1.On the Theoretical Basis of Broadening the Range of Application of Fine;论扩大罚金刑适用范围的理论根据
2.Discussion on Ways to Overcome the Difficulty of Fine Punishment Implementation论解决罚金刑执行难题的立法途径
3.Based on appropriate property penalty of the economic crime and judgment practice, this paper discusses the use of punishment against freedom and that of additional property penalty for economic crimes, how to make appropriate fine penalty and the fine amount, and joinder of punishments, and puts forward items that should be noted .本文从经济犯罪财产刑适用的正当性出发,结合审判实践,探讨了经济犯罪中既有自由刑又有附加财产刑的刑罚适用,如何适用罚金刑及数额问题及财产刑的并罚问题,并提出在经济犯罪审判实践中适用财产刑的注意事项。

1.A penalty such as a fine.罚金一种惩罚如罚款
2.To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture.处以罚金罚款或强制没收以示惩罚
3.Stipulatio poenae罚金(违约金)要式口约
4.A sum of money required to be paid as a penalty for an offense.罚款,罚金作为违法惩罚而支付的一笔款项
5.The Position of Fine in the Penal System;简论罚金刑在我国刑罚体系中的地位
6.Did you have to pay a fine?你必须交付罚金吗?
7.The court impose a fine of 100.法院让交100英镑罚金
8.parallel penalty automation并联罚金自动控制器
9.He got off with only a fine他交罚金后即获释。
10.He punished the driver with a fine.他处此司机以罚金
11.The judge imposed a fine on him.法官判决他付罚金
12.Levy a fine [tax] on sb.向某人征收罚金[税款]
13.He is sentenced to pay a heavy fine他被判处交世额罚金
14.In imposing a fine, the amount of the fine shall be determined according to the circumstances of the crime.判处罚金,应当根据犯罪情节决定罚金数额。
15.Fine on from the Implementation of Improved Systems Fine;从罚金刑的执行问题谈罚金刑制度之改良
16.On the Application of Fine -- the Reasons of Fine s Low Application Rate and Countermeasures;论罚金刑的适用——罚金刑适用率低之原因与对策
17.Punishment of fine on state organ is actually punishment on the state itself.假如对机关实行罚金刑,无异于国家自我惩罚。
18.A forfeiture or penalty to be paid to the offended party in a civil action.赔偿民事诉讼中付给受害一方的罚金或罚款

1.This paper presents a game model between the supplier and the buyer which are the two parts of the bilevel supply chain,and presents a theorem illustrating that there exists an optimal solution of the quatity level and delivery delaying probability as well as corresponding penalty on the supposition that both quality failure and delivery delaying exist.本文考虑在存在质量失误与延期交货问题的情形下,两层次供应链中供应商和制造商的博弈关系模型,证明了最优解以及相应罚金的存在性,并分析了质量水平、延期交货与罚金之间的关系。
1.Forfeit is a penalty stipulated in the new penal code in our country, yet, as the amount and execution of forfeit stipulated are too principled, it s difficult to carry it out, and the amount and the use of the forfeit are some- times confused.罚金是我国新刑法规定的一种刑罚方式,但修订后的刑法在罚金刑的数额、执行等方面规定得过于原则,带来了审判实践中操作困难、罚金数额混乱、空判严重等问题。
2.This comparison aims at the perfection of the legislation of forfeit in Chinese mainland.两地刑法罚金刑在地位、适用及执行方面的立法都存在着一定的差异。
4)criminal fine罚金
1.Meanwhile, full attention should be paid to the criminal fine and other penalty items in this crime.同时,对于本罪中罚金刑的适用及与相关犯罪的区别也应予以充分重视。
1.The policy of "abolishment of monetary laws"was not absolutely adopted,the two characters of "mulct"appear frequently in the excavated materials,as a matter of fact,the government adopted the expropriating measures of "substituting coins for gold".另外,出土汉简材料多见"罚金"二字,学界一般理解为收取黄金,其实,政府采取的是"以钱代金"的征收办法,而非真正收取黄金。
6)penal sum罚金
1.The penal sum of the Han Dynasty divides seven grades.罚金和赎刑是中国古代法制史上的重要刑罚,是对犯罪行为的一种经济制裁,属财产刑。
