
1.Technological Innovation, Alleviate Regulation and the Unstable Employment in Japan;技术革新、规制缓和与日本的不安定就业
2.Regulations Relaxing,Structure Adjusting and Competition Efficiency:A Comparative Study on Electric Power System Reform of China,Japan and Korea;规制缓和、结构调整与竞争效率——中日韩电力体制改革比较
3.The Study of Corrosion Mechanism of Drill Pipe and Pipeline, Inhibition and Mechanism of the Inhibitor for Drill Pipe and Pipeline;油田钻具、管道系统腐蚀规律及缓蚀剂缓蚀性能和机制研究
4.The Forming Mechanism of Gentle Slope and Reservoir-forming Law in Jiyang Depression;济阳坳陷缓坡带形成机制及油气成藏规律研究
5.Preparation of the PVA/SA Blend Hydrogel Bead and Research of Its Drug Sustained Release;PVA/SA复合水凝胶的制备及药物缓释规律的研究
6.They're trying in every way to create the false impressions of" detente.他们千方百计地制造“缓和”的假象。
7.the object being control or moderation of economic depressions.一个控制或缓和经济低沉的计划。
8.Relaxation of Restrictions on U.S. Trade with China during the Nixon Presidency尼克松政府对华贸易管制政策的缓和
9.EF) Slow death regulation and control mechanism and the action segment of cell delay.延缓细胞衰老的调控机制和作用环节。
10.On the Appreciation Pressure: the Interest Rate Mechanism and Government Policie;升值压力的缓解:利率机制和政府对策
11.Preparation of YBiO_3 Buffer Layers and YBCO Superconducting Thin Films by Magnetron Sputtering磁控溅射制备YBiO_3缓冲层和YBCO超导薄膜
12.Fabrication of buffer layers and YBaCuO coated conductors by all chemical methods全化学法制备缓冲层和YBaCuO超导涂层
13.Preparation of isoniazid sustained release implant and the release behavior in vitro异烟肼缓释植入剂的制备和体外释放
14.Instead, walk away and give yourself a mandatory waiting period.相反地,要走开,并给自己规定一个强制性的暂缓期。
15.Studies on the Activity Detection and Release of Sustained Release Recombined Bovine Growth Hormone in Animals;重组牛生长激素缓释制剂的活性检测及动物体内释放规律研究
16.Preparation of Triptolide-loaded Microspheres and Its Release Profile in Vitro and in Vivo雷公藤内酯醇缓释微球的制备及体内外释放规律研究
17.From cruelty to gentleness, from wildness to civilization, it is the historical rule of the development of penalties.由严酷走向缓和,由野蛮走向文明,是刑罚发展的历史规律。
18.Defines table properties including rules, structures, indexes, filters, and buffering定义表的各种属性,包括规则、结构、索引、筛选和缓冲等

relaxing regulatory缓和规制
3)law of relaxation缓和规律
4)mitigation devices缓和机制
5)replication and cache复制和缓存
6)Mitigation and compensation planning舒缓和补偿规划
