1.On Holmes Construction of the Data Classification System for Comparative Education Study;论霍姆斯比较教育资料分类学体系的建构
2.Exploration on the Influence of the Popper’s Philosophy of Science to Holmes and King’s Comparative Education Theories;波普尔科学哲学思想对霍姆斯和埃德蒙·金的比较教育理论的影响初探
3.On Holmes s Comparative Education Research Methodology:Problem-solving Approach;试论霍姆斯的比较教育研究方法论——问题法

1.Holmes looks as if Butter would not melt in his mouth .霍姆斯装得一本正经
2.a house.in need of a major refit(bNancy Holmes)一个需要大修的房子(b南希 霍姆斯)
3.a house.in need of a major refit(Nancy Holmes)一个需要大修的房子(南希 霍姆斯)
4.Fame usually comes to those who are thinking about something else. -- Oliren Wendall Holmes通常是不想出名者反而成名。——霍姆斯
5.Youth is life's seedtime. --Holmes青年时代是人生的播种期。——霍姆斯
6.Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum. --O.W.Holmes生活是绘画,不是做算术。——霍姆斯
7.The man who gets angry suffers more than the person who is the object of his wrath.-O. W. Holmes发脾气的人比对方更痛苦。--霍姆斯
8.The Concept of National Character and Holmes Methodology of Comparative Education;民族性概念与霍姆斯比较教育方法论
9.Mr Holmes is celebrating the opening of his tavern. The drinks are on the house tonight.霍姆斯先生庆祝他的酒馆开业,今晚的酒奉送。
10." (Holmes' Second Reader: University Publishing Company, 1906.)(《霍姆斯英语读本第二册》大学出版公司,1906年出版。)
11.gibbs helmholtz equations吉布斯亥姆霍茨方程
12.gibbs helmholtz equation吉布斯 亥姆霍兹方程式
13.Smith-Helmholtz law史密斯-亥姆霍兹定律
14.'So,' said he,'here's Jim Hawkins, shiver my timbers!“啊,”他说,“原来是吉姆-霍金斯,好哇!
15.The Social Critical Ideology and Its Enlightenment Advanced by Eric·Hobsbawm;霍布斯鲍姆的社会批判思想及其启迪
16.A Study on Suhomlinski and His "Scholarly Campus";苏霍姆林斯基与“书香校园”建设研究
17.V.A.Suchomlinshi On Easing the Lessons Burden of the Students;苏霍姆林斯基论减轻学生的课业负担
18.On the Epistemology of Eric Hobsbawm埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆的历史认识论探析

1.An Analysis and Evaluation of Holmes Methodology of Comparative Education;霍尔姆斯比较教育研究方法论评析
2.Study On Holmes s Research Method: Problem-solving Approach;评析霍尔姆斯的教育问题研究法
3.On Holmes s Comparative Education Research Method:Problem-solving Approach;试论霍尔姆斯的比较教育研究方法——问题解决法
3)Holmes method霍姆斯法
4)Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841~1935)霍姆斯,O.W.
5)Holmes,William Henry (1846~1933)霍姆斯,W.H.
6)Arthur Holmes (1890~1965)霍姆斯,A.
