1.Research on the Civil Counterclaim from the Perspective of Comparative Law;比较法视野中的民事反诉制度研究

1.To bring a charge against(one's accuser).反诉对(控诉者)进行的控诉
2.To counter one accusation with another.反诉用另一个诉论来对抗某个诉讼罪行
3.Counterplea and Countercharge of Debtor for Assignee in Pending Actions;诉讼系属中债权转让时的抗辩与反诉
4.He recriminated against his employers for dismissal.他反诉他的雇主开除他。
5.rejoin to the counterclaim(原告)对反诉的答辩
6.The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims.被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉
7.A claim filed in opposition to another claim, especially in a legal action.反索赔,反诉对另一诉讼进行的诉讼,尤指法律程序中的
8.To plead an opposing claim or make an opposing claim against.对…进行反诉或进行反索赔
9.Rethought and Reconstruction: on the Reform of China s Civil Counterchange System;反思与重构:论中国民事反诉制度改革
10.Mr.A charged Mr.B with bribery and Mr.B countercharged Mr.A with slander.某甲控诉某乙受贿,而某乙反诉某甲诽谤。
11.Criminal Counterclaim System in and Construction of Criminal Counterclaim System in China;大陆法系刑事反诉制度及我国刑事反诉制度构建
12.Reflection on Flaw of Balanced Mechanism in our Countersuit System;对我国反诉制度中平衡性机制缺失的反思
13.Article 173 In the process of the proceedings, the defendant in a case of private prosecution may raise a counterclaim against the private prosecutor.第一百七十三条自诉案件的被告人在诉讼过程中,可以对自诉人提起反诉
14.The plaintiff may abandon or alter his request for litigation. The defendant may admit or retort the request, and has the right to file a counter suit.原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉
15.What he told me was the contrary of what you told me.他告诉我的和你告诉我的正相反。
16.Speakers on the affirmative teams will defend prosecution; speakers on the negative teams will oppose it.正方辩士立场系赞成起诉,反方立场则反对起诉。
17.To stop(a claim or action) by objection.终止诉讼用反对的理由终止(诉讼或保释)
18.A Review on The Examination to Action of Our Civil System by The Interest of Action Theory;从诉的利益理论反思我国民事审查起诉制度

1.The distinction between rebutment and countercharge in different cases;不同诉讼情况下反驳与反诉的区分
2.Although the countercharge system of the legislative stipulation of our country has been established, the content is simple and lacks practice operation, there are many different explanations of countercharge system .反诉制度是现代民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,我国虽已确立了反诉制度,但内容较为简略,法条规定过于原则,司法实践中缺乏操作性,理论界对反诉的诠释分歧亦较大。
3.The countercharge, an important system in the civil action, is a basic litigious right the defendant has.反诉是民事诉讼中一项重要的制度,它是被告所享有的民事诉权,也是一项基本诉讼权利。
4)complaint reflection反映诉求
5)Countersuit system反诉制度
1.The countersuit system is an important system in modern civil lawsuit,it can avoid producing mutually contradictory decision, equally protects both parties legitimate rights and interests , shows lawsuit fair; Moreover can raise the lawsuit benefit.但是,在中国,作为在清末修律时才被引进的外来制度,反诉制度虽然在规范性法律文件和司法解释中均有规定,我国法学理论对其研究也比较热烈,但仍然处于幼稚阶段,我国民事诉讼法对反诉制度规定的非常简陋、粗疏,相关的论述较少,未形成对反诉制度的系统研究,对蕴含于其中的平衡性机制的关注更是很少。
6)criminal counterclaim刑事反诉
1.The criminal counterclaims system is stipulated in criminal procedure law in many countries and regions of the civil law system in some way,especially Germany and China s Taiwan region have the most explicit legislation.刑事反诉制度在大陆法系许多国家和地区的刑事诉讼法中都有不同程度的规定,尤以德国及我国台湾地区的立法规定最为明确具体。
2.Under the background of modification of criminal law at present,the issue of establishing criminal counterclaim system in China shall be considered seriously.立法规定的阙如以及理论研究的严重滞后,不仅使刑事反诉实践缺乏应有的指导与依据,而且还直接导致了法院对刑事反诉问题的普遍漠视。
