1.Negative Proof Analysis on Reform of Depenalization in China;中国非刑罚化改革的否证性分析
2.On the Jurisprudence Research of Application for Depenalization;非刑罚化适用的法理研究

1.A Rational Analysis of Decriminalization and Depenalization;非犯罪化、非刑罚化之理性分析——报应刑刑事政策视角的观察
2.Unpenalize and discrime are two topics of the reform of criminal law in the world.非刑罚化与非犯罪化是世界刑法改革的两大主题。
3.The Idea and Approach of Non-imprisonment Penalty of Economic Crimes;经济犯罪刑罚的非监禁化理念及实现途径
4.Thought on Penalty Function Transformation--from severe penalty structure to tolerant structure;刑罚功能转化之思考——由刑罚结构轻刑化谈起
5.A Probe into Non-penalty Punishment under the Scientific Concept of Development科学发展观视野下的非刑罚处罚探析
6.International Penal and Penitentiary Commission国际刑罚和感化委员会
7.International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation国际刑罚和感化基金会
8.The developing trend of punishment is the mitigation of punishment on the world.当代世界刑罚的发展趋势是刑罚的轻缓化。
9.Evolution of Tibetan Penalty System and the Modernization of the Penalty Conception;西藏刑罚制度的变迁与刑罚理念现代化
10.A Study on the Mitigation of Penalty and Perfection of Chinese Punitive System;论刑罚的轻缓化与中国刑罚制度的完善
11.Impact of Zhezhangfa upon the Severity of Penalties in the Song Dynasty: Rationality of Severity and Leniency of Punishment;《折杖法》对宋代刑罚重刑化的影响
12.On the Changes of the Principles of Criminal Law and the Related Means in Yunnan;明代云南刑法原则和刑罚手段的变化
13.Theory of Penal Evolution:A Criticism from the Point of Criminal Policy;刑罚进化论——从刑事政策角度的批判
14.The Detention Penalty's Inspection and Consummation in the View of Penalty Mitigation刑罚轻缓化视野下拘役刑考察与完善
15.Probe into the Non-criminal Punishment: A Social Exclusion of Pensions Insurance to Prisoners and Paroled/Released Criminals;非刑罚惩罚:犯过罪的人养老保险社会排斥探析
16.The Elaboration on the Coordination of the Structure of the Main Crime Punishment in Our Country;试论我国刑法中主刑刑罚结构的协调化
17.The perfect our country non-penalty punishes the criminal policywhich the system realization width strict aids;完善我国非刑罚处罚制度 落实宽严相济的刑事政策
18.The New Way Out of Non-Criminal Punishment Measures under the Policy of Tempering Justice with Mercy宽严相济刑事政策下我国非刑罚处罚措施的新出路

1.Based on the knowledge of teenagers being mature in physiology and being naive in psychology,we support the policy that light-punishment,non-penalization,and severe punishment should be applied together.基于对未成年人犯罪生理上成人化和心理上幼稚化矛盾的认识,建议宜对未成年人犯罪实行轻刑化、非刑罚化和刑罚严厉化并用的政策,并采取建立独立的少年审判机构、建立多种非刑罚性的处罚方式和适当降低最低刑事责任年龄等三项具体措施,以有效治理未成年人犯罪成人化问题。
2.Both non-penalization and non-incrimination are two essential themes in the mainstream of reforming the criminal law in the modern world.本文论证了非刑罚化运动发端的刑事观念基础 ,分析了非刑罚化运动的方式和途径 ,主张我国应当实行“轻轻重重 ,以重为主”的刑事政策 ,在以严刑惩治重大犯罪的同时 ,适时地对轻微犯罪进行非刑罚化
1.The community correction has humanity as inherent va lue, it needs not penalty and even prison, non-penalty is its basic attribute, s ince it help people help themselves.社区矫正是以人道为内在价值的非监禁刑的非刑罚化的处遇方式,非刑罚化是其基本属性,助人自助是其应有功能。
2.Non-penalty function has not been brought into full play.在建设和谐社会的主题下,非刑罚化也逐渐受到了理论界和实务界的重视。
4)Theory of Depenalization论非刑罚化
5)non-penalty reformation非刑罚化矫正
1.The demand of international laws and the advantage of non-penalty reformation are the real reasons for the non-penalty reformation of juvenile crimes.未成年人身心发育尚不成熟,家庭、学校、社会或其他专门机构对他们的关爱和保护功能不到位,国际法规范的要求及非刑罚化矫正本身所具有的现实功能,共同构成了对犯罪未成年人实施非刑罚化矫正的原因。
6)production for the depenalization非刑罚化产生

非应非化【非应非化】  谓佛法、报二身,非属应、化,是名非应非化。