网络服务提供商,internet service provider
1)internet service provider网络服务提供商
1.On Civil Liability of Internet Service Provider;网络服务提供商的民事责任探析
2.American DMCA is an important law about the copyright problem un der the condition of standarding the network,of which an important aspect is the regulations towards the limitation of liability of copyright infringement regar ding internet service providers.其中一个重要方面是对网络服务提供商著作权侵权责任限制的规定。
3.As platform and intermedium for network information communication, Internet service provider plays an extremely important role for the normal operation and development of the Internet.网络服务提供商作为网络信息传播的平台与载体,对于互联网的正常运行和发展起着极其重要的作用。

1.On the Copyright Infringement Liability of the Internet Service Provider;论网络服务提供商的著作权侵权责任
2.On the Responsibility of Internet Service Provider for the Copyright Indirect Infringement;论网络服务提供商版权间接侵权责任
3.A Study of the Internet Service Provider s Copyright Liability;网络服务提供商(ISP)版权责任问题研究
4.Internet service providers (ISPs) provide Internet access to customers, usually for a monthly fee.网络服务提供商按每月收费的方式为用户提供互联网接入服务。
5.The Research on the Legal Responsibilty of Tortious Actions of Internet Service Provider;网络服务提供商侵权民事法律责任研究
6.A Comparative Study of the Internet Service Provider Copyright Infringement Liability between China and the United States中美网络服务提供商侵犯著作权责任比较研究
7.Below is the message that the server returned. For more information, contact your Internet service provider or web server administrator.以下是服务器返回的消息。详细信息请与网络服务提供商或站点服务器管理员联系。
8.Internet Service Provider Consortium因特网服务提供商集团 networks service providers数据网络服务提供者
10.Internet service provider互联网服务提供商,因特网服务提供者,[港]互联网服务供货商
11.The Web host provides maintenance based on the level of service the online business requires.网络服务商会在在线商店的要求服务的基础上提供维护支持。
12.On Copyright Infringement Liabilities of Internet Mediation Service Provider;论网络中介服务提供商的版权侵权责任
13.Network service is not available, try again or contact your service provider if problem persists.网络服务不可用,请再试。如果问题依旧,请与您的服务提供商联系。
14.Application Service Providers (ASP) and Network Market Makers are common examples of this situation.应用服务提供商和网络交易市场运营商是这种情况的典型代表。
15.The ISP will often be able to provide expert help in designing and constructing the web pages themselves.网络服务商常常可以提供专业帮助,例如帮你设计并且制作网页。
16.Basic packages are free or low-cost electronic commerce software supplied by the Web host for building Web sites.网络主机服务商应该为站点的建立提供免费或低价的软件包。
17.Hosting Contentph.1. 【电脑】主机内容(一网络顾问、发行商或ISP提供对客户可见的服务)
18.S Mobile Telecommunication Company and its Network Department--Changing from bureaucratic enterprise to high-quality supplier;《案例》:S移动通信公司及其网络部——从官商向优质服务提供转变

Internet service providers网络服务提供商
1.Internet service providers play an irreplaceable role in the operation and development of the Internet.一方面网络服务提供商在互联网的运行和发展中发挥着不可替代的重要作用,另一方面在日见增多的网络著作权纠纷案件中,网络服务提供商往往身不由己地卷入其中,甚至成为他人侵权的替罪羊。
3)ISP[英][,a? es 'pi:][美]['a? '?s 'pi]网络服务提供商
1.What should be the ISP Liability for Blog Defamation?;博客名誉侵权,网络服务提供商该当何责?——“中国博客第一案”引发的法律思考
2.The article analyzes the law relationship between ISP and parties of the deal and concludes the liabilities of ISP before defining the legal status of ISP in the Internet trading.通过分析网络服务提供商与网络交易双方的法律关系,得出其法律责任,并最终明确了其在网络交易中的法律地位。
3.The liability of ISP to disclose subscriber s identification(DSI) under China law has flaws in balance of the different copyright interest group lacking in concerning to the right of due process,privacy and free expression,and the same is the judicial practice under China court.网络服务提供商的信息披露义务在我国立法中因缺乏对正当程序、隐私及表达自由的关注而存在利益失衡的可能,而司法实践更加忽视该义务背后的公共政策,其原因是我国关于信息披露义务理论存在不完善之处。
4)Network Service Provider网络服务提供商
1.Study on Information Disclosure Obligation of the Network Service Provider——Critical Interpretation focusing on Regulations of Copyright Law in China;论网络服务提供商之信息披露义务——以我国著作权法制为中心的批判性解读
5)network access service provider网络接入服务提供商
6)P2P service providerP2P网络服务提供商
1.In order to alleviate the aggregating status quo, music industry has brought lawsuit against P2P service providers.为了改善日益恶化的现状,音乐工业已经对P2P网络服务提供商提起法律诉讼。

服务提供规范(见服务提供)服务提供规范(见服务提供)service delivery specifications: see service delivery  f.如明J tig).叼guifan服务提供规范(se币cedshveryspec讯cations)见服务提供。