1.The Contract Law of China distinguishes sublet as approved and unapproved sublet.转租与租赁转让、租赁权让与应加以区分。
2.The legislative pattern of sublet has three forms: laissen-faire, restrictionism, distinction- ism.转租是市场经济中的普遍现象,它有放任主义、限制主义和区别主义三种立法模式,我国《合同法》采限制主义立法模式。

1.re-letting right [commercial tenant]转租权利〔商业租户〕
2.The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease.房屋转租的租期,不得超过原租约的租期。
3.Annual rent: £8,500, premium: £25,000.年租金8500英镑,转租费25000英镑。
4.There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenant to sublet.合同中列有条款,禁止承租人转租
5.There be a clause In the contract forbidding tenant to sublet合同中列有条款, 禁止承租人转租
6.Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.根据租约规定, 你无权转租物业.
7.Under the term of the lease you have no right to sublet the property根据租约规定,你无权转租物业
8.There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。
9.An Explanation on Low Land Tax in Farmland Tenancy对农地转租中低地租现象的一种解释
10.Article 224 Sublease Subject to consent by the lessor, the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person.第二百二十四条承租人经出租人同意,可以将租赁物转租给第三人。
11.Where the lessee sublets the leased property without the consent of the lessor, the lessor may rescind the contract.承租人未经出租人同意转租的,出租人可以解除合同。
12.sublet a room to a friend把一个房间转租给朋友.
13.and whether you are permitted to rent the place to someone else.你是否可以转租给别人.
14.Article137 The charterer may sublet the ship under charter, but he shall notify the shipowner of the sublet in time.第一百三十七条承租人可以将租用的船舶转租,但是应当将转租的情况及时通知出租人。
15.Article99 The charterer may sublet the ship he chartered, but the rights and obligations under the head charter shall not be affected.第九十九条承租人可以将其租用的船舶转租转租后,原合同约定的权利和义务不受影响。
16.Party B will not transfer the lease of the premises or sub without Party A's approval.、未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租或b>分b>租。
17.Article 27 In leasing (including subleasing) buildings, a building lease must be signed.第二十七条 房屋租赁(包括转租)必须签订房屋租赁合同。
18.The rights and obligations agreed upon in the head charter shall not be affected by the sub-charter.租用的船舶转租后,原租船合同约定的权利和义务不受影响。

1.There are two models of liberalism and restrictionism in sublease legislation.对转租的立法规定 ,世界上存在自由主义和限制主义二种模式。
2.Sublease the peculiar type that the department rents , be that the building subleases the universal phenomenon under being current market economy condition especially refer to a lessee not remove from usage , avails renting contractual relation , but leased things being rented out to others.转租系租赁的特殊类型,是指承租人不退出租赁合同关系,而将租赁物出租给他人使用、收益,特别是房屋转租是当前市场经济条件下的普遍现象。
3.In the international market of charter, right to sublease is of great freedom and multiple sublease is quite common.在国际租船领域,因为自由转租的存在,多重转租较为常见。

转租转租 【转租】房屋承租人对其承租的全部或者一部分房屋,放弃使用权,私自租给第三者使用,从中收取同等租额或者超过原租额的行为。转租具有非法牟利的性质,因为不论是转租私房还是公房,都直接有损于出租方的利益。在旧中国,把以转租牟利者称为“二房东”。转租不符合国家有关房屋租赁的规定,也不符合租赁双方鉴订的房屋租赁合同,是一种不正当的房产交易行为。