1.Recently, the homicides, especially series of homicide, committed by persons with personality disorders have become the focus of the whole society.导论首先简要论述了本文的写作背景和目的,在综观现有的研究成果和存在的问题后,通过对变态人格和其他变态心理的分析比较,指出对变态人格控制下的杀人行为进行研究的主要原因及其重大意义。

1.Study on homicidal behavior with suicide-with 40 cases.;合并自杀的杀人行为研究(附40例分析)
2.Suicide is the worst form of murder, because it leaves no opportunity for repentance.自杀是最坏的杀人行为,因为它不给人留下悔过的机会。
3.Murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; Murder committed in the heat of rage.由于情人的不忠而导致的谋杀;暴怒驱使的杀人行为
4.But,the euthanasia behavior hasa lot difference to intentionally homicidal behavior,and do not matchintentionally the Tatbestand of the murder charge.但是,安乐死行为与故意杀人行为有重大的区别,并不符合故意杀人罪的构成要件。
5.The Causes and Preventive Measures of Abnormal Homicide变态杀人行为的产生原因及其预防对策
6.Murder is a foul deed.杀人是邪恶的行为。
7.They detest all that shooting and killing.他们痛恨所有杀人的行为。
8.Notifiable offence of trying to murder someone试图谋取杀一人的严重犯罪行为
9.conceal(disclose) sb.'s murder隐瞒(揭发)某人的谋杀行为
10.Cultural Background of the Suicide in Japan;日本人自杀行为背后的文化因素探析
11.The Definition and Reasonable Analysis of the Act of instigating Others to Commit Suicide;教唆他人自杀行为的定性与理性分析
12.Study on homicidal behavior in 116 patients with psychosis;精神病人的凶杀行为研究(附116例分析)
13.On the Ethics in Wars;杀人之中又有礼焉——战争行为的伦理
14.justifiable homicide!(执行死刑或基于自卫等) 可被认为正当的杀人,正当杀人
15.unlawful killingph.1. 【律】行凶杀人
16.Some people think that destroying blastocysts is murder.一些人认为破坏胚泡的行为可以以谋杀论处。
17.the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity.杀害的行为(一个动物或人)目的为了祭祀神仙。
18.Study on Historical and Cultural Factors about the Suicide Action by the Chinese and Japanese People;中国人与日本人自杀行为的历史文化因素研究

The act of killing someone.杀死他人的行为。
1.Research of the influence of the objective factors to women college students′ suicide;客观因素对女大学生自杀行为的影响
2.Suicide methods and reasons vary as the diseases are different.目的了解精神病患者院前自杀行为的特点,提出针对性的预防措施。
3.Japan is country with a high suicide rate.日本人的自杀行为有着独特的历史文化因素:传统价值观对自杀行为的宽容甚至鼓励;史籍与语言——自杀的历史文化载体;日本源远流长的"武士道"精神及切腹的思想;审美意识中的自杀与自古的崇尚和渲染;对自杀的法律评价;集团意识、依赖心理与自杀的"传染性"、集体性;情感模式中的拘谨自制等。
4)Suicidal behavior自杀行为
1.Association of serotonin 2A receptor gene polymorphism with suicidal behavior in inpatients with mental disorder;5-HT_(2A)受体基因T102C多态性与精神病患者自杀行为的相关研究
2.Analysis on the suicidal behaviors and nursing strategies based on six elderly patients in general department;综合科6例老年患者自杀行为分析与对策
3.Correlation of serotonin transporter gene polymorphism with episode,gender,severity and suicidal behavior of depression;5-羟色胺转运体基因多态性和抑郁症的发病、性别、严重程度及自杀行为的相关性
5)suicidal behaviors自杀行为
1.Analysis of suicidal behaviors in patients with mental disorders and homicidal behaviors;具有凶杀行为的精神疾病患者自杀行为研究
6)suicide action自杀行为
1.The research on the suicide attitude and suicide actions of the students in the technical and vocational schools;中专学生的自杀态度与自杀行为的研究

醍醐杀人【醍醐杀人】 (术语)于过去佛所,尝闻大乘实相之教,譬如毒,今值释迦之说醍醐经,其毒即发,断结惑之生,谓之醍醐杀人。如涅槃经中钝根之声闻,开发慧眼,得见佛性是也。法华玄义十曰:“醍醐杀人者,如涅槃经中,钝根声闻,开发慧眼,得见佛性。乃至钝根缘觉菩萨七种方便,皆入究竟涅槃,即其义也。”