1.Studies on clothing treated with mixed insecticides for protection against ticks;复配杀虫剂处理衣服对硬蜱的防护效果研究
2.Overall influence of clothing and pinnae on shoulder reflection and HRTF;衣服、耳廓对肩部反射及头相关传输函数的综合影响(英文)
3.Different regions have different general terms for clothing and they have different regional connotations in etymology too.不同地区对衣服的通称不同,这些通称的词源义域也不尽相同。

1.Apparel worn beneath outer garments; underclothing.内衣大衣下穿的衣服
2.and the sewing, and the laundry.缝衣服、洗衣服都要做!
3.Orange today, orange today.穿橙色衣服,穿橙色衣服
4.To take off one's clothing.脱衣服自己脱去衣服
5.This is the way we iron the clothes, iron the clothes, iron the clothes,我们就这样熨衣服,熨衣服,熨衣服
6.This is the way we mend the clothes, mend the clothes, mend the clothes,我们就这样补衣服,补衣服,补衣服
7.A chest, closet, or wardrobe in which clothes are kept.衣柜,衣橱放衣服的柜子、橱柜或衣橱
8.When the washer is done, place the wet load into the dryer.等衣服洗干净后,把湿衣服放进于衣机。
9.He crammed his clothes into the trunk.他把他的衣服塞进衣箱。
10.The clothes were frozen on the washing-line.衣服在晾衣绳上冻住了.
11.From the closet she took the new dress.她从衣橱里拿出新衣服
12.He bundled his clothes into the washing machine.他把衣服塞进洗衣机里。
13.Hang up your coat in the cupboard.把你的衣服挂在衣柜里。
14.a laundry hamper for dirty clothes盛放脏衣服的洗衣篮
15.shorten(a garment)by folding it up at the bottom摺起衣边改短(衣服
16.collect a suit from the cleaners从洗衣店取回衣服.
17.The wet clothes froze on the clothesline.湿衣服冻在晒衣绳上了。
18.Loose clothes are comfortable than tight ones.宽大的衣服比紧小的衣服舒服。

3)A garment; a vestment.衣服;礼服
1.Three waterproof breathable and one impermeable garments were assessed in terms of their moisture accumulation in undergarments.为了了解在实际穿着过程中 ,防水透湿织物防水透气原理 ,本文进行了休息、运动及雨淋三种人体穿着实验 ,实验在人工气候室中进行 ,选择了三种防水透湿服和一件不透湿的一般雨衣来评估其穿着时衣服内的湿度变化。

衣服1.衣裳,服饰。 2.借指形体,身躯。