1.A right legal norm created by the gap-filling of law is not only decided by the facts,but also by the values.一个正确的漏洞补充的规范建构不仅取向于生活事实,而且取向于价值。
2.It is a process to create the exact legal norms when the gap-filling in law faces the special facts.漏洞补充乃是针对特定的生活事实,建构恰切的具体法律规范的过程。

1.The Study on the Relationship between Loophole-filling and Civil Norms;漏洞补充与民间规范关联性问题研究
2.An Analysis of the Function of the Folk Law as a Remedy for Legal Loopholes民间法于法律漏洞补充中的功能探析
3.On the Rationality of Civil Norms as the Factor of Gap-filling;论民间规范作为漏洞补充因素的合理性
4.The Way Orientation of the Gap-filling of law and Folk Norms;规范建构框架中漏洞补充的路径取向与民间规范
5.Easement: Supplement to Legalization of Real Right;论地役权对物权法定原则漏洞的补充
6.The loopholes in law can be supplemented with the ways of deduction and the measurement of profits etc.法律漏洞可采用类推、的论限缩、益衡量等方法进行补充。
7.--The Deeply Thinking Aroused By Civil Responsibility of Mobile-Telephone Information Tort;法律漏洞及其补充——由手机短信侵权民事责任引发的深层思考
8.They leave a lot of pockets of knowlege to be filled in behind.他们会留下许多有待填补知识的漏洞。
9.Some Legal Loopholes in The First Edition of Judicial Interpretation of Marriage Law and Their Solutions;《婚姻法解释一》的若干漏洞及填补
10.Welfare Subsidy Leak of State-owned Company and Solving Measures;国有企业福利补贴的漏洞和解决措施
11.You'd better fix the leak in the roof before it gets worse.After all, a stitch in time saves nine.你还是把漏屋顶修一修,免得漏得更厉害。终究是小洞不补,大洞吃苦
12.Plot loopholes are abound, and you can drive a horde of running bulls right through it.情节上到处充斥了漏洞,漏洞大到你甚至可以骑着一头游牧民族的公牛穿过这个洞。
13.There was no software for the security hole whatsoever the system did not exist.能弥补一切系统的安全漏洞的软件是不存在的。
14.The Filling of the Loophole in Criminal Law and the Improvements of the Judicial Interpretation;刑法漏洞的填补与刑法司法解释的完善
15.Loopholes in Commercial Bribery Law and Remedial Proposal;商业贿赂犯罪法网的漏洞及其补救完善建议
16.Study on Vulnerability Repair of Business System in Electric Power Production and Control Area电力生产控制区业务系统漏洞修补研究
17.Constructive Delivery and Good Faith Acquisition占有改定与善意取得——兼论民法规范漏洞的填补
18.Evaluation of gingival microleakage of class Ⅱ cavity after composite restorations复合树脂充填近中面洞颈壁边缘微渗漏的研究

filling the blank补充漏洞
3)rules for remedy of contract flaws漏洞补充规则
4)the supplement of legal loophole法律漏洞补充
1.In this process, how to make urban housing removal proceed smoothly under the existing legal framework? The most important thing is starting from the practice of improving the deficiences in the work of urban housing removal from philosophy of law enforcement, the supplement of legal loophole, legal education and compensation scope, etc.在这个过程中,在现有法律框架下,如何使城市房屋拆迁工作顺利进行?主要是从实践入手,在拆迁工作中从执法理念、法律漏洞补充、法律宣传教育、补偿范围等方面改进拆迁工作的不足。
5)law gaps filling漏洞填补
6)patch leaks修补漏洞

勾漏洞风景名胜区勾漏洞风景名胜区于广西北流市东北5 公里的勾漏山下, 由宝圭洞、玉阙洞、白沙洞、桃源洞以及许多小洞连贯组成, 全长 1000多米,因洞勾、曲、穿、漏而得名。洞府清邃曲深, 绮丽奇幻,钟乳石千姿百态,自魏晋起已负盛名,洞前有唐宋 以来摹崖碑碣百多幅,有葛洪炼丹遗址。为中国道教第二十二洞天。