案.
12.International Convention on Air and Sea Piracy防止海空抢劫国际公约
13.The robbers plundered the shops of their goods.强盗们抢劫商店商品。
14.he has not robbed or killed or murdered."他又没有抢劫,杀人,害人。”
15.The hippies ripped off the grocery store.嬉皮士抢劫了杂货店。
16.The detective was wrestling with the robber.侦探正用抢劫犯扭打。
17.He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.他抢劫后即被拘捕。
18.Pirates boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers.海盗登上船只,抢劫旅客。

To hold up; rob.抢劫;打劫
3)To plunder or pillage.洗劫,抢劫
4)robbery crime抢劫罪
1.The Studies of the Complicated Issues on Using of the Aggravated Punishment Plots for Robbery Crime;抢劫罪加重处罚情节适用中疑难问题研究
2.A Preliminary Study on the Completion Criteria of the Robbery Crime;试论我国抢劫罪的既遂标准
3.What violence and degree of violence a robbery crime requires is the difficult problem to be defined by judicial practicing departments.抢劫罪是建立在暴力的基础上的。
5)kidnapping and robbing绑架抢劫
6)the crime of robbery抢劫罪
1.On the details of aggravating to punish the crime of robbery;抢劫罪加重处罚情节疑难问题研究
2.The existence of the crime of seizing mixes up the limits between it and the crime of robbery,which leads to some disputes about the natural of the motorist snatchings in practice and theory.我国刑法规定的抢夺罪存在着不利于实现刑法根本目的的有悖于法理的弊端,抢夺罪的存在模糊了与之密切相关的抢劫罪之间的界限,以致于在理论上和司法实践中对飞车抢夺犯罪行为性质的认定常常出现争议。
3.Some of them must be convicted as the crime of robbery; some must be convicted as the crime of snatch; some do not form a crime.其中有的应依抢劫罪定罪;有的应定抢夺罪;有的不构成犯罪。

抢劫罪抢劫罪  第二百六十三条 以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法抢劫公私财物的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金;有下列情形之一的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑,并处罚金或者没收财产:  (一)入户抢劫的;  (二)在公共交通工具上抢劫的;  (三)抢劫银行或者其他金融机构的;  (四)多次抢劫或者抢劫数额巨大的;  (五)抢劫致人重伤、死亡的;  (六)冒充军警人员抢劫的;  (七)持枪抢劫的;  (八)抢劫军用物资或者抢险、救灾、救济物资的。   我国%26lt;%26lt;刑法%26gt;%26gt;第153条规定:“犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪,为窝藏脏物、抗拒逮捕或者毁来罪证而当场使用暴力或者以暴国相威胁的,依照本法第150条抢劫罪处罚。”该条规定的是盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪转化而成的抢劫罪,亦称准抢劫罪。和典型抢劫罪先使用暴力、胁迫后劫取财物不同,转化型抢劫罪则是先谋财后使用或以暴力相威胁。 抢劫罪侵犯的客体是公私财物的所有权和公民的人身权利,属复杂客体。抢劫罪侵犯的对象是国家、集体、个人所有的各种财物和他人的人身。但是,对于抢劫犯来说,他最根本的目的是要抢劫财物,侵犯人身权利,只是其使用的一种手段。 抢劫罪在客观方面表现为行为人对公私财物的所有者、保管者或者守护者当场使用暴力、胁迫或者其他对人身实施强制的方法,立即抢走财物或者迫使被害人立即交出财物的行为。这种当场对被害人身体实施强制的犯罪手段,是抢劫罪的本质特征。