1.A Vain Speech-maker──Analyzing the Tragic Image of Li Wan;虚空的言说者——李纨悲剧形象内涵探析
2.Poetry is a special form of speech,which reflects the speaker s own ideals and emotions,and a pre-logical speech,which is characterized by brevity,implicitness and imaginal thinking.诗乃是一种别于思的特殊言说方式,它是言说者自身的言志和抒情。
3.Her works,the "passionate speech" in the early period of her composition as well as the "quiet unbosoming" in the later period are all the overflow of her feeling of the female consciousness under the great pressure of the society.丁玲的创作,就是通过对女性心路的言说来书写自己的情感之路,不管是早期的"激情言说",还是后期的"默默倾诉",都是她的女性意识在社会挤压之下的情感流露。

1.A spoken language or dialect.语言说的语言或方言
2.Historical Narration and Individual Words:Analyzing Moyan Novels;历史叙述与个人言说——莫言小说分析
3.On the "Expressible" and "Unexpressible"in Chinese Philosophy;论中国哲学中的“不言说”与“言说
4.The Speaking of Works--Listening to "the speaking "of Fiying to the Moon作品的言说——聆听《奔月》的“言说
5.The Speech to not be Spoken--the description in word to musical esthetic experience不可言说言说——对音乐感性体验的语言描述
6.Cut short the nonsense and return to your muttons .闲言少说,言归正传。
7.There' s a rumour abroad that..., ie People are saying that....谣言盛传, 说是.
8.a candid opinion, statement, person直言、 直说、 直性人
9.Language s Variation and Innovation--Elucidation of Mo Yan s Novel Language Experiment;语言的变异与创新——莫言小说语言实验阐释
10.The View of Language as a Process-As Opposed to the View of Language as a Tool;语言过程说——一种不同于语言工具论的语言观
11."You won't back out?" she said.“你不会食言吧?”她说。
12."He's the equal of his words, never going Back on them"他说到做到,从不食言
13.What he had said told its own tale.他所说的一切不言而喻。
14.the utterance of intelligible speech.说出可以理解的语言。
15.pant out one's last words气喘吁吁地说出遗言
16.a person who speaks two languages fluently.一个能说两种语言的人。
17.a long - winded speaker;言辞冗长的演说者;
18.His speech was all rot.他的发言全是胡说八道。

1.As a text admired crazily by feminists,Jane Eyre, whose heroine Jane Eyre undoubtedly owns the right of saying . 《简·爱》作为"女性主义狂热崇拜的文本",其同名主人公简·爱毫无疑问拥有自由言说的权利。
2.There is not such a thing as pare technique of hearing and saying in psychotherapy.心理治疗并不存在纯粹的倾听与言说技术。
1.Something unreal to attend and work ——The speaking form of Wittgenstein s early philosophy;虚幻之物的加入与周转——维特根斯坦早期哲学的“言说”方式
2.A Study of Educational Value in Speaking & Listening;“言说”与“倾听”的教育价值研究
3.The Speaking of Works——Listening to "the speaking "of Fiying to the Moon作品的言说——聆听《奔月》的“言说
1.Embarrassment of expression in the technical rational world——Research on the theme of Liu Zhenyun s the novel "mobile";技术理性世界遭遇言说的尴尬——解读刘震云长篇小说《手机》主题意蕴
2.Its happiness and bitterness, success and failure find expression in press discourse, which forms the fundamental characteristic of "utterance by history" and "utterance for history" of the Chinese press discourse in the 20th century.20世纪的中国社会经历了从封建末世的近代到改革开放的社会主义市场经济发展的新时期的历史过程,它的苦乐悲欢、成败得失,都通过报刊话语得到宣泄、得到表现,构成20世纪中国报刊话语“被历史言说”与“为历史言说”这样的基本特点。
5)the speakable and unspeakable言说与不可言说
6)To Portray and to be Portrayed言说与被言说

言说【言说】 (术语)五种说法之一。以言音说法也。