1.The Constitution Confucianism takes Sage justice as the rule of dealing with the relationship among the public,the emperor and mandate of Heaven,regarding the public as the practical basis of kingcraft politics.制度儒学以圣人正义论作为处理民众、君主与天命之间关系的准则,认为民众是王道政治的现实基础,民众的生存与发展离不开良好的社会秩序,君主是社会秩序中不可或缺的一个重要环节,必须加强君主的权威以保障整体的稳定与和谐。

1.Wang, C., Wang, K., Kuo, C.S., &Wang, D.C. (2005, 7).王谦、王凯、郭嘉祥、王道治(2005,4)。
2.W: That will be perfect. Wonderful!王员外:嗯,那就更王道了。好!
3.Quanzhen Taoist Wang Daoyuan s "Dao" Thought and "Human" Thought;全真道士王道渊的“道论”与“人论”
4.Benevolent rule and rule by force: Lu Xun s critidsm on the feudalistic statecraft;王道与霸道——鲁迅对封建主义统治术的批判
5." Royal child," the sprite begged."王子!"妖怪乞求道。
6.To be impartial is to be universal. To be universal is to be in accord with heaven. To be in accord with heaven is to be in accord with the Way. To be in accord with the Way is to be eternal and to live free from harm even though the Body dies."公乃王, 王乃天,.天乃道 道乃久 殁身不殆"
7.You know not the limits of this kingdom, still you are its king.你不知道这王国的疆界,但你仍是这王国的国王。
8.The artful exercise of power by a king.君王之道君王对权力的巧妙运用
9.I am the Happy Prince,@ he answered back.“我是快乐王子,”他响应道。
10.Surprised, the king asked, "How can you be so sure?"吴王问: “你怎么知道?”
11.the Queen shouted at the top of her voice.王后声嘶力竭地喊道。
12.Long live King Arthur!@ they cried.他们喊道:“亚瑟国王万岁
13.Then someone cried, @Long live the King!然后有人喊道:“国王万岁
14.When the toasts had been drunk, Wang Ho-fu was ready with another suggestion.当下王和甫就说道:
15.Hi Leo, do you know Jack Wang?嗨,利奥,你知道杰克王吗?
16.Natural Law and Humanity--On Wang Chuan-shan s Attain Moral of Doctrine;天道与人道——兼论王船山成德之学
17."and now, see, adonijah has made himself king without my lord's knowledge;"现在亚多尼雅作王了,我主我王却不知道。
18.Do you know the reason of King Edward the 8th's abdication?你知道英王爱德华八世放弃王位的原因吗?

kingly way-Wang Faren王道-王法
1.If the Western people stress the natural law,the Chinese the "kingly way-Wang Faren.如果说西方是自然法,中国就是"王道-王法"。
3)the Kingly Way王道统治
1."National Harmony" and "the Kingly Way";简析“民族协和”与“王道统治”
4)heaven kingly way天之王道
5)earth kingly way地之王道
6)man kingly way人之王道
