1.The bloodstain is not only the murder case scene trace, is also matter witness, and has the important crime evidence value and the appraisal function.血迹既是杀人案件现场的痕迹,又是物证,具有非常重要的犯罪证据价值和鉴定作用。
2.The analysis of bloodstain,the study of its rules and inner relations play important roles in confirming the characters of criminal cases and murderous weapons,analyzing the process of committing crimes,disclosing disguise at the scene,searching for alibi,and depicting suspects,affirming and denying suspects.血迹是命案现场上常见的痕迹之一。

1.Covered or stained with gore;bloody.血迹斑斑的沾满鲜血的或血迹斑斑的;血淋淋的
2.After witnessing the phenomenon firsthand, the pope then cleaned himself off在亲眼目睹的圣迹哦, 教皇搽干了血迹
3.She used a wad of tissues to wipe away the blood.她用一叠薄纸擦去血迹
4.microscopic examination of traces of blood用显微镜作血迹检查.
5.His shirt was stained with blood.他的衬衫上沾有血迹
6.The blood had left a stain on his shirt.他的衬衫上留下了血迹
7.His hands were smeared with blood.他的手上染有血迹
8.A stain caused by blood.血斑,血迹由血液所致的污染
9.Whether the red-tinged stains on the shroud are actually blood has been questioned.裹尸布上淡红色的痕迹是否血迹也是一个疑问。
10.The tigress dragged the female bear downward for a short distance.?树周围还有一小片带着血迹的扭打痕迹。
11.The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed.那个女杀手把手上的血迹洗掉很久后,仍觉得手上血迹斑斑。
12.The shirt itself was a mass of grass stains and was spotted with the dentist's blood.衬衫上沾满草屑,还溅着牙医生的血迹
13.He let her remove his coat, and she saw the bloodstains.他让她脱下他的外衣,她发现了血迹
14.The wounded animal left a trail of blood behind it.受伤的动物在身后留下一道血迹
15.Mine, as whom washed from spot of child-bed taint她已洗涤干净原来产褥的血迹
16.The grass of the forest had been spotted with blood.森林里的草都染上了血迹
17.The police tried to account for the blood spot.警察试图解释这血迹是怎么来的。
18.The murderer is trying to clean his hands of the blood杀人凶手正企图洗掉手上的血迹

latent bloody footprint血潜足迹
3)Mixed bloodstains混合血迹
4)vascular impression血管压迹
1.Purpose: To determine the cause of the vascular impression of horizontal part of duodenum of gastroentersinal tract barium meal examinatin.目的 :探讨胃肠钡餐造影检查中十二指肠横部血管压迹的来源。
5)blood-stain photography血迹照相
6)Bloodstain Distribution血迹分布

血迹1.亦作"血迹"。 2.血在物体上留下的痕迹。