1.The paper based on the interpretation of self-cognition to give out the meaning of leading research .本文由自我认识的诠解引发关于自我认识的预见性研究的本体论和方法论意义,进而集中解说自我认识何以具有预见性,自我认识的预见性有什么特点和表现形式,其存在变化是否具有客观基础暨本体论指归。
2.College students self-cognition is the foundation of individual self-consciousness.大学生自我认识是个体自我认识的基础。
3.Based on the documentation of self-cognition and mental health of the pupil, the study is to explore pupil from grade 4 to 5 in Macao by Self-Cognition Measurement and Mental Health Test of pupil.本文以国内外有关小学生自我认识、心理健康等研究文献为基础,根据《小学生自我认识问卷》以及《小学生心理健康量表》,对澳门小学4---5年级的学生进行问卷调查,采用因素分析和相关分析,得出澳门小学生自我认识与心理健康之间的相关关系和影响程度,以及人口统计学变量对它们的影响。

1.Knowing Yourself:History and Self-Recognition of Human;认识你自己:历史学与人的自我认识
2.Vent self-awareness and self-growth is a catalyst.宣泄是自我认识与自我成长的催化剂。
3.self discipline requries self-knowledge and an accurate assesssment of your current abilities.自律要求自我认识以及对自己能力的正确评估。
4.You work daily to improve your skills and self-knowledge.你每天改进你的为人和自我认识
5.I am proud of his acquaintance.我因认识他而觉得自豪。
6.I am sensible of my error.我认识到自己的错误了。
7.From Epistemology "Self" to Existentialism "Self";从认识论“自我”到生存论“自我”
8.Meta Cognition is about the self-consciousness and self-controlling for cognitive activity.元认知是对认知活动的自我意识和自我调节。
9.May I know myself forgiven for all the harm I may have thought and done,愿我认识自己,宽恕我所想过犯过的罪
10.He claims people are often aware of only parts of themselves rather than of the whole self.他宣称,人们通常只认识自己的某些部分,没有认识整个自我。
11.Knowing who we are means knowing how we think and what we like to do.认识自我就要弄清自己的思路,明白自己的爱好。
12.Self-realization and Self-finding:On Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice;认识自我和发现自我——评简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》
13.We've known each other since we were kids.自从孩提时我们就已认识了。
14.With misery I realised that I should have to resign.我极为难过地认识到自己非辞职不可。
15."I look in the mirror and don't know myself."“我照照镜子,都不认识自己了。”
16.We reacquainted ourselves with this technique.我们用这种技术来重新认识自己。
17.I recognized that I had made a mistake.我认识到自己犯了一个错误。
18.I couldn't convince him of his mistake.我无法使他认识自己的错误。

1.41; the arrangements of 5 dimensions were listed as follows based on the decending order of their mean scores:career orientation,self-recognition,cognition of career,employment confidence and self-planning; 18.41;5个维度的平均得分由高到低依次为职业生涯定向、自我认识、职业认识、就业信心、自我规划。
1.Murdoch conveys the difficulty and beauty of the road to self-knowledge, freedom, love and art through the description of her characters life and love.通过故事中主人公的生活和爱情,默多克向读者展示了自我认识、自由、爱情和艺术之路的艰难和美好。
2.Employing a self-designed survey, the author has investigated the current situation of self-knowledge of juvenile criminals and analyzed how the factors, such as the education background, parents, home place and characteristics, etc, correlate with self-knowledge.本研究通过自行编制的自我认识问卷,对未成年犯自我认识进行研究,探究未成年犯这一特殊群体的自我认识状况,分析影响该特殊群体自我认识的相关因素,探讨了受教育程度、父母健全与否、城乡差别以及个性特征和自我认识的关系。
1.Undergraduate is short of self-awareness and occupation orientation, which leads lacking learning impetus, bad psychosis, spirit fickleness and competition deficiency.由于大学生欠缺自我认识,职业定位,导致学习动力不足,精神状态不佳,心态浮躁,竞争力欠缺,因此自身发展遇到瓶颈。
2.The period of junior high school is in the treason of psychological development, and their self-awareness is very immature and self-evaluation is rather extreme, or too inferiority, or too own.本研究本着“理论分析—调查研究—团体干预—结果分析”的思路,采用访谈法、问卷调查法、教育实验法、资料分析法等相结合方法对留守初中生的自尊发展特点和影响因素进行了系统探讨,并进行自我认识团体训练,以提高留守初中生的自尊水平,为今后留守学生的心理健康教育提供参考和依据。
3.By focusing on the campus college students and using a questionnaire survey,this paper comparatively analyzes the psychology of Chinese and Japanese college students in terms of community awareness,thinking structure and self-awareness after looking at the differences in their using of net-abbreviations.本文以中日两国大学生为研究对象,采用实证研究方法,在中国和日本大学生中实施问卷调查,通过分析两国大学生的网络缩略语使用特点,从社群认知、思维结构和自我认识等角度探讨中日两国大学生缩略语使用心理的异同点。
1.For the micro-individual of the society, the negative effect of modernity lies in the dilemma of self-consciousness: politically involved into bureaucracy, economically falling into the plaything of consumerist ideology, culturally manipulated by unavoidable mass media.对于社会的微观个体来说,现代性的负面影响在于被推入自我认识的困境之中:政治上陷入科层制的宰制,经济上沦为消费主义意识形态的玩物,文化生活中则为无孔不入的大众传媒所摆布。

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