1.The present thesis made a discussion of the judging criteria,content and justification of independent judicature,particular justification was given to the theoretic basis and the realistic significance of the indpendence of judicature for the purpose of searching for the reasons and supporting evidence for the independence of judicature.对司法独立的判断标准、内容及证成这三个问题进行了探讨,其中对司法独立从理论基础和现实意义两方面着重进行了证成,目的是探求司法独立的原因和根据。
2.Considering the problem of the justification of logical theory,FENG s such a theory requires that the construction of a logical theory adhere to the unity of a posteriority and a priority.在逻辑理论的证成问题上,“概念的双重作用”要求逻辑理论的建构必须坚持后验性与先验性的统一。
3.They share the same goal: justification of the obligation.二者共享一个目标:对于义务的证成

1.Teleological Justification and Emergent Justification:Two Ways of Justifying the States Summarized by David Schmidtz目的论证成与自生证成——大卫·施密茨证成国家的两种方式
2.ensure success [ safety, supplies ]保证成功[安全, 供应] Generating Authentication Tokens8.1.4 生成认证令牌
4.letter of compliance合约完成证明书;完工证;完成规定事项证明书
5.(law) pertaining to or constituting evidence.(法学)与证据有关,或组成证据。
6.Make a habit of validating your pages with a validation service.养成(通过验证服务)验证页面的习惯。
7.Certificate Path Building and Validation In WebLogic;WebLogic中证书路径的生成与验证
8.prima facie case表面证据成立的案件
9.combined category [Certificate of Airworthiness]合成类别〔适航证明书〕
10.re-registration of juvenile for adult identity card儿童换领成人身分证
11.Certified copies of your academic transcripts经公证的成绩单复件
12.We cannot undertake that we shall finish it in time.我们不能保证及时完成。
13.The treatment proved successful.该疗法证明是成功的。
14.Diligence is a sure warrant of success.勤勉是成功的可靠保证。
15.cost of obtaining evidence获得审计证据的成本
16.There is no guarantee that we will succeed.不能保证我们会成功。
17.Having brains is only half the battle.动脑是成功的保证。
18.We guarantee to fulfil our mission.我们保证完成任务。

1.Demonstration on the Justification of Administrative Power;行政权的正当性证成——控权—服务论理论合理性
3)evidence combination证据合成
1.This paper analyzes the problems of conflictive evidence combination with the Dempster-Shafer(D-S) theory,defines some concepts to be judged the extent of evidences conflict,such as evidence consistent degree, evidence conflictive degree,evidence conflictive intensity and evidence consistent/conflictive degree.分析了 D-S 证据理论在合成冲突证据时遇到的问题,定义了一些衡量证据间冲突程度的概念,包括证据一致度、证据冲突度、证据冲突强度、证据冲突/一致度等,在此基础上,给出了一个新的证据合成模型,其既可以合成有冲突的证据,又保证了非冲突证据的有效合成。
2.The mass function is determined by using fuzzy mathematics, and a belief matrix is produced according to the evidence combination rule.利用模糊逻辑确定量测与航迹之间的mass函数,再用证据合成规则得到信度函数阵,最后根据最大信度原理确定量测与航迹的关联关系。
4)genetic evidence成因证据
5)composition of syndrome证的构成
6)member certificate成员证书

证成道理【证成道理】 (术语)(参见:四种道理)