1.The effects of several kinds of nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizers on soil water-solublesalt, Cu/Pb activity in soil and their phytoavailability of wheat were conducted by potexperiments.采用盆栽试验方法研究了几种氮、磷化肥对土壤水溶性盐基离子、土壤铜铅活性及土壤铜铅植物效应的影响。

1.Advances on the Effect of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils on Plant土壤重金属污染下植物效应研究进展
2.Effect of Organic Acids on Chemical Behavior and Phytoavailability of Added Lead and Cadmium in Soil-plant System;有机酸对土壤—植物系统中外源铅镉的化学行为及植物效应
3.Studies on Allelopathic Effects of Three Submerged Macrophytes on Phytoplankton;三种沉水植物对浮游植物的化感效应研究
4.Phytoremediation of Pollution by Cadmium and Physiological Effects of Cadmium on Plants;植物对Cd污染的修复及Cd对植物生理效应研究
5.Hydrological Effects of Seven Landscape Plants Litter in Guangzhou广州七种园林植物枯落物的水文效应
6.Discussion on Arrangement of Hydrophilic Plants in Urban Landscape Waters with Ecological Benefits生态效应的景观水体中水生植物的配植探讨
7.The Study on Biological Effect and Application of Ion Beam Implantation in Medicinal Plants;离子束注入药用植物生物效应及应用研究
8.Study on Phytoremediation of Cd-Polluted Water and Toxicity;Cd污染水体的植物修复及毒效应研究
9.Toxicological Effects on Four Aquatic Plants by Cd、Cu、Zn;镉、铜、锌对四种水生植物的毒性效应
10.Study on the Law of Plants Absorbing Heavy Metals in the Soil;植物对土壤中重金属的吸收效应研究
11.Applications of Ultrasonic Extraction in Effective Constitution of Plants;超声波在植物有效成分提取中的应用
12.Effect of Plant-power 2003 on Mat Rush;植物动力2003在蔺草上的应用效果
13.Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant intraspecific competitionAM真菌与植物种内竞争的互作效应  
14.Factors Influencing Graft versus Leukemia Effect--Review移植物抗白血病效应的几个影响因素
15.Allelopathy of Twelve Poisonous Plants12种有毒植物的化感效应比较研究
16.Effect of Plant Community on Temperature Lowering and Humidity Increasing in Residential Areas of Shanghai上海居住区植物群落的降温增湿效应
17.Preliminary report on yield-increasing effect of applying SPNE on super-rice特效植物营养素对超级稻增产效应研究初报
18.The Acid Degradation of Plant Cell Coats System and Biological Effects植物细胞包被系统酸性降解及生物学效应

Environmental effects on plant环境植物学效应
3)water and fertilizer effect植物肥水效应
4)plant spectral植物光谱效应
1.The contamination of mine soil and hypers spectral remote sensing monitoring were briefly surveyed,the application of hyper spectral remote sensing on direct identification of spectral characteristics of soil pollutants and plant spectral of soil pollutants were summarized.对矿山土壤污染状况以及高光谱遥感监测进行了概括性描述,总结了高光谱遥感在矿山土壤污染物特征光谱的直接识别和矿山土壤污染物的植物光谱效应方面的研究应用近况,分析了其在矿山污染监测、治理方面的优势,并提出了需要改进的方向。
5)plant-microbial interactions植物-微生物联合效应
1.Despite the presence of vegetation evidently enhanced the remediation of PAHs in soil environment, contributions of abiotic loss, plant accumulation and degradation was much lower than ones of microbial degradation and plant-microbial interactions in the process of phytoremediation.在植物-微生物系统中,微生物降解、植物-微生物联合效应是菲、芘去除的主要途径,但植物-微生物联合效应是混种模式下强化修复PAHs污染的主要原因。
6)graft versus leukemia effect移植物抗白血病效应

植物营养最大效应期植物营养最大效应期maximum efficiency stage of plant nutrition 植物营养最大效应期(maximum effieieneystage of plant nutrition)作物播要养分最多,且施肥能获得最大效应的时期.营养最大效应期往往在生长最旺盛时期,这时作物吸收养分的绝对t和相对t都最多,如能及时满足作物对养分的需要,增产效果非常显著。水稻氮肥的最大效应期在幼称形成期,玉米在抽雄初期,冬小麦在拔节至抽称期,大豆、油菜在开花期,棉花在盛花始铃期.棉花不同时期施用氮肥的试验结果表明,以花期追施氮肥效果最佳(见表)。各种营养元素的最大效应期不完全相同。例如甘,在生长初期氮素营养效果较好,而在块根膨大时,则碑、钾的营养效果较好. 稀花不同时期追施获肥的增产效果┌──────┬────────┬────┐│处理 │籽楠产t │经济产t ││ ├────┬───┤系效 ││ │峪/卜mZ │% │ │├──────┼────┼───┼────┤│苗肥 │2799.75 │134。5│0.306 ││,肥 │2843.25 │136。5│0.277 ││花肥 │2969.25 │142。6│0.329 ││铃肥 │2679.00 │128。6│0.345 ││对照(不追肥)│2082.75 │100。0│0 .392 │└──────┴────┴───┴────┘ 注:引自《中国棉花栽培学》.每公顷均追旅硫按300千克 生产上应掌握不同作物营养最大效应期这一关健时期,结合土壤的供肥能力及其他外界环境条件.进行合理施肥,可获得最高的增产效果和经济效益. (那鹅程)