1.Under the traditional families culture, the enterprises in china are characterized by familization.在家文化传统的影响下,我国企业具有浓厚的家族化特征。
2.But China\'s private enterprises still use family-style operations and management and have not arisen the real "corporational revolution" or "managerial revolution" resulting in the coexsistence of corporatization from familization form.2000年以后,60%以上的中国私营企业开始采用公司化的组织形式,并且内部治理结构也日趋规范化,但是,中国私营企业股权的集中化、决策的集权化、管理职位的家族化并没有发生根本的转变。
3.Based on the relevant theories of informal organizations,this paper analyzes the connotation of familization of universities in China.基于非正式组织的相关理论,分析了我国高等院校"家族化"的内涵,师资队伍中以学缘关系缔结的"家族"群体的形成过程,高等院校"家族化"对高校资源配置及知识创新的影响,进一步提出了高校加强制度创新,构建有效管理机制的政策建议。

1.On the Transformation from Family Enterprise to Modern Enterprise of the Family;家族化企业向企业化家族转变的思考
2.Power, Revenue and the Level of Family Governance in Family Business权力、企业收益与家族企业家族化水平
3.Corporate Culture of Confucian Concept of Family and Japanese Family Business;儒家家族观念与日本家族企业的企业文化
4.familial pulmonary interstitial fibrosis家族性肺间质纤维化
5.cultural - familial mental retardation文化家族型智力不足
6.A man sharing the same racial, cultural, or national background as another.同一民族(或种族、家族)的男人同一种族、文化、或民族背景的男人
7.Family Culture and Society Being Harmonious;家族文化与社会和谐——研读族谱有感
8.A Survey of the Research into the Cultural Communication between Ancient Han and Tujia Nationalities;古代汉族与土家族文化交流研究综述
9.The Influence of Traditional Family Ethical Culture on Family Drug Business;传统家族伦理文化对中国家族医药企业的影响
10.Tujia National Minority Traditional Culture and Contemp Orary Tujia National Minority Young Poets Creation;土家族传统文化与当代土家族青年诗人的创作
11.Jiao Village s Clan: A Study on Transformation of Village Clan Culture in the Southern Jiangsu at the Present Age;郊村家族:当代苏南村落家族文化转型研究
12.Culture Path Dependence Analysiss about Familial Management of Familial Corporation in China;我国家族企业家族式管理的文化路径依赖分析
13.Family Culture and the Family Enterprises Financing Behaviour;家族文化与中国家族制企业融资行为分析
14.The Evolution of Chinese Family Firm from CIan Confidence to Social Confidence;华人家族企业从家族信任到社会信任的进化
15.The Influence of Traditional Family Culture on Household Enterprises in China and Its Abandoned Inheritage;传统家族文化对我国家族企业的影响及其扬弃
16.Comparis on of Family Businesses among America,Japanand China in Family Cultural View;家族文化视角中的美、日、中三国家族企业比较
17.A Nature's Culture and Population Research of Ming and Qing Dynasties in North Hunan明清时期湘南家族文化与家族人口研究
18.Negative Influence of The Family Culture on Chinese Modern Writer;家族文化对中国现代作家的消极影响

family culture家族文化
1.The Study of the Earlier Period of Chang Zhou Ci School and the Family Culture of Zhang in PiLing;早期常州词派与毗陵张氏家族文化研究
2.In this article,we analyzes the effect of family culture in the management of family enterprise:on one hand,family culture plays an assignably positive role in the economic life of traditional society,constitutes the main culture foundation of the competition of a family enterprise;on the other hand,the inherent characteristics of the family culture such as an.本文分析了传统家族文化在我国家族企业管理中的作用:一方面,家族文化在传统社会的经济生活中发挥了不可忽视的正面作用,构成家族企业竞争力的主要文化根基;另一方面,家族文化固有的宗族性、封闭性等特征也成为家族企业进一步发展的主要障碍。
3.The presence of family business is the result of two management cultures:one is traditional family culture,the other is occidental business administration culture.家族企业的产生是两种管理文化力量共同作用的结果,其一是社会传统文化中的家族文化,其二是西方工业文明中的工商管理文化。
1.But yoked with and fenced in such factors as the push of growth stage,some fundamental changes about Chinese culture,potential successors in inheritance of clannish businesses is bordered from business owner s son or girl to his pan-family members connected with business owner or his family because they once studied together or have lived in same hometown,even to .在中国家族企业代际传承中“子承父业”模式一直是主流,但企业成长阶段的推进、中国传统文化在今天的一些改变等因素,影响着中国家族企业代际传承的培养对象逐步由家族企业主的子女向与其或其家庭有着业缘、地缘等关系的泛家族化,甚至向将来的非家族化延伸。
4)clan culture家族文化
1.This article utilizes overlapping research methods, and takes its perspective from the core of Chinese culture, "clan culture", in an examination of modern Chinese fiction.从中国文化的核心部分"家族文化"角度审视中国现代小说。
2.China clan culture exerts a subtle influence over every level which can not be underestimated.中国人几千年不变地维持着一种以家族伦理为中心价值的文化制度体系,中国的家族文化对中国各个层面的影响潜移默化,不可低估。
3.Though it has experienced several institutional change and transformation, the clan culture begins to revive in the rural society and gives the great impact on the peasants things and behavior.家族及家族文化作为中国传统乡土社会的重要特征,它的内在机制和精神价值根深蒂固。
5)culture family文化家族
1.As a result,the children of Huang\'s family receivel a fine education,with a good style and a country gentry family changed into a culture family.初时为传统的乡绅之家,后来黄元吉建立樱桃洞、芝台两处书馆,黄氏子弟因此受到良好教育,养成良好学风,乡绅之家从而转变为文化家族。
6)family management家族化管理
1.There exist many problems in vocational management of self-employed enterprises,which are from family management to vocational one,interpersonal relations and training.民营企业在职业化管理过程中存在着诸多问题,主要表现为民营企业由家族化管理向职业化管理转轨的问题、民营企业内部人际关系问题和员工培训方面的问题。
2.Family management and family enterprises are two different concep ts , in which the family management is a business management mode carrying out rela tionship management on the basis of family relationship, blood relationship, te rritory relationship and so on , with family moral and regulations as the manage ment disciplines.家族化管理和家族企业是两个不同的概念,家族化管理是一种以家族血缘、亲缘、地缘等特殊关系为基础,以家族伦理、家族规则为组织规范,实行“缘治”的企业经营管理范式。
3.This paper introduces the definition and main characteristics of family management of non-governmental higher education institutions, analyzes necessity of family management of non-governmental higher education institutions, and studies such family management\' limitations.本文阐述了民办高校家族化管理的概念和主要特征,分析了民办高校家族化管理产生的原因及其局限,可以为政府制订民办高教发展政策、改善和规范民办高校管理提供依据,同时也可以为民办高校自身克服家族化管理的弊端、实施可持续发展提供参考。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理