1.The official pattern of the office of historiography has been in shape as early as the periods of Shunzhi emperor and Kangxi emperor,with the regular one full-time open and some special ones open occasionally.清代帝王对史馆修史的干预更加全面,皇帝亲自确定修史项目,对史书修纂的内容进行全面指导,时常过问史馆的管理,并形成了史书修纂次第进呈御览的制度,一切仰承圣裁,保证了帝王意志在史馆内的贯彻执行。
2.The status of Aguda as Dubojilie has been mistaken for emperor,leading to misunderstandings as to the founding date of Jin Dynasty in a systematic way.都勃极烈在女真人眼里就是"皇帝",阿骨打称都勃极烈被说成是称皇帝,引发了金朝开国史的系统篡改。
3.Heaven worshipping had been the monopoly of the clan leaders and no longer was shared justly just as in the primitive clan period, and was further evolved into the monopoly of feudal emperors.魏晋时期,拓跋鲜卑祭天权力模式发生了急剧性的演化:从原始部落人人享有的平等祭天权转变为部落酋长的垄断,而后又转化为封建皇帝的独断。

1.befitting or belonging to an emperor or empress.适合或属于皇帝或女皇。
2.She walks into the palace and the emperor says,木兰来到皇宫,皇帝说:
3.The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.皇帝企图废黜教皇。
4.The king and queen listened.皇帝和皇后聆听着。
5.the imperial palace, guards, servants皇宫、 皇家卫士、 皇帝的侍从
6.emperor's air, luxurious enjoyment皇帝的气派,豪华的享受
7.We are the emperor's messengers.“我们是皇帝的使者。
8.I was welcomed by the emperor of Blefuscu.受到布国皇帝的欢迎。
9.he is in disfavor with the king.他不赞成皇帝的做法。
10.And there it stood in the emperor's bedroom.它站在皇帝的床头。
11.the Grand S -(旧时)土耳其皇帝的称呼
12.Nobles truckling to the king.拍皇帝马屁的贵族们
13.The emperor gazed at the snowy peak of the mountain.皇帝注视着积雪的山顶。
14.Boating was Emperor Yongzheng's favourite pastime.雍正皇帝最喜泛舟。
15.Golden Bull of Emperor Charles IV查理四世皇帝金玺诏书
16.She was the daughter of the emperor of China.她是中国皇帝的女儿。
17.Have you read the Emperor's New Clothes?你读过《皇帝的新衣》吗?
18.But the Emperor has nothing on!可是皇帝什么也没穿呀!

An emperor or empress.皇帝或女皇
3)Emperor Wanli万历皇帝
1.Most scholars hold that the downfall of eunuch Feng Bao is due to the great greed of Emperor Wanli(Ming Dynasty).长期以来,学者多认为太监冯保的败亡是万历皇帝贪财好货所致。
4)The Last Emperor《末代皇帝》
1.The film The Last Emperor,directed by Italian director Bertolucci,showed us the life of Chinese last feudal emperor.意大利导演贝尔托鲁奇的《末代皇帝》讲述了中国最后一个封建皇帝的生活。
5)Emperor YongZheng《雍正皇帝》
1.A Discussion on the Failure and Success of the Novel Emperor Yongzheng;长篇小说《雍正皇帝》得失论
6)Huangdi banana (Musa paradisiaca AA)皇帝蕉
