1.Changes of individualization in classroom teaching reflect the correct understanding of school teaching to the features of the times as well as to the nature of men.在新世纪的历史背景下,个人接受的教育必须是完整的和富于挑战的,对课堂教学的个别化变革反映了学校教育对时代特征的正确把握,也反映了学校教育对人本质的正确理解。

1.Some Ideas About Individualized Educational Program;关于个别化教育计划几个问题的思考
2.The Globalization and Teaching of Individualization and The Transformation of Teachers Education;全球化、个别化教学与教师教育的转向
3.It does not affect the conviction and it's only the ground of sentence and execution individualization.它不影响定罪,仅是量刑个别化及行刑个别化的根据。
4.An Analysis on Individualized Practice of Teaching in Western Class试析西方国家课堂教学的个别化实践
5.Because domestic education is changed individually, man-to-man.因为家庭教育是个别化的,一对一的。
6.Initial comments on the guidance to and management over individualized and independent study;浅议对个别化自主学习的指导与管理
7.Promoting Studnts Mental Health by Individualized Teaching;个别化的课堂教学促进学生心理健康
8.The connotation and the essential features of the individual realization of punishment;刑罚个别化实现的含义及其基本特征
9.An innovative approach to individualised learning in open education;个别化学习在开放教育中的创新途径
10.Elaboration of Students Principal Part Character in Individualized Instruction;个别化教学中学生主体性作用的发挥
11.The Explore of Individual Education Teaching Methods of Physical Education in General Colleges;普通高校“个别化”体育教学方法探索
12.A Report on the Application of C-PEP to the Planning of Inidvidualized Educational Programs;C-PEP与个别化教育的实验报告
13.The Design of Individual Interaction Based on E-learning Performance基于网络学习绩效的个别化交互设计
14.- in the internal procedure for drilling a level up or down— 在浅化或深化某个级别的内部过程中
15.on an individual basis个人 [个别] 地
16.The world is changing fast. Never stop learning.这个世界变化很快,永远别停止学习.
17.Don't give the baby meat to eat,because he cannot digest it.别给这个孩子肉吃,因为他不消化。
18.a clash of interests, personalities, cultures, opinions利益、 个性、 文化、 意见的巨大的差别.

1.Originating from the development of individuality, individual learning becomes an educational thought.个别化教学是从人的个性发展出发、以人为本的一种教育思想,网络环境下的个别化教学是伴随着教育技术信息化产生的新型教学方式。
1.Through analyzing for theory of group teaching and individual teaching problem, this paper discussed to grasp the basic the principle of learning patter and got the guidance meaning of individual teaching effect for the class teaching of physical education.笔者通过对群体教学与个别化教学问题的理论分析,讨论了掌握学习模式的基本原理,及其对体育课班级教学取得个别化教学效果的指导意义。
1.An analysis of misunderstanding of individualized education in the hearing and speech rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children;聋儿听力语言康复个别化教学误区种种
2.Starting from problem designing in teaching, the article presents the theory of individualized on-line teaching model structured by ″problem design-learning and research plan-Learning environment construction ″, and it calls on solving real problems in real scene and the combination of research learning and coordinating learning.本文从透视教学中的问题设计为切入点,提出了网络环境下个别化教学模式的理论框架,即以“问题设计———学习方案、研究方案的设计———构建学习场”为基本理论框架,倡导在真实问题的情景中去解决真实的问题和研究性学习与合作学习相结合,并在此基础上,提出了对“以问题为导引,基于网络条件下的个别化教学模式”的理论建构和实践模式,并对远程开放教育的教学模式改革进行了探索。
6)individualized learning个别化学习
1.Network-based individualized learning;基于网络的个别化学习研究
2.Modern distant open education is based on learner centered and individualized learning.现代远程开放教育是基于以学习者为中心的开放学习和个别化学习。
3.The paper discusses the development of web-based courses from the perspective of individualized learning.基更教授所说,个别化学习是远程教育的一张王牌。

个别化教学个别化教学individualized instruction  个别化教学(individualized instruetion)基于教学对象的个别差异所倡导的一种教学方式,在现代教育方法上非常受重视。它注重因材施教的原则,重视教育对象的个别能力、兴趣和性向,尤其是他们个别的学习困难。特殊教育对象因都具有某些特殊困难或障碍(学习或生活适应方面),需要特别的辅助,故更需要个别化教学。个别化教学并不等于个别施教,它不一定要个别地进行教学活动。个别化教学大体包含三项内容:(l)学习能力的个别诊断。根据客观测验,个别评估学生的学习能力,并推断其困难所在。(2)教材的个别设计与提供。根据学生的学习能力设计适用的教材。(3)个别的成绩评定。以学生在各种学习领域的进步情形作为成绩考核的根据。 (张宁生撰李幸忠审)