1.The Development of the Economic Methodology in Pre-positivism Times from the Angle of the Philosophy of Science;前实证主义时期科学哲学视角下经济学方法论的发展
2.Slightly Comment on Positivism and Education Research;简评实证主义及其数学教育研究
3.The Challenge of Feminism to Positivism——An Overview of Controversies about Feminist Methodology;女性主义对实证主义的挑战——综述女性主义方法论之辩

1.The Representatives of Positivism in the West and China;西方实证主义和中国实证主义思潮的代表人物
2.Contributions and Limitations of Positivism and Post-Positivism to Management Science;实证主义与后实证主义对管理科学发展的影响
3.on Positivism and anti-positivism in the research of sociology;论社会学研究中的实证主义与反实证主义
4.Positivism and Philosophy of Science in the May 4th Movement新文化运动中的实证主义与科学主义
5.New Understanding of the Characteristics of the Truth of Science;科学真理特点新揭示——略论实用主义、逻辑实证主义和逻辑实用主义
6.Linguistic Realism: Unforeseen Contributions of Logical Positivism;语言实在论——逻辑实证主义的意外奉献
7.From "Verification Principle "to "Falsification Principle";由“证实原则”到“证伪原则”——兼论波普对逻辑实证主义意义标准的批判
8.The Comparison of Positivism Historiography and Marxism Historiography实证主义史学与马克思主义史学比较研究
9.The sequence of ideas of sociology of positivism and humanism and its trend;实证主义和人文主义社会学的脉络及其走向
10.The liberal views of utilitarianism of legal positivism: from Bentham to Hart;法律实证主义的功利主义自由观:从边沁到哈特
11.The Logic Drawbacks of Logical Positivism Applied to Economics;逻辑实证主义应用于经济学的内在缺陷——逻辑实证主义的“逻辑”批判
12.What’s Comte’s Positivism?;什么是孔德的实证主义——对孔德实证主义体系的再认识
13.The Association between Positive Pr oof Method and Logical Positivism in Criminology Research;犯罪学实证研究方法与逻辑实证主义之关联
14.From the above conclusions, it is easy to prove that idealism, positivism including logical positivism, and phenomenology are thoroughly wrong.由此可以证明唯心主义、实证主义??包括逻辑实证主义,以及现象学彻底错了。
15.The Challenge of Feminism to Positivism--An Overview of Controversies about Feminist Methodology;女性主义对实证主义的挑战——综述女性主义方法论之辩
16.That is Taoist pragmatistic crisis and positivist crisis.这主要表现为道教的“实用主义危机”和“实证主义危机”。
17.consider what follows from the positivist view.从实证主义者的观点来分析这个问题。
18.Research on Theories of Law s Validity of Analytical Jurisprudence;分析实证主义法学的法律效力观研究

1.The representative philosophy of science has three schools:empiricism-positivism,rationalism and constructivism.有代表性的科学哲学观可分为三种流派:经验主义—实证主义、理性主义和建构主义。
1.The Philosophical Thinking of the Verificationism s Economic Methodology;证实主义经济学方法论的哲学思考
1.Application of Post-positivism Paradigm and Case Approach in Management;“后实证主义”范式与案例研究法在管理学中的应用
2.The post-positivism absorbed scientific reality theory and science hermeneutics as its key theoretical hypothesis and attempted to reestablish theoretical bases of psychology with some new dimension.当前心理学理论研究的复兴主要得益于“后实证主义”新范式的出现。
3.It is successful because that the norm is based on the post-positivism which can direct China s higher education.伯恩鲍姆所著的《大学运行模式——大学组织与领导的控制系统》树立了高等教育管理研究的学理研究的成功范式,其成功的基础在于它植根于后实证主义哲学,这为我国高等教育管理研究指明了方向,同时也预示着高等教育研究者必须转变思维方式,适应新挑战。
1.on Positivism and anti-positivism in the research of sociology;论社会学研究中的实证主义与反实证主义
6)legal positivism法实证主义
1.The foundations of legal positivism include three dimensions:its historical origin,the construction of "human image" which justify legal positivism,and the methodological characters of legal positivism.法实证主义的理论根基主要体现在三个方面:一是法实证主义的思想史根源;二是法实证主义赖以存立的“人类形象”的建构;三是法实证主义的方法论特质。
