2)person of anti-defense逆防卫人
3)individual protection个人防卫
1.Factors of crime encroachment on female and its individual protection;浅析女性被犯罪侵害的成因与个人防卫

1.Factors of crime encroachment on female and its individual protection;浅析女性被犯罪侵害的成因与个人防卫
2.a barrier that can be employed for defense against attack.一个可以用来防卫敌人进攻的路障。
3.An Investigation of the Demand of Manpower in theHealth Care and Anti-EpidemicStations of 34 Counties in Guangdong Province广东省34个市县卫生防疫站人才需求的调查
4.Conclusion Pthirus pubis may parasitize eyes of the children. To prevent transmission, We should pay attention to chindren's personal hygiene.耻阴虱可寄生于儿童眼部,儿童应注意个人卫生,防止耻阴虱传播。
5.Sanger, David E. "Bush to Formalize A Defense Policy of Hitting First." New York Times, June 17, 2002.着,<布希应规划一个先发制人的防卫政策>,《纽约时报》,2002年6月17日。
6.Prevent brothers tinea, answer to notice the individual is wholesome strictly, maintain brothers cleanness dry.预防手足癣,应严格注重个人卫生,保持手足清洁干燥。
7.The state of being accompanied by a person or protective guard.在…的陪同下被一个人或者进行防护的警卫陪同的状态
8.It is the largest man-made monument ever to have been built and it is disputed that it is the only one visible from space.建造该要塞的目的是保卫各个朝代,防御匈奴人、古人、厥人以及其他游牧部族的入侵。
9.an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes.为达防卫目的而围绕一个地方建的堤防。
10.The defending garrison held out for a month.防卫部队已坚守了一个月
11.the Death Star does have a strong defense mechanism.但死亡星球有个很强的防卫系统
12.They teamed together into a defensive alliance.他们联合起来组成一个防卫同盟。
13.Sever Misunderstandings About“Unlimited Defense”;有关“无限防卫”理解中的几个误区
14.We're going to view the surveillance tape of the function at a private security company not far from here.我们想去一个私人安全防卫公司 离这儿不远 看监控录象上是否有我们要找的人
15.they do not want you to defend the Yellow River, and so you abandon its defence;敌人汉奸不希望你们保卫河防,你们就丢弃河防;
16.To protect, as from enemy attack, by occupying a strategic position.防卫通过占据战略性位置防止敌人攻击
17.The prisoner made at the guard with a knife.那个犯人用刀袭击卫兵。
18.David took after the man who stole his money.大卫追那个偷他钱的人。

person of anti-defense逆防卫人
3)individual protection个人防卫
1.Factors of crime encroachment on female and its individual protection;浅析女性被犯罪侵害的成因与个人防卫
4)defense of another防卫他人
5)antisatellite defense防人造卫星
6)Instigate the relative people of the behavior挑拨防卫相对人

《日美防卫合作指针》(1997)《日美防卫合作指针》(1997)Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation, 1997  雀ide-tion,事同美防纽约荞有:坚实攻时更有应坚待各策磋制定在保亚太寻力。方应取措本的本应将其派兵线时领土要对最大边事大影是着事态态扩积行后勤只检Ri一Mei Fangwei Hezuo Zhizhen《日美防卫合作指针》(1 997)(〔lines for了山刀an一U.S.Defense CoOPer1997)日本和美国为巩固与加强场盟关系而缔结的军事协定。通称“新「卫合作指针”。1997年9月23日在美匡签署,同日生效。 新指针由8个部分组成,主要内①强调制定该指针的目的是建立一乖的基础,以便在平时、日本遭到武力过和发生“周边事态”时,双方能够实辛效和更可靠的合作。②两国政府平压持现行的日美安全保障体制,努力鬓自所需的防卫态势,加强信息交流、刃商以及安全保障等方面的合作,共压联合作战计划和相互合作计划;美匡持核威慑力量的同时,应继续维持拍地区的前沿部署,并保持足够的增援③当日本面临武力进攻的危险时,刃尽快启动两国之间的协调机构,在牙施控制事态扩大的同时,做好保卫〔准备。④当日本遭到武力进攻时,「以本国力量为主立即采取行动,尽泪排除;美国应给予切实合作,并适压支援。日本自卫队和美军实施联合们应确保行动协调,自卫队主要在日才及周边海空域进行防御作战,美军盛自卫队实施支援作战。⑤双方必须乓努力防止周边事态的发生。所谓“层态”是指对日本的和平与安全产生亘响的事态,它不是地理上的概念,雨眼于事态的性质。在发生和对付周退时,双方要协调行动,努力防止等大;美军要为平息“周边事态”牙动,日本应为美军提供设施、地域泪支援,并配合美军进行海主扫雷和翔查等。区苏防卫犷作。