1)decisive law of causality因果决定论
1.Decisive Law of Causality and Freedom of Will in Western Psychology;心理学中的因果决定论和自由意志论
2.Statistical Law and Causality, Determinism,Neodeterminism统计规律与因果性、决定论及非决定论──兼与统计因果论者商榷
3.Decoherence,Locality and Causation Without Determinism退相干、定域性与非充分决定论的因果关系
4.Conclusion: Analysis of the factors causing arrhythmia may play decisive roles in curing effect on ventricular arrhythmia.结论:分析心律失常发生原因对治疗效果起决定作用。
5.Causal explanation, the historicist maintains, must also be attempted by social sciences.历史决定论者认为,社会科学也必须进行因果解释。
6.What is the primary determinant of CPR effectieness?评价CPR效果的基本决定因素是什么?
7.Causality of Epidemiology in Causation Presumption论因果关系推定中的疫学因果关系理论
8.inconclusive arguments, discussions, evidence, etc无结果的辩论、 非决定性的讨论、 无效的证据.
9.Nor does genetic determinism undermine responsibility.基因决定论同样也不会削弱责任感。
10.Determinism is the view that every event has a t cause.决定论认为万事皆有原因。
11.That is why we decided to cancel the discussion.那是我们决定取消讨论的原因。
12.The Determinant of Soft Budget Constraint: Theory and Empirical Evidence;软预算约束的决定因素:理论与实证
13.Discussion on Crucial Factors of Successful Start-up about Modernization from Without;论外源型现代化成功启动的决定因素
14.Review on the Williamson s Theory of the Decisive Factors of Transaction Costs;威廉姆森交易成本决定因素理论评析
15.A point, fact, or remark that settles something conclusively; a decisive factor.关键话,定论对彻底解决某事的重点、事实或评论;决定性因素
16.But that only replaces genetic determinism with social determinism, which to my mind is even bleaker.但这只不过是用社会决定论取代了基因决定论,依我之见,社会决定论甚至更悲观。
17.Research on Internet Financial Reporting: Determinants, Economic Consequence, and Regulation;网络财务报告研究:决定因素、经济后果与管制
18.A Literature Review about the Motivations and Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) Based on Theoretical Analysis;动因和决定因素:外商直接投资理论研究评述
causality decision因果决定
1.His theory of value decision and causality decision and the structure of finistic nexus provides a profound and enchanting alone paradigm to close the gulf between ontology and axiology and between being and ought.其价值决定与因果决定、目的性关系的结构理论为弥合本体论与价值论、是与应当之间的鸿沟提供了一条深刻而又独具理论魅力的范式。
3)Gene determinism基因决定论
1.Gene determinism makes us rethink life s value and meaning,the collision between science technology and ethic is inevitable,and how to enhance ethics standardizing effort has become the urgent affair.克隆技术在人本身上的应用将带来一系列法律道德问题 ,基因决定论使我们重新思考人生的价值和意义 ,科技与伦理冲突已不可避免 ,如何强化伦理对科技的规范作用已成为当务之急。
2.Gene determinism and "eugenics" that are based on gene determinism will result in the ethical scourge.个人或家族的基因隐私权是不受他人侵犯的自然权利;基因歧视侵犯了人的基本权利和基本自由,社会应运用立法来防止基因歧视;对基因功能的认识属于科学发现的范畴,不应有基因专利;基因决定论以及在此基础上的"优生学"会导致伦理灾难;对基因技术的运用,伦理学评价应置于优先地位。
4)genic determinism基因决定论
1.The framework of this debate has been the genic determinism and the reductinism up till now.关于选择层次的一个主要问题是:群体选择概念在解释诸如利他行为这类性状的进化中是否必要?目前,这一争论主要是在还原论和基因决定论的框架内进行的。
2.The result of the “human genome project” seems to provide the existed genic determinism theoretical support, but the complexity of human nature and its sociality essence determine the effect of gene in human nature system as well as the integrative means of preventing and curing diseases.人类基因组序列“工作框架图”的绘制似乎给久已存在的基因决定论提供了理论支持 ,但人性的复杂性及其社会性本质决定了基因在人性系统中的作用及防治疾病的综合方法。
5)Internal Causes-determining-view内因决定论
6)causation without determinism非充分决定论的因果关系
1.And under the programme of decoherence,it also analyzes the locality in the classical world and causation without determinism in quantum mechanics.阐释了退相干解释的纲领,并在退相干解释纲领下,分析了经典世界中的定域性和量子力学中的非充分决定论的因果关系。