1.On Legal Constraint of M&A and Anti-M&A and Choice of Anti-M&A Strategies About Target Firm;并购与反并购的法律约束及目标企业反并购策略选择
2.Problem Study on the Implementation of Anti-M&A in China;在中国国情下实施反并购策略探析

1.On Legal Constraint of M&A and Anti-M&A and Choice of Anti-M&A Strategies About Target Firm;并购与反并购的法律约束及目标企业反并购策略选择
2.The Research of the New Times Insurance Companies Tactics on M&A and Anti-M&A;新生代保险公司并购与反并购策略研究
3.Study on Anti-takeover Strategy of Listed Companies on the Future Capital Market in China;中国未来资本市场上市公司反并购策略研究
4.To review purchasing reports and give feedback.总结采购销售报告,并给出反馈。
5.Study on the Anti-trust Regulations on Foreign Capital Mergers & Acquisitions in China;外资在华并购的反垄断法律规制研究
6.Study on the Legal System Conerning Anti-Monopoly of M&A from Foreign Investors in China;外资并购面临的反垄断法律规制研究
7.Evaluate The Anti-Monopoly Law Regarding M&A By Foreign Capital;对《反垄断法》外资并购规制的评述
8.Antitrust Controls on Transnational Mergers in China;外资在华并购的反垄断规制问题研究
9.Rethinking and Reconstruction:Tax Aspects of Corporate Merger and Acquisition(M&A) in China;反思与重构:我国企业并购税制之检视
10.Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Cross-border Merger Review;我国外资并购反垄断的域外适用问题
11.Study on the Anti-monopoly Legal Regulations on Foreign Mergers and Acquisitions in China论我国对外资并购的反垄断法律规制
12.The Research of Anti-Monopoly Review for M&A of Domestic State-Owned Enterprises by Foreign Investors浅析外资并购国有企业的反垄断审查
13.A Study on the Effect of M&A Information on the Split Share Structure Reform股权分置改革下的并购信息反应研究
14.On the principal of distinction regarding the merger control of foreign investment外资并购反垄断审查的区别原则探析
15.Analysis of the Relation between the M&A and Monopoly and Antimonopoly:With Remarks on Necessity of Legislation on the M&A Antimonopoly;企业并购与垄断和反垄断的关系分析——兼谈并购反垄断立法的必要性
16.They are such as the anti-trust laws, the monopolies and restrictive Practices (Inquiry and Control)act,the companies acts.主要包括:反托拉斯法、收购及兼并准则、公司法等。
17.Yesterday's report is a report card on the company after the merger.昨天是报告反映了公司在并购后的营运情况。
18.A Comparative Study and Reference on the Antimonopoly Regulation of Concentration in EU and US;欧美并购反垄断监管之比较研究与借鉴

Reverse mergers taking反向并购
1.Reverse mergers taking, also known as borrowing or buying the shell for listing, it is a way of going public indirectly.为了稳定股市,证监会曾一度不再批准公司IPO上市,在这种情况下,反向并购优势渐渐明显起来。
3)anti-hostile M&A反恶意并购
1.The marketed M&A becomes thriving with the Total Distribution of stock market arising from the reform of stock market and the ordination of Management Mehod of the M&A of Stock Company,but there are more and more hostile M&A, so it is necessary and urgent for stock companies to construct a effective mechanism of anti-hostile M&A.上市公司构建一个有效的反恶意并购机制已经是当下必须面对和不可回避的重大实践课题,这对我国正处于转型期的资本市场来说具有重大战略意义,因此,市场参与各方特别是上市公司要高度关注市场化并购到来可能带来的不利影响,立足于未雨绸缪,通过改变公司治理的思想观念、调整和修改公司章程内容、储备反恶意并购手段、政府创造宽松环境,以全力构建起有效的反恶意并购机制。
4)anti-takeover strategy反并购策略
5)merger & acquisition并购
1.Decision About Selecting Between Merger & Acquisition and Strategic Alliance and Revelation to the Enterprises in China;企业并购与战略联盟的决策选择分析及其对我国企业的启示
2.Research on Regulation Constraint of the Merger & Acquisition of Transnational Corporation in China;跨国公司在华并购的法律规制研究
6)mergers and acquisitions并购
1.Analysis on Financial Effects of Listed Companies Mergers and Acquisitions;对上市公司并购绩效的分析
2.Motives Research about Multinational Bank Mergers and Acquisitions;跨国银行并购动机的研究
