1.On Legge s Reproduction of Literary Style of Shangshu;论理雅各《尚书》译本文学风格的再现
2.On Types and Value of the Variants in Shangshu of Santishijing;论三体石经《尚书》异文的类型及价值
3.The art of words-keeping and narration in the book of Shangshu and The Spring and Autumn Annals;论《尚书》《春秋》的记言叙事艺术

1.To study the thoughts of Shangshuquanjie;理学视野下的《尚书》诠释——论林之奇《尚书全解》的思想意义
2.A Comparison study Between The Edition of GUWENSHANGSHU Among Dunhuang MS and The Edition of SHANGSHU Discovered Inside a Wall of Confucian Home in Han Dynasty;敦煌写本《古文尚书》与汉代孔府壁本《尚书》渊源辨析
3.The Research on Words the Grand Chinese Dictionary Cited from Jinwen Shangshu;《汉语大词典》引今文《尚书》词语研究
4.Encounter Antiquity: Deciphering James Legge s Translation of Shooking;与古典的邂逅:解读理雅各的《尚书》译本
5.A Study on the Special Sentence Formula and the Conjunction Words in Jin Wen Shang Shu;今文《尚书》的特殊句式和关联词语研究
6.On Types and Value of the Variants in Shangshu of Santishijing;论三体石经《尚书》异文的类型及价值
7.A Talk on the Contribution of Shang Shu to the History of Chinese Prose Development;论《尚书》在我国散文发展史上的贡献
8.The art of words-keeping and narration in the book of Shangshu and The Spring and Autumn Annals;论《尚书》《春秋》的记言叙事艺术
9.On Legge s Reproduction of the Literary Style in Shangshu;论理雅各《尚书》译本文学风格的再现
10.On the studies about the Book from Lixue to Puxue in The Early Period of Qing Dynasty.;论从理学到朴学转型期的清初《尚书》
11.Research on the key word "suo" at The Book of History Taoism and The Book of Songs;《尚书》、《周易》和《诗经》的“所”字研究
12.Good reading elevates the mind.阅读好书可使思想高尚。
13.The "Moral government" in Shangshu ·Yuxiashu and the Formation of "Yue" in Lunyu;从《尚书·虞夏书》的“德治”到《论语》的“成于乐”
14.Being Observed Advocation Artistic Conception of Calligraphy in Song Dynasty from Calligraphy of SuShi;从苏轼书法看宋代书坛的“尚意”审美观
15.Evolution of Calligrphical Thought and the Laws and the Ideas of Calligraphy being Emphasized in Tang Dynasty (Ⅰ);唐代书学思想嬗变(上)——兼及“唐书尚法”辩
16.An Examination of Mei Zhuo s Methodology in His Shang Shu Kao Yi:with a Discussion of the Logical Footing of the Critical Studies of Gu Wen Shang Shu;梅鷟《尚书考异》考辨方法的检讨——兼谈考辨《古文尚书》的逻辑基点
17.Illustrations of the words missing in“Yao Anthority.the Book of History.”;《尚书·尧典》缺文举例——兼谈卫宏《诏定古文尚书序》的可信性
18.The Book of History in Chinese contains100 articles and still remains in different books. The Book of the Zhou Dynasty History belongs to the Book of History in Ancient Chinese.古文尚书》百篇基本未失,多保存在后世的不同版本的书中。《逸周书》当属《古文尚书》。

Shang Shu《尚书》
1.A Talk on the Contribution of Shang Shu to the History of Chinese Prose Development;论《尚书》在我国散文发展史上的贡献
2.Thoughts on Translating the Chinese Ancient Classics into English:Through a Comparison Between Two English Versions of Shang Shu;从《尚书》两个英译本的比较看典籍英译问题
3.The Ideal Image of Emperor in Shang Shu;《尚书》中所称道的理想君王形象
1.Writing Paradigm for Arts-"Wen" in Shangshu;百年《尚书》“文”字考及其意义
2.The Cultural Background of the Gao Style in Shangshu;论《尚书》诰体的文化背景
3.The Discussion of the Confucianism in Shangshu;论《尚书》中的早期儒家思想
4)Shang shu尚书
1.On the Mode of Benevolent Ruling in Shang Shu;论《尚书》中的“德政”范式
2.Evolution of the Idea of Rule of Virtue Prior to Zhou Dynasty as is Shown in Shang Shu;由《尚书》看周代以前德治思想的演变
3.The author thinks the relationship between the literature character and the history character is not contradictory, but supplement each other, which is the outstanding exhibition for literature success of <Shang shu>.《尚书》是我国最早的历史文献,也是我国文学史上一部具有母体性质的经典。
5)Shangshu Yuxiashu《尚书·虞夏书》
6)Shangshu . Yugong《尚书·禹贡》
